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the_rickster 04-21-2007 09:26 AM

post pics and scores.

and a pic of the (endorsed) score card ;)

Hondaracer 04-22-2007 09:49 PM

i have a video i will upload to youtube tommarow

i ended up shooting a 102 :S :S which was pretty bad, but i lost like 10 balls off drives because i was gettin em sooo fuckin high they were plugging pretty often, even though the course wasnt that wet, so that was no good lol

the best of us 3 shot a 92

all together though an awsome day, was great weather and we all had a great time

the_rickster 04-23-2007 11:25 AM

bought the sweeeeeeet ogio atlas golf bag today.


now all i need is some new sticks to fill it with! ;)

bkw 04-23-2007 04:10 PM

its ok man depending on what course a 102 at northview is a solid 92 anywhere else. I remember playing w/ some friends at the ridge i think it was (the one they used to play the tour event at) and it was super ass hard. im starting lessons there at northview this week, im pretty stoked about it but i would like to go play there more often but i live pretty fraserview.


Originally posted by Hondaracer
i have a video i will upload to youtube tommarow

i ended up shooting a 102 :S :S which was pretty bad, but i lost like 10 balls off drives because i was gettin em sooo fuckin high they were plugging pretty often, even though the course wasnt that wet, so that was no good lol

the best of us 3 shot a 92

all together though an awsome day, was great weather and we all had a great time

the_rickster 04-27-2007 06:15 PM

since we're on the subject of bad drives... check out this fool:

bossxx 04-27-2007 06:22 PM

Yeah I picked my new Nike golf bag the other day. I love it!!

I was thinking about ordering heads, shafts and grips seperately..

What do you guys think? I was pricing out some pieces and you can save a lot of money if you're looking for a new set.

Hondaracer 04-28-2007 12:38 PM


Originally posted by redliine
Yeah I picked my new Nike golf bag the other day. I love it!!

I was thinking about ordering heads, shafts and grips seperately..

What do you guys think? I was pricing out some pieces and you can save a lot of money if you're looking for a new set.

with what brand? or are u going a custom set?

bossxx 04-29-2007 12:17 AM

Iron Heads: Taylor Made R7
Shafts: True Temper
Grips: Golf Pride

Hondaracer 04-29-2007 12:20 PM

nice choices!

where can u build a custom setup like that? u going through somone?

bossxx 04-30-2007 03:31 PM

Man I was just looking on eBay lol

I will show you the links for the R7's.. they are only like $250 $300.

This particular seller has 2 auctions with the same R7's plus I think he has a store.

My only worry is that maybe they are replica ones? I dunno. He has over 161 feedback with 100% positive.


GP grips you can get a set for $30 on there.

And the TT stiff shafts I found for around $50.

I honestly know absolutely nothing about club making or buying certain parts to put together a set, but I thought these deals seemed really good considering a set of R7's retail at Golf Town for about $1,000.

I am sure I would have to take them to a shop to get them done but the labor I would guess would be $100 or less.

Just thinking about it after everything I came up with a ballpark figure. I would say it would cost you about $500 or so..

Maybe i'm missing something tho. It is a bit of a hassle but you're getting them for half price so. I dunno!

the_rickster 05-01-2007 10:43 AM

i think it would be more than $100 labour.

just my $0.02 though

bkw 05-02-2007 01:21 PM

if your putting in graphite/steel shafts i think its 10-15 per clubhead at golftown ?

so your looking at 80-120'sh, i think the grip they throw on for you if your doing reshafting.

its a good way to do if your can find decent heads/shafts for a good price, i put together a set for my gf from golfsmith for about $120, 6 irons, 2 hybrids incl parts and labour (me and my friend put everything together ourselves)

the tricky thing is finding DECENT iron shafts, because irons are used to take divots you have to find a good or strong enough one to take abuse, if you buy a cheap one the flexes might be off or inferior quality and it will show up when building a club.

never cheap out on a shaft, because the shaft makes the club, it can turn a shitty head into a great club. if you go cheap you'll feel and see it right away on your shots.

Hondaracer 05-02-2007 09:39 PM

i would highly suggest anyone without one pick up a ball scooper before u go play a round

if i had had one at northview i coulda got like 50 balls easy, scooped out a bunch of nice ones

bossxx 05-05-2007 02:44 AM

^ ahha nice. My dad has one.

Yeah my first set of clubs I had graphite shafts. They were extremely whippy. After I switched to a stiffer steel shaft I gained at least 10 yards or more on every iron. I wonder how well I would hit the ball with the best clubs money can buy ahha.

bossxx 05-06-2007 09:55 AM

Went to the range for the first time this year to hit a few balls..

Do you guys think im opening up too early (notice top middle pic)? A bunch of my balls were going right (not slicing) just started right and kept a straight path. My gf was taking pics of me (she got bored lol) and I realized hey I can analyze my swing! w00p lol

EDIT: Also noticed my back is arched quite a bit, is that normal?

Also these pics are from 6 different swings.

the_rickster 05-06-2007 12:50 PM

whats strange is that halfway through the first swing, your hat spun from backwards to forwards.

seriously though? if you're hitting shots to the left or right without slicing them, it might be as simple as adjusting your grip.

Hondaracer 05-06-2007 04:19 PM

your swing looks similar to mine

it's really hard to judge though from pics

bossxx 05-06-2007 08:58 PM

hm. yeah.. I dunno I have had the same grip for years but you could be right. I am not gonna look too much into it because it was my first time out this year.

I"m gonna bring my cam next time and shoot some clips lol

What are your guys' handicaps?

Hondaracer 05-06-2007 11:03 PM

i'm not sure, the best round i ever shot like...3 years ago maybe was an 89?

this is the first year i've gotten heavilly back into it

yangwenli 05-07-2007 12:49 AM

Hey nice swing redline. I can see you have nice wrist cock during downswing, and nice arm extention during followthrough.

If you doubt about your spine angle, try bending more on waist and keep back straight. And looks like your ball position is too far forward for an iron shot, maybe becoz of that you push the ball to the right.

My season starting soon as well, after the canucks lost. Just bought a new Cobra Mspeed fairway wood I absolutely love it.

I suck at driving, im more like a short irons/fairway wood player

yangwenli 05-07-2007 12:52 AM

can you guys post the price of any driving range you know? I goto Richmond Driving Range (Mikasa) alot but they just jacked up the price from $3 to $5 per 50balls. I'm going to switch to other places.

bkw 05-07-2007 10:32 AM

hey redliine, your posture ccould be more upright and not so much hunched probably want your back to be pretty straight.

your hitting it right because your face is open, but also the path of your clubhead is coming from the outside to the inside. when that happens its super hard to straighten it out without doing something weird.

in the first pic your weight looks like its more on your left should be about 60/40 on your right but maybe its just the angle.

fraserview has $4.00-1 token-50 balls
$10-3 tokens-150
$30-10 toks-500

the_rickster 05-07-2007 03:22 PM

ubc is $6 per bucket (60balls)
$5 if you buy in multiples of two.

bossxx 05-07-2007 05:55 PM


Originally posted by bkw
hey redliine, your posture ccould be more upright and not so much hunched probably want your back to be pretty straight.

your hitting it right because your face is open, but also the path of your clubhead is coming from the outside to the inside. when that happens its super hard to straighten it out without doing something weird.

in the first pic your weight looks like its more on your left should be about 60/40 on your right but maybe its just the angle.

fraserview has $4.00-1 token-50 balls
$10-3 tokens-150
$30-10 toks-500

hmm if i'm swinging outside to inside, how can my clubface be open? I'm trying to make my swing more upright because I used to have a really flat swing years ago and that caused a lot of inconsistancy.

At address, my body is bent at the hips, my back is not hunched. But I guess as I start my downswing I hunch my back a bit to make sure it scuff the perfect amount of turf under the ball. I am 6'1. Sometimes I think I need longer shafts but who knows. Is there like a general rule for club length size for your specific height? I never thought about that till now. I wonder if there is some table on the net that shows what you should be shooting for your specific height. haha well im gonna do some searching around!

yangwenli 05-08-2007 12:30 AM


Originally posted by redliine
hmm if i'm swinging outside to inside, how can my clubface be open? I'm trying to make my swing more upright because I used to have a really flat swing years ago and that caused a lot of inconsistancy.

At address, my body is bent at the hips, my back is not hunched. But I guess as I start my downswing I hunch my back a bit to make sure it scuff the perfect amount of turf under the ball. I am 6'1. Sometimes I think I need longer shafts but who knows. Is there like a general rule for club length size for your specific height? I never thought about that till now. I wonder if there is some table on the net that shows what you should be shooting for your specific height. haha well im gonna do some searching around!

You must be a better driver/wood player then. Yes iron shots need much steeper swing plane but it is very easy to go outside-in (i dont see it from the pics tho). You might not have club face open but an outside-in swing cuts across the ball and creates left-to-right sidespin to send the ball to the right. Check your grip as well, it's very common cause of open club face at impact.

To make a steeper shot you should spead the weight evenly between both legs at address, ball in the middle. Turn your hip to initialize downswing (never with arms) and let arms come down to the inside. IF you are hitting the ground usually is because you using too much arm strenght and try to "cast" the club down then hit the ground.

I'm 6' and I was choosing between a longer club set and a normal one. I ended up geting a normal one and I have no problem hitting with short irons at all. HOwever they are my strongest irons. I suck at driver coz my swing is always too steep.

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