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HonestTea 07-29-2015 07:23 PM

Just scored a pretty good deal on a Taylormade Burner and 3 Wood from Golf Town. They're both brand new for $129.87 total. SKU # 301447301

Last I heard Richmond Golf Town has a few Stiff sets left. Coquitlam location also has stock but best to call beforehand.

They're these clubs

dlo 07-29-2015 07:53 PM

went to queen elizabeth to play yday, holy fuck these mosquitos fucked me up good LOL went camping the other week and didnt get bit once, go golfing and i got molested..

N.V.M. 07-30-2015 04:59 AM by N.V.M., on Flickr

z3german 07-31-2015 02:37 PM

Scored a great deal on 2 Shinagawa wedges with BTR Shafts, love em so far but still needs some adjustments

Instagram wont let me pull the image link so check them out here!

I still have the next week off of work, anyone want to play with me? My schedule is pretty much open for any golf activity. A course, or even pitch and putt is fine with me, I just want to get out there!

PM Me!!!

N.V.M. 08-01-2015 05:24 AM

played Northlands yesterday. holy crap was it hot! by N.V.M., on Flickr by N.V.M., on Flickr by N.V.M., on Flickr by N.V.M., on Flickr by N.V.M., on Flickr

bcuzracecarz 08-01-2015 08:54 AM

Doesn't look too bad out there at all! Haven't been yet this season, haven't been there in a few years actually...

Jmac 08-01-2015 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by N.V.M. (Post 8666346)
played Northlands yesterday. holy crap was it hot! by N.V.M., on Flickr

This sign needs to be on every golf course.

We were stuck behind a foursome at Pheasant Glen a few weeks ago who were playing off the championship (black) tees. The group consisted of 2 women who didn't know how to swing, an elderly gentleman who drove it maybe 225, and a man in his '40s who actually seemed to be pretty good.

It's a 6928 yard course off the blacks.

Fucking 3.5 hours to do 9 holes. Bailed after that shit.

zonda_s 08-01-2015 02:19 PM


i hate slow play and a hate those that play off the back tees but can't hit for their life. people seriously need to keep their egos in check.


z3german 08-04-2015 07:37 PM

Just got the iphone 6+, the slow mo is AMAZING! Here's my drive on hole 7 (I think) at Point Roberts.

Any swing tips? After taking a few videos and analyzing them myself I have determined and started fixing these things
-upswing more above the swing plane, downswing goes slightly below
-over rotation of hips and body, plant more into the ground
-Allow the arms to swing through, my finish was way too upright
-on upswing try to keep the right arm straighter for a longer period of time
-shorten upswing a lot!

Any other tips that I am missing? Thanks all

Played 15 holes, shot a 85 (To be super fair I think adding 10 would more than cover the lost balls). The mosquitoes were way to fucked up by 8pm so we walked the course and I rushed 18 and didnt input that score.

N.V.M. 08-04-2015 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by z3german (Post 8667417)

To be super fair I think adding 10 would more than cover the lost balls

Lol,so not adding for lost balls was an option at some point?

z3german 08-04-2015 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by N.V.M. (Post 8667445)
Lol,so not adding for lost balls was an option at some point?

i wrote it down on the score card, but I wasnt sure how it was suppose to be played. I just dropped a ball where i stood and hit again.

First 9 I lost 5 balls, and the last 6 holes never wrote it down cause the bugs were getting bad, but maybe lost 2 or 3 balls.

zetazeta 08-19-2015 10:59 AM

Where did you guys take lessons when you first started? I'm looking for a good instructor to start with.

Splmash 08-20-2015 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by zetazeta (Post 8672310)
Where did you guys take lessons when you first started? I'm looking for a good instructor to start with.

Alex Ludeman at Burnaby Mountain

zetazeta 08-22-2015 10:41 PM

Looking for a RH 34 length Nike Method 001 or Midnight Method 006. Please let me know if you have one for sale or know someone selling one!

PeanutButter 08-23-2015 04:07 PM

Just came across a pretty wicked deal for golfers and non-golfers.
$64 for two hours of golf simulation and two pizzas worth $15 each.

This place is great for girlfriends and friends that don't golf. You don't have to be good to have a fun time.

I highly recommended it for this price.

N.V.M. 08-23-2015 04:47 PM

That place is awesome, especially after a few.

N.V.M. 08-24-2015 04:09 AM

the water restrictions are obvious on the fairways out at Riverway, but of course the greens are kept in awesome shape. by N.V.M., on Flickr by N.V.M., on Flickr by N.V.M., on Flickr

Engotski 08-24-2015 11:57 AM

Any local chat groups/whatsapp group for 604 golfers?

I just started 14 months ago but caught the bug hard and been trying to play at least once a week ever since (yes even during last winter). I'm always playing with my dad and his guys because all my buddies play basketball. I'm really looking for just a recreational group at this point. I'm a chill dude and shoot in mid-high 90s, do a good job in keeping up pace as long as we're playing ready golf :)

Wormiez 08-24-2015 08:57 PM

Played University Golf course over the weekend. The fairways are in the worst possible condition. They have barely any grass alive...

Unfortunately their fairways are completely destroyed, no grass or soft dirt to hit from. Every shot on the fairway felt like hitting off of concrete. For example any high iron shot landing on the fairway would bounce, as if it hit the cart path...

Most courses have somehow gotten water through aquifers or trucked in water to keep the courses in "okay" shape.. University Golf course have resulted in spraying the burnt grass green to keep it somewhat presentable.

mk1freak 08-25-2015 10:37 PM

northlands today, course was in pretty good condition. sand traps were nice and firm and easy to get out of. Marshalls were in full effect, smoking ban on the course...we got warned even though we didn't even even smoke on course. some of the old timers playing there are dicks BTW.:lawl:

N.V.M. 09-05-2015 05:26 PM

this morning definitely felt like fall is coming. a bit nippy and foggy at 6:30am, but this guy was out on the practice green getting ready. by N.V.M., on Flickr

N.V.M. 09-07-2015 03:33 AM

another round yesterday. perfect day for golf. the brown edges of the golf course are already going green too. by N.V.M., on Flickr

punkwax 09-07-2015 09:56 AM

Played Surrey yesterday. Still fallen trees lining pretty much each fairway that were blown down during the storm. Kinda sucked losing balls in places they would normally be easily found. Glad I wasn't playing $6 ProV1s like my brother.. I'd suggest avoiding this course until they've done a better job cleaning it up.

mk1freak 09-07-2015 10:25 AM

i have the itch to play tobiano before the sun leaves us
and then hit greywolf after.....wish the kids were older :okay:

TurboTalon 09-08-2015 12:27 PM

I'm bringing a buddy out, trying to get him hooked like I am, so he's a beginner, between Fraserview and Riverway, which one would be more forgiving?

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