Job Posting Guidelines version 1.0
If you hear of a job posting, please do post them... But please keep these guidelines in mind! Title must include "[wanted] occupation". For example, [wanted] busboy. This will take into affect on March 01, 2008. You MUST POST:
- Location
- Position(s) available
- Who we should address our cover letters to
- Type of store
- Type of hours expected
- Starting pay (if allowed to post) (note that this only applies to those who currently work in a store and know that the store is hiring)
If you see a "Now hiring!" sign in the mall, go ahead and post it, but you must post the location where you saw the sign.
Quem deus vult perdere dementat prius.
Last edited by sputskee; 02-22-2008 at 10:59 AM.