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12-31-2019, 01:01 AM
#10076 | in the butt
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| spool lol, all stocks are gambling...............
here in australia they actually label stocks as gambling, no surprize
stocks sold as follows, all purchased and solds were done without investment group/person, direct through the bank online
purchased/sold$/stock/hold time
42$/4.6$ NYSE:CYH 5years
5.4$/11.2$ NAS:SVRA 2
.04/.10 TSE:COP 5
.4/.07 CNSX:AGN 2.5
.12/1.13 CVE:N 2.5
.42/3.8 NYSE:ACB 3.5
4.5/4.7 NYSE:APHA 3
BTHCF>trasfered to NAC .3/.24 3years
40/15 NYSE:UA 3.5
total -20%, il let you do the guessing how much i had lost / gained in each one
dumping my money into more housing, higher return, lower risk
__________________ Quote:
Originally Posted by Mr.Money i hate people who sound like they smoke meth then pretend like they matter.
Originally Posted by ilovebacon
Does anyone have a pair of 25 pounds one-inch hole for sale at a reasonable price?
Originally Posted by BIC_BAWS
pretty clean looking car tho... Kinda gay | |
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12-31-2019, 05:57 AM
#10077 | Old School RS
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Originally Posted by donk. spool lol, all stocks are gambling...............
here in australia they actually label stocks as gambling, no surprize | With respect, investing in stocks are not gambling and the more that we can build financial literacy in laypeople, the better off society will be.
A stock's price tomorrow, a month later, and a year later are all unknowns - no argument there. Just because there is uncertainty though doesn't make it a gamble.
The same is absolutely true for a house - there is absolutely no guarantee whether the value will go up, down, or stay the same tomorrow.
The important thing is for all people to realize that just as houses aren't the same (a luxury house in a premium neighborhood that is valued based on redevelopment is a far riskier return profile than a relatively basic commodity house in a working class neighborhood), the same is true for stocks and that means that people can be thoughtful about choosing lower volatility or defensive securities. The biggest difference between investing and gambling is simple:
1) if you gamble long enough, statistically you will lose your money because each game is designed to favour the casino in the long run. Doesn't mean you can't get lucky, but if you play it out long enough, the odds always end up at going to nothing.
2) if you invest long enough, statistically you will make money because the market in general moves upward over time (as it has to because of inflation and GDP growth). Doesn't mean your shares can't go bankrupt, but if you play it out long enough, the odds end up at a diversified portfolio of shares going up.
__________________ I'm old now - boring street cars and sweet race cars. |
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12-31-2019, 12:47 PM
#10078 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Place your money in a Canadian telco or bank, I promise you within a 5-10 year span you'll likely have more money in your pockets than you started with.
They won't double/triple your money within a trading day. They're not sexy or interesting to talk about in parties. But they're low risk money printers that will continue for decades to come unless something drastically changes.
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01-02-2020, 02:34 PM
#10079 | I keep RS good
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trading stocks is easy.
you look for something that is has been going up for a while, and still is going up, and you buy it, and every time it makes a new high, you just buy more.
you never hold forever. you sell it when the stock turns around.
all the marijuana stock holders that are still holding are retarded. they dont know how to trade/invest. you never bag hold shit.
when things go up you BUY MORE, at a worse price. the worse price is an indication that you're right.
its never too high to buy, and its never too low to sell.
stop trying to pick bottoms and tops.
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01-02-2020, 02:42 PM
#10080 | I keep RS good
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(dont be afraid of foreign stocks, pay the conversion fee, its worth it)
buy things that are going UP. dont look for fucking deals or things that are going down for "cheaper" prices. this aint a shopping spree at the bay.
im looking mostly at daily charts, but some of those listed above im looking at weekly and monthly as well.
IB allows fractional trading now, so even if you cant afford those 2000 dollar stocks, you can trade fractions of the stock and still gain the profits.
dont have a shopping mall mentality, do the reverse. stop buying things that are going down, stop looking for deals, stop averaging down.
buy things that are going UP, look for expensive shit thats become even more expensive, average UP. and sell that shit when it turns around. dont fall in love with your position.
and the most importantly, when there's nothing to trade, DONT TRADE. sitting on your money aint losing money, its saving money.
time aint money (unless youre playing options) lol.
time is time
money is money.
sitting on the sidelines for weeks or months is not bad thing, better than losing a cent!
Last edited by Ulic Qel-Droma; 01-02-2020 at 02:49 PM.
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01-02-2020, 02:43 PM
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My typical Long hit a low the week of Christmas, i loaded up, expecting to sell in a couple months at double. Already up about 15%.
I have been playing this trend on this particular stock for a couple years now, does not disappoint.
__________________ Quote: [03-07, 03:26] Yodamaster - The feeling when you quickly insert without hitting the sides | |
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01-02-2020, 02:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Ulic Qel-Droma
all the marijuana stock holders that are still holding are retarded. they dont know how to trade/invest. you never bag hold shit.
| A lot of people believed that after legalization, the prices would skyrocket and was holding for that, now a lot of the stocks are worth shit. The real movement was pre legalizations. People who were smart enough made bank on all the shift and news coming out daily.
MJ stock is done now.
Stock trading is easy if you're good at reading trends, and are not greedy. Know your number and go in and out at your predefined numbers.
Also investing in companies that pay dividends are great, eventually the dividends will pay for the stocks themselves then you will be in the money again.
__________________ Quote: [03-07, 03:26] Yodamaster - The feeling when you quickly insert without hitting the sides | |
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01-02-2020, 07:11 PM
#10083 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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I'm one of those retards that held the MJ. Down like $15,000, good thing that's all I dumped in. Learned the hard way, never invest into something you don't know. Should have just put all into the tech stocks which are doing well =/
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01-02-2020, 07:56 PM
#10084 | OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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Tech stocks were whack the last 3 years. If I selected all the SaaS I use at work. They are all almost 100%+ gains over the last 3 years.
2022 Velo N
2005 S2000
2007 CSX Type-S [Sold]
2002 RSX-S [T-Boned] |
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01-02-2020, 09:10 PM
#10085 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Originally Posted by Ulic Qel-Droma
stop trying to pick bottoms and tops. | Quote for truth...
The best one can do is relative to what the market condition and fundamentals tell you.
Right now... fundamentals are fucked...
We have all countries doing QE like Oprah... TONS and TONS of hot money with nowhere to go. Real estate used to be one, but the problem with it is that the price can only go up to the point where people can AFFORD to pay. With major markets all at or near its peak, there's nowhere for the money to go except the stock market.
I think until major economies (EU/US/China) start cutting their QE, we still have a long way to go until the stock bubble bursts.
Disclosure, I'm long the following, so take my comments with whatever salt/precaution necessary:
Nothing for now
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01-03-2020, 11:32 AM
#10086 | I keep RS good
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Yeh AMD is another one I forgot to add.
Trade the trend fools!
Stop trying to ice skate up hill lol
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01-08-2020, 11:25 AM
#10087 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Too late to the TSLA party?
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01-08-2020, 12:17 PM
#10088 | I STILL don't get it
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I just transfer some money into NASDAQ index if I want sexy tech stuff. I too dumb dumb to pick.
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01-08-2020, 12:18 PM
#10089 | I have named my kids VIC and VLS
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Originally Posted by nabs A lot of people believed that after legalization, the prices would skyrocket and was holding for that, now a lot of the stocks are worth shit. The real movement was pre legalizations. People who were smart enough made bank on all the shift and news coming out daily.
MJ stock is done now.
Stock trading is easy if you're good at reading trends, and are not greedy. Know your number and go in and out at your predefined numbers.
Also investing in companies that pay dividends are great, eventually the dividends will pay for the stocks themselves then you will be in the money again. | I’m an amateur investor at best but I had a plan for MJ stock and it was pretty much what you layed out but it killed lol
Bought Canopy at 8, waited for legalization, sold at 65
Dank memes cant melt steel beams
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01-10-2020, 09:27 PM
#10090 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Originally Posted by BlackV62K2 Too late to the TSLA party? | I'm long in TSLA, so, I might be biased AF.
But I do believe that the worst is behind TSLA.
They have a great line-up. With Semi, Cybertruck, Model Y and Roaster coming, really what TSLA is constrained is only by its cell production capabilities (among many partners)
A few often used points by shorts, and my refutal:
1. US rebate reached the end, demand will fell off the cliff.
Tesla now works on a global scale. Sure US is/was its largest market, its decline due to the rebate ($1800 between 2019 and 2020) will be offset by increase in other markets.
2. Tesla is deep in debt and needs to raise more money.
It's a company in the middle of an explosive expansion growth. That needs money. Nevertheless, they have 0 issue raising money. I'd rather them to be borrowing 100B in order to become a trillion company rather than a billion dollar company who has problem even raising a few hundred millions. And when as long as their growth can sustain those debt, it only means that the company will value that much more once it reaches the other end.
3. All other car manufacturers are coming out with EVs, Tesla can't compete!
It took Porsche a few billion dollars and years in development, it still couldn't quite match the Model S that came out 7yrs ago. Tesla advantage in the EV field is tremendous. They pretty much own the largest battery cell production (Giga factory with Panasonic) that itself build more cells than no.2 and 3 combined. Tesla also has the best EV motors on the market. They reach further while being the fastest. Their software is also the absolute most advanced in industry, bar none; EV or not.
Last, but not least, why am I so confident that Tesla will remain a leader in the EV field? Because its vision is totally different than the ICE manufacturers. They see EV as a niche. So when they bring something on the market, all they see is Tesla. They all want to one-up Tesla somehow. I have no doubt... they will succeed in a certain extent. Tesla, OTOH, has its eyes on the ENTIRE TRANSPORTATION INDUSTRY. Their mission statement is to accelerate the WORLD to move to sustainable energy. When the competition only see Tesla as a car manufacturer, and its current volume as a guidance... that's going to ALWAYS make them to think niche rather taking the necessary steps for the bigger picture.
Look at the Porsche Taycan as an example. It barely beat the CURRENT Model S in certain metrics (while being crushed in others). What did Tesla do? Well, they sent a functional prototype to Nürburgring and beat Porsche's time by 20SECONDS. And this is coming Summer 2020. How long will it take Porsche to develop the next gen Taycan to beat that?! And by the time they come up with something better, Tesla is at a whole other place already.
So many arguments of "Tesla-killer" is based on the assumption that once a competitor finally beats Tesla at something, Tesla would simply stay in that place while the competitor will just keep on beating. I'm like...  This is Elon Musk's company... a guy whose other achievement includes sending a few rockets up to the orbits AND land them back vertically. One might like him or not, but betting against a guy this smart has more risk than I'm willing to tolerate as I don't think I'm remotely as smart.
All this brings to finally answer your question...  , I think the current Tesla valuation, after shooting up over 100% within a few months might be a bit much, depending how you look at it. One end is that even we invest in future values, this has gone too fast, and too far and all the speculation might require some time for the company to actually catch up to the valuation. Alternatively, you can see it as Tesla simply recovering from where it was a year ago and all that drop down to 180-ish was unfounded. Regardless which side you take, if you are investing in the longer terms, like 3-5years, I can totally see Tesla become a much larger company with its market cap several fold vs. its current.
Disclosure: Again, I'm long TSLA, I'm purely discussing my reasoning. Take your own risks.
Nothing for now
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01-13-2020, 08:34 AM
#10091 | I *heart* very Muchie
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Learning to trade options atm, any tips and which broker is the cheapest / best for trading options?
Edit: anyone here just work with mostly options in general?
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Hey guys,
Can someone tell good or unusual dating spots? Or what was your the most unusual date? THanks for sharing!
| Quote:
Originally Posted by Mr.HappySilp my bedroom =D | Quote:
Originally Posted by dhillon09 that's a great secret date spot,
i bet no girl in vancouver has seen it. | |
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01-13-2020, 09:47 AM
#10092 | OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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2022 Velo N
2005 S2000
2007 CSX Type-S [Sold]
2002 RSX-S [T-Boned] |
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01-13-2020, 10:17 AM
#10093 | I *heart* very Muchie
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Originally Posted by Gerbs | Yup, follow that and it's a funny sub Reddit lol.
Too bad we can't use Robinhood, newb friendly and clean interface
__________________ Quote:
Hey guys,
Can someone tell good or unusual dating spots? Or what was your the most unusual date? THanks for sharing!
| Quote:
Originally Posted by Mr.HappySilp my bedroom =D | Quote:
Originally Posted by dhillon09 that's a great secret date spot,
i bet no girl in vancouver has seen it. | |
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01-13-2020, 12:22 PM
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check out the app StockTwits... there is some credible information on there but you have to weed through the pushers etc. It will at least help you identify the stocks that are trending for the day.
__________________ Quote: [03-07, 03:26] Yodamaster - The feeling when you quickly insert without hitting the sides | |
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01-13-2020, 09:21 PM
#10095 | I keep RS good
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Originally Posted by Verdasco Learning to trade options atm, any tips and which broker is the cheapest / best for trading options?
Edit: anyone here just work with mostly options in general? | interactive brokers is the best.
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01-14-2020, 08:48 AM
#10096 | I *heart* very Muchie
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Cool cool  thx
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Hey guys,
Can someone tell good or unusual dating spots? Or what was your the most unusual date? THanks for sharing!
| Quote:
Originally Posted by Mr.HappySilp my bedroom =D | Quote:
Originally Posted by dhillon09 that's a great secret date spot,
i bet no girl in vancouver has seen it. | |
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01-15-2020, 08:33 AM
#10097 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Looks like it's going to be a good day for the markets ... US signs first phase of US-China trade deal.
... but Meng Wangzou is still under house arrest. US threatens China with possible sanctions on their human rights over HK. House is moving impeachment to Senate.
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01-15-2020, 10:30 AM
#10098 | Need my Daily Fix of RS
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SDC is a freight train lately.
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01-17-2020, 07:18 AM
#10099 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Will Bombardier rebound? Good time to buy? Damn ... how could they be that bad!
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01-17-2020, 07:41 PM
#10100 | I keep RS good
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Originally Posted by whitev70r Will Bombardier rebound? Good time to buy? Damn ... how could they be that bad! | stop trying to pick bottoms and get deals.
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