Hey Everyone,
Thanks to everyone that came out. I was hoping for a bigger turnout but was still pretty happy to see some many enthusiasts that came =). The weather turned out really nice in the afternoon. I hope you guys had fun at the meet, I regret not being able to take as many photos as I wanted but we've already seen some great shots from the other photographers already!
Thanks to our sponsors Openroad Scion, NOS Energy Drink, Blackmarkers, UBC Sport Car Club, Oakley for their giveways and support.
Special thanks to the following:
Revscene, Shoei and Miss Crayon for helping out with djing and food bank collection. We owe a lot to Revscene for helping artofstance grow the way it did over the past year and the Revscene community has been great to support what we do.
The Speed Syndicate, our awesome partners that helped us put on this fun event! They've always been a supporter of artofstance way back when it was just an idea in my head. Looking forward to organizing more car events with you guys in the future.
The Cool Cats: Cho thanks for helping out with the cooking, artofchef! The hot dogs were great and we can't thank you enough!
exhil, kelv, jtanner, kt for helping us out with the parking!
Nintensity for taking my crap design of a poster/flyer for the event and making it the awesome poster that it was!
Aznboi: Thanks to and the gf for helping out with the hot dog sales!
apl motorsports and Bunk Racing, thanks for coming out and representing your crews!
mj_39: thanks for helping us out with Alex with picking up all the stuff for the BBQ, you were a great help!
Jordanlee for helping us with video coverage of the event, we're looking forward to what you come up with!
artofstance featured cars, thanks for letting us photograph your cars for the past year!
and finally my partners in crime, rcubed and mananetwork. We got a great team and we've done so much in the past year, looking forward to more growth with you guys!
We didn't think our little photo car blog would grow so quickly the way it did over the past year and thanks to everyone that supports and continues to supports us! We've got to meet a lot of new friends over the course of doing the site. Also got to photograph awesome cars from the west coast! I think I'm just rambling now and this sounds like an acceptance speech for the Academy Awards. Thanks again!
- Bill
Event: TheSpeedSyndicate Annual BBQ and ArtofStance First Anniversary 2012
Date: June 9th, 2012 (Saturday)
Time: 11am to 2pm
Location: North Lot : Burnaby Riverway Sportsplex : 8607 Nelson Ave
This is an open invitation to car enthusiasts and their friends+family.
A chance to make new friends and check out fellow enthusiast's rides.
Please Continue the Sign up list so we know how many cars to expect.
It has been almost 2 years since our last BBQ, this year we decided to do it with The Art of Stance in celebration of their one year anniversary.
NOS ENERGY DRINK, THE BLACKMARKERS, OAKLEY METROTOWN, OPENROAD SCION and UBC SPORTS CAR CLUB have all agreed to help us out with this event so expect a ton of giveaways and prizes.
If you have any questions regarding the event, post in this thread and I will try my best to answer them.
Also I ask PLEASE DO NOT park in the Gardenworks parking lot. The city of Burnaby made it very clear when i was booking the venue.
Burn outs, excessive revving and general douchery will NOT BE TOLERATED. If You do, you will be publicly humiliated and fed to the trolls.
Q: Why are we charging for food?
1.) At the last BBQ, we found many people came only for the free food, we do not want those people to come again.
2.) You will be given a ticket if you buy a drink or Hot Dog. This enters you into a draw for cool stuff, this will make it worth the money.
3.) The Hot Dogs we buy are expensive. (I'm sure some of you remember from the last BBQ)
Q: Is there enough parking?
A: .....Hopefully......This is the only venue the city of Burnaby approved us for. It should hold up to 100-150 cars..we suggest coming a little early .... There is however, a gravel parking lot right next to ours which should be able to accommodate everyone else.
Q.) Will there be models?
A.) Maybe, if you bring your girlfriend. ( I honestly tried because all you guys bitch and whine about local Car meets being gay but we could not justify the cost)