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girlcrazy_420 04-05-2007 10:23 AM

Lost my fucking tax returns... fuck its gonna be time consuming getting new ones

fourtirefire 04-07-2007 01:36 AM

swollen members was awesome tonight!

too bad they had such a crappy opening band though...

CivicSiR84 04-07-2007 07:12 PM


Originally posted by DA_TEG
dont you EVER say that again. you take that back right now you son of a bitch
Beer does suck... I prefer smirnoff or Okanogan ice wine!!!!!

bluebomber85 04-07-2007 08:18 PM


Originally posted by CivicSiR84
Beer does suck... I prefer smirnoff or Okanogan ice wine!!!!!
way to quote a post on the first page of a multi-year old thread, noob.

CivicSiR84 04-08-2007 08:26 AM


Originally posted by bluebomber85
way to quote a post on the first page of a multi-year old thread, noob.

Hahaha... my bad.... didn't see the other pages...

ColinK 04-08-2007 10:50 AM

bought a new computer the other day. It's a dual 4600+, and that's not even super good, that's just decent for computers nowadays....unreal!

jeffh 04-08-2007 11:49 AM

^ i know, i considered buying a new one, but all the numbers are so high i dont even know whats "good" anymore so ill stick with my 40 gig 600mhz 128 ram computer

foxy_DA9 04-08-2007 04:13 PM


Originally posted by jeffh
^ i know, i considered buying a new one, but all the numbers are so high i dont even know whats "good" anymore so ill stick with my 40 gig 600mhz 128 ram computer
Jeff, you should buy my computer! its pretty good compared to yours, fairly new still as well! :D

Danch 04-08-2007 05:24 PM

I gotta stop going out to the bar. Too much fun but too much $$$. I've spent over 300 dollars in the last 20's been worth it but...ouch.

/vent moment.

zumvette 04-08-2007 06:11 PM


Originally posted by Danch
I gotta stop going out to the bar. Too much fun but too much $$$. I've spent over 300 dollars in the last 20's been worth it but...ouch.

/vent moment.

is that lots??

ColinK 04-08-2007 07:06 PM


Originally posted by Danch
I gotta stop going out to the bar. Too much fun but too much $$$. I've spent over 300 dollars in the last 20's been worth it but...ouch.

/vent moment.

oh I know! It adds up like crazy. I'll easily spend that after going out 5 or 6 times. Go for appies, a few beers, cover, more drinks and were already at $40 or $50!

Lindz_Si 04-08-2007 07:51 PM


Originally posted by ckrieg
oh I know! It adds up like crazy. I'll easily spend that after going out 5 or 6 times. Go for appies, a few beers, cover, more drinks and were already at $40 or $50!

maybe for a cheapie who doesnt buy girls drinks colin krieg ;) Just kdding youve bought me my share.. but most ppl i know spend like 150-200 on a regular bar night

bmxkelowna 04-08-2007 07:54 PM

not drinking ftw!

zumvette 04-08-2007 08:02 PM


Originally posted by Lindz_Si
maybe for a cheapie who doesnt buy girls drinks colin krieg ;) Just kdding youve bought me my share.. but most ppl i know spend like 150-200 on a regular bar night
if i get drunk that is an avg nite for me. if i get wasted then it is double that.

Danch 04-08-2007 08:34 PM


Originally posted by zumvette
is that lots??
For me it is. I have a decent tolerance, but I don't try to push my threshold at all when I go drinking anymore. Keep in mind, I'm not a oil industry worker, so 100-200 dollar bar days is a big thing. Seems every rig guy claims huge 500-700 dollar bar nights. Maybe the bars charge more up there?

This is also keeping in mind I run into far too many people I know in this town at the local bars nowadays. Way too many considering (as corny as this sounds) I have 3 friends. Last night I went out I spotted:: dave steve heidi melissa brian mark autumn shawna anik leanna dave trina. That's 12 people that, although I don't consider 'friends' I would consider drinking buddies or grad memories or work buddies that I run into. I usually will share a drink or buy a friend a drink if they look to not be having a good time. Adds up quick.


oh I know! It adds up like crazy. I'll easily spend that after going out 5 or 6 times. Go for appies, a few beers, cover, more drinks and were already at $40 or $50!

fourtirefire 04-08-2007 09:26 PM

bars get expensive very fast.

I had a 30 day period two months ago where i spent $750

try to stay away unless it's a special occasion nowadays.

racer__X__33 04-08-2007 09:48 PM


Originally posted by bmxkelowna
not drinking ftw!
props for you sir...the broads u pick up at the bar prolly arent even woth the $10 drink half the time :rolleyes:

jeffh 04-08-2007 10:01 PM

i hate the idea that girls should just get drinks bought for them. so i just plain and simple dont do it, if the girl doesnt like it im better off anyway

maybe thats why im single ?

zumvette 04-08-2007 10:10 PM


Originally posted by Danch
Seems every rig guy claims huge 500-700 dollar bar nights. Maybe the bars charge more up there?

wow, i have never spent 700 in one night. i have spent 450 in a night but it was someones bday. the bars up here are the same price but everyone drinks lots, so when someone buys a round it is usually a couple doubles or trips. i have had nights where i was buying for the table, that gets expensive. like $90 rounds. had many nights at the 300 range but it usually involved no planning(predrink) and at the rippers. but i am usually the DD(designated drunk) lol.

down_hill_dog 04-09-2007 07:43 AM


Originally posted by jeffh

maybe thats why im single ?

it's thes ones at the bar that are'nt worth your time anyways, sp why would you buy them a drink? I'd have more fun driving down the highway and throwing money out the window.

Lindz_Si 04-09-2007 01:20 PM


Originally posted by down_hill_dog
it's thes ones at the bar that are'nt worth your time anyways, sp why would you buy them a drink? I'd have more fun driving down the highway and throwing money out the window.
most ppl at the bar are just normal ppl except for the handful of em who are the typical kelowna bar sluts; and they're pretty easy to pick out (they're the ones wearing lingerie on the normal nights and thongs with nothig else at pimps and hoes).. If you like to go out and dance and not just chill at ppls house then thats really the only place to do it except for the occasional rave...Just cause a girl likes to go out and dance with her friends that doesn't mean she is a worthless bar slut.

Buying drinks is not a waste of money if you know the chick or yoiu have been talking to her for more than 5 minutes... there is nothing more attractive than a guy who is a gentleman; and more than likely it would be worth your 5 bucks.

racer__X__33 04-09-2007 01:56 PM


Originally posted by Lindz_Si
most ppl at the bar are just normal ppl except for the handful of em who are the typical kelowna bar sluts; and they're pretty easy to pick out (they're the ones wearing lingerie on the normal nights and thongs with nothig else at pimps and hoes).. If you like to go out and dance and not just chill at ppls house then thats really the only place to do it except for the occasional rave...Just cause a girl likes to go out and dance with her friends that doesn't mean she is a worthless bar slut.

Buying drinks is not a waste of money if you know the chick or yoiu have been talking to her for more than 5 minutes... there is nothing more attractive than a guy who is a gentleman; and more than likely it would be worth your 5 bucks.

how often does something that starts with 2 drunk people actually work? haha :S either way...i dont see how not buying some random drinks is bad...if you have to impress them by buying em shit...its useless...

talking, gwetting a number, going for drinks on a separate occasion...i can see that being worth the time...i know girls who like to milk drinks outta guys, get their drink, then they go hit on some other dude just for another drink..theyre not are just kinda dumb if anything has boobs it seems

ColinK 04-09-2007 02:31 PM


Originally posted by racer__X__33
...i know girls who like to milk drinks outta guys, get their drink, then they go hit on some other dude just for another drink..theyre not are just kinda dumb if anything has boobs it seems
I know TONS of girls like these, and lindz yea, if you talk to a girl for 5 minutes and then buy her a drink it's all good. Most people START a conversation with, can I buy you a drink, cuz it's easy and they usually say yes, cuz it's a free drink.

RRxtar 04-09-2007 04:39 PM

ive done pretty good for myself not buying random sluts drinks.

however, ive ive been hanging out with a broad for some period of time, and i need a drink myself, i have no problem buying her a drink. however, if the drink she orders costs $14, she can go fuck herself.

not every girl at the bar is a barslut either. infact, most of them arent. most people who goto the bar, are people who like to socialize with their friends with some drinks in a public place and perhaps dance. not everyone likes to sit at home on a saturday night.

as for expenses, i cant remember the last time i spent over $200 at the bar. hell, an expensive night of appies, drinks, and the bar rarely costs $100. just cuz you're going out doesnt mean you have to blow money.

jeffh 04-09-2007 04:56 PM


Originally posted by Lindz_Si

there is nothing more attractive than a guy who is a gentleman; and more than likely it would be worth your 5 bucks.

my point is, why do you have to buy shit to be gentleman? what happened to opening the door, pulling the chair out and jsut being a stand-up kinda guy?

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