Health & Wellness Resource Forum Rules: Updated April 2009
Rules & Guidelines for Health & Wellness Forum are as follows:
We just wanted to point out that there are no doctors here. There are no nurses here. All the advice you're getting is secondhand. Even we're not 100% sure if my research is correct, however, we do have access to medical professionals in certain. So just please remember, as members, you have a responsibility to your own health by checking with your own doctor, and also to take all the advice you get here, with a grain of salt.
Having said that, we're asking members here to NOT SCARE PEOPLE with stories of death and cancer. Though it may be your experience, you can use that experience to help others through those painful times, but please please PLEASE do not scare other members with the diagnosis.
This forum is for SERIOUS and MATURE discussions only. If you feel the need to postwhore or troll by recommending something incredibly inane and stupid, you WILL get a minimum of 12 points. We don't care if this is your first offense.
Please refrain from posting immature and off topic posts that don't directly answer the original poster's question - specifically in sexual health related threads.
Points will be rewarded accordingly for those who choose to disregard this simple and unfortunately necessary warning.
Let's keep this forum a classy, tasteful place to obtain information and ask questions.
Thank you,
VLS Health & Fitness Moderators Updated: April 16th 2009
Quem deus vult perdere dementat prius.
Last edited by Girl; 11-29-2010 at 02:08 PM.