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09-25-2012, 03:14 AM
#1 | NOOB, Not Quite a Regular!
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| Easy Direct Game Guide: Keep It Stupid Simple
“Dude, I see a girl... now what?!”
People have been asking for openers or opening lines, so I figured I'd throw together a guide on it and improve on it when I have the time.
First of all, I see a lot of people flooding into this site from all the other big schools of PU thought and such, it seems the general consensus around here is focused more towards Natural and/or Direct game. So this guide will be discussing mostly that.
Few quick rules:
1. If a girl is walking by and you make eye contact with her, and you think shes cute, open.
2. If you see a cute girl that you think you would want to talk to, and you start to wonder what shes li.... quit fucking thinking about it, go open her.
3. If you check a girl out, open her.
Pretty stupid simple stuff. So now your wondering what to say. I'll go ahead and put down my two default direct openers I go to pretty much every time. They are honest, and they are direct.
The Bravery Opener:
“Ok, so this is like the BRAVEST thing I've done all day, but I just had to let you know I think you're cute/adorable/(insert direct compliment here).”
The Hulk Smash Opener:
“Ok, so I'm sure you have some giant boyfriend around here that would probably turn green and throw a car at me if he were here, but I figured its totally worth it... I think you're cute (or some other compliment.).”
If your mind completely goes blank and you're awestruck and can only think, “Damn... shes so cute!”
...then there's your opener.
So I opened... now what?
Everyone always wants to know what to say after the opener, so here's a few simple tips that will get you talking.
1. After the direct opener a girl will usually smile or there may be a brief second of silence, this is where you can introduce yourself.
2. If shes with someone, ask how they know each other. You can usually pick up on some detail during their answer and continue the conversation off that.
3. Notice something about her, something she is wearing, etc. Shes wearing it because she likes it, so if you like it to, then you have something in common with her (example: cool bracelet, etc)
4. Tease her about something.
5. If you're really lost, ask a question.
6. Use a qualification statement/qualifier.
If you're really, really lost, push yourself. Do something, ask interview questions. Just hang in there and get some experience. Try to push yourself a little farther than you're comfortable with. Eventually, you will get comfortable because you will develop the attitude of "I've been there before."
The more you go there, the more you've been there. (If that makes any sense at all)
This is just a simple guide on opening directly. The reason my direct openers work so well is because I thought of them and they are congruent with my personality, I listed them as examples, so feel free to make your own and test them, or just say whatever's on your mind. You would be surprised.
Yeah cool, but how do I know if she's diggin' me?
If you search around the community pages, you'll find out about these things called IOI's and there are virtually 100's of them you'll hear about. And if you really focus on every little detail and really start to notice the way shes twirling her hair and how many times she blinks...
… your probably getting blown out because there is much more important shit you can be doing.
So lets keep it stupid simple, especially if your new to this stuff.
Ways to know she's diggin' ya:
1. Her chest/tits are facing you.
2. Shes smiling at you/laughing at your jokes.
3. Shes closing the distance between you/seems ok with you closing the distance.
4. Shes touching you/ok with you touching her.
If shes doing these things (doesn't have to be doing them all at once) and shes still talking to you, then just assume your doing fine and keep talking/progressing. I usually don't analyze stuff until I'm done for the night or at least with the people I'm talking to. Enjoy it while your doing it, over thinking will kick your ass.
So if you read this post and see a girl tomorrow, you have no excuse not to approach.
(And any further questions are welcome, will make additions as requested)
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Note: IF your prone to overthinking stuff and your still working on opening, then go do that first before you start asking a whole lot of questions, just have fun, dammit!
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Additions and Troubleshooting: Per Request
Amendment 1: "Oh Hell, everyones looking at me!"
Well... no, no they're probably not. At leat not at first, and most people are to concerned with their own life to really bother with what you are doing... unless your dressed really ridiculous or you're being very loud (and if you are... I mean c'mon, you're asking for it). I can remember before I started this stuff and I saw a guy approach a girl, and I can remember thinking, even if he blew it out, "Damn, that dudes got balls." Basically stated, you doing things that people only dream about doing (even simple things like approaching hotties) will earn the respect of strangers, win, lose, or draw.
But if you score a number, or even just a decent conversation, most people will look at you like a god. Once again, because you have the balls of a snowman (3 deep and ICE COLD).
Amendment 2: "Dude, what the hell is a qualification statement?"
Its a very cool thing, my friends. Qualification is when you use a statement (or a question) that gets someone to "prove" their self to you. Most qualifiers statement has a pre-set frame that your hinting towards, or action/quality, that she has not demonstrated yet (and you want her to). So keeping it simple, its one of the many ways people can start to earn their way into your life. People love to feel like they've earned something. A lot of these will pop up in the context of the conversation.
Couple Examples:
"I LOVE dogs... are you a dog person?" (statement shows that YOU like dogs, and she now knows that she would be looked upon a little better if she likes them too.)
Say your having a conversation about something you like, but before you tell a cool story (bro), you ask, "Wait, are you an open minded person?" If she wants to hear what you have to say, then she will say "Yes, TOTALLY!" or something like that.
Then there is the good old, "Your REALLY cute, but lots of girls are cute. Tell me something awesome about you." Pretty much directly gets her to qualify herself, and she'll start naming off things that she likes about herself in an effort to meet your approval. Don't forget to compliment her when she complies.
Like said below, if shes still talking to you and showing one (or more) of the four indicators of interest (or IOI's) I mentioned, then assume your doing fine.
credits to Luchador
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09-25-2012, 07:01 AM
#2 | Where's my RS Christmas Lobster?!
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I will admit I did not read the entire post 'yet' because I'm in a rush and reading off a dinky smartphone. That said, one thing I noticed is your guide has a lot of compliments. I don't like complimenting chicks, if I'm walking up to her to spark a conversation. She's already or should know she's attractive, unless your genuinely asking for directions or the nearest Starbucks as an example. If I take her out to dinner well... it's quite blunt that I'm interested in you.
A simple hello can open many opportunities, followed by an open ended question. Closing with what's your number, you(being the men should always leave first ie: hanging up phone or ending conversation and not waiting for her to do so) It's also all about natural improvising not follow this line if yes proceed to step 2, if no repeat step 4 and continue on.
Like your brave opener line, beautiful/gorgeous chicks hear that by 10 guys everyday. You don't wanna be one of the 10, she's so beautiful hell every guy is probably imitated. Ask her something that you may find interesting, and no not how deep her throat is. Posted via RS Mobile |
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09-25-2012, 10:26 AM
#3 | OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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The PUA community has tried to turn an art into a science. Talking to women isn't a science because we are human and each of us is unique and finds different things attractive.
With that said, I'm more of the philosophy that a guy should do things which get him noticed. That means appearing comfortable in his own skin and carrying himself in a manner that speaks to his age, his life experiences, and where he ultimately is in the grand scheme of things. Posted via RS Mobile |
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09-25-2012, 11:21 PM
#4 | NOOB, Not Quite a Regular!
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v.Rossi: obviously say different things when with a 10 ;p
Tapioca: I think its more psychology
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09-26-2012, 12:55 AM
#5 | Banned By Establishment
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how did i do OP? |
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09-27-2012, 12:35 AM
#6 | NOOB, Not Quite a Regular!
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ToddPacker: LOOL. Couldnt have done it better myself! Was this a random you met? |
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09-27-2012, 03:06 AM
#7 | I *heart* very Muchie
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ya do not be foolish and belive it was him, probably some white red neck from bodybuilding misc section doing stupid stuff asking the fattest chicks out with lame jokes
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09-27-2012, 09:51 AM
#8 | I keep RS good
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are you trying to pick up girls or women?
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09-29-2012, 07:03 PM
#9 | NOOB, Not Quite a Regular!
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^ keep in mind both have a heartbeat and a ...
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10-10-2012, 02:03 PM
#10 | Glorious Gaming PC Master Race
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you realize there's an app for making fake iPhone conversations.....
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10-10-2012, 09:04 PM
#11 | Banned By Establishment
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Wow. Keep it simple huh?
Have you ever thought of saying, "hi"?
I will be honest, the only success at a pick-up line I had was for other people was using cheezy ones from tv, like, "how you doin" or "haaaaave you met my friend" because people get what you are doing, its funny in an ironic way and breaks ice.
Most of the OP's post is kind of hooey.
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10-11-2012, 06:43 PM
#12 | Hypa owned my ass at least once
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^ I know eh. When you're over-thinking it whether you realize it or not, you know you're still a newb.
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10-17-2012, 03:54 PM
#13 | Need my Daily Fix of RS
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i used the bravery opener and it actually worked LOL. not gonna lie, its scary as fuck at first but then you just gotta man up and say it. its just a compliment... and bitches love compliments.
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10-18-2012, 02:37 PM
#14 | Rider
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A simple "hello" will open better than any cheesy pick up line.
I've talked to girls between ages of 22-28 everywhere... coffee shop, Chapters, at the mall, parking lot, and Superstore. I only approach if 1) they look over, make eye contact or smile and 2) I find them attractive. Depending on where you are, I'll say something along the lines "Hi, Looking for something? You can never find a damn thing around here" or "Have you tried the lattes here?". Girls are more likely to respond to openers like that rather than "Hi, I find you attractive, what's your number?" This makes you come off as a creeper. Once you get pass the opener and start talking, just go with the flow.
I admit, most of the girls I approach turn out to be crazies, needy or just not that interesting. But hey, in the end you made a new friend. You never know the outcome if you don't take a chance. So grow a pair and say "Hi".
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10-18-2012, 06:23 PM
#15 | OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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| Quote:
Originally Posted by dink A simple "hello" will open better than any cheesy pick up line.
I've talked to girls between ages of 22-28 everywhere... coffee shop, Chapters, at the mall, parking lot, and Superstore. I only approach if 1) they look over, make eye contact or smile and 2) I find them attractive. Depending on where you are, I'll say something along the lines "Hi, Looking for something? You can never find a damn thing around here" or "Have you tried the lattes here?". Girls are more likely to respond to openers like that rather than "Hi, I find you attractive, what's your number?" This makes you come off as a creeper. Once you get pass the opener and start talking, just go with the flow.
I admit, most of the girls I approach turn out to be crazies, needy or just not that interesting. But hey, in the end you made a new friend. You never know the outcome if you don't take a chance. So grow a pair and say "Hi". | Probably the best advice in the thread. Even in icy-cold Vancouver, most women will at least say something when you break the ice by saying, "Hi," or "Hello." Or,
Eye contact and a smile are half of the battle. If you leave your house with a friendly disposition, many women will pick up on this.
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