It's that time of year again
As usual, putting together a premeet for those in the White Rock/South Surrey area, or anyone else who would like to join us for early morning coffee, followed by a cruise towards Adesa via Highway 99 of course including tunnel blast goodness

gotta enjoy the tunnel while we can before it's torn down, one less tunnel for tunnel blasts
Meet at 8:00AM, roll-out at 8:30AM sharp Walmart Surrey South Supercentre
2355 160 St.
Surrey, BC
V3Z 9N6
We will meet in the covered parkade below the Walmart. The entrance to the parkade is on the south side (rear) of the Walmart. Most of the time the parking lot is empty as it is quite a big lot that rarely gets filled, especially earlier in the morning on weekends.
Due to limited parking spaces at the meet location, please try and arrive to the premeets in a timely manner in order for us to arrive early to guarantee everyone has a spot at the meet.
Everyone is welcome to join our premeet/cruise, but please note:
MEETS *If anyone attending the premeet or joining our cruise to Adesa is caught performing any acts of stupidity such as doing burnouts, unnecessarily squealing tires or revving their engines, or driving in an otherwise dangerous manner putting other motorists on the road at risk which includes excessively speeding and weaving in and out of traffic, you will not only be publicly shamed, I will personally report you to the police. PLEASE BE MATURE!*
• Please park your vehicle in a manner that is considerate to others.
• When meeting outside of your vehicles, try not to stand in the way of other traffic.
• Pick up after yourself and don’t leave a mess.
• If you do not wish to have your photo taken by other members and possibly having these photos posted on the net, please park away from the group.
• When traveling in large convoys, you are responsible for the person behind you. If others behind you become separated at a stop light, please make an effort to pull over in a safe place to wait for the convoy to catch up. Please do not disrupt traffic by stopping in a traffic lane.
Obviously we do not encourage any sort of street racing or otherwise dangerous behaviour, but anyone who chooses to participate in this premeet is responsible for their own actions.
Please PM me if anyone has any addt'l questions.
1. Akinari