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zonda_s 10-06-2015 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Richmond69er (Post 8686869)
I've been looking to get a set of used irons .
Besides craigslist any other forums or places I should be checking?

I was going to suggest checking some online stores in the states, but the dollar is pretty crappy right now. Are you just starting up?

Richmond69er 11-08-2015 12:21 PM

I went to the golftown sale early like 745am and there was a massive lineup.

I found amazing deals, but I'm lefty so I pretty much have a great selection.
Walked out of there with...
Titleist 913 D2 driver for 100$
titleist 913 fairway wood 75$
Titleist ap1 iron set 220$
titleist 3h and 4h 65$/each
titleist 56* and a 60* 50$/each
And for shits and giggles I got a what looks like new r15 driver 10.5* for 200$

Great sale for a lefty. My cousin went to the coq store and said it didn't have much.

.....I'm a titleist fanboy obviously

Richmond69er 11-08-2015 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by zonda_s (Post 8687062)
I was going to suggest checking some online stores in the states, but the dollar is pretty crappy right now. Are you just starting up?

Not new to the game.
I just couldn't justify a lot of money on something I don't use that that much.
Ended up gearing up at the gt demo sale. So I'll be throwing up my old callaways on craigslist.

zetazeta 11-23-2015 09:43 AM

Hey guys, I've been working hard on my swing since picking up the sport 3 months ago. Would appreciate some feedback/critique from y'all. I'm trying to figure out what exactly I'm doing that's causing my out to in swing path... any ideas? I'm gonna work on starting my downswing with lateral hip movement and trying to keep my trail leg planted so that I don't have early extension (I notice I do that a bit...).

Wormiez 11-23-2015 01:38 PM

Nice swing for being 3 months into the game :)

Yes you have early extension, you seem to push off your toes when turning lateral with your hip. This causes a forward thrust and your shoulders hang back in an out to in swing path.

Look at your right foot and knee at how they point to the right of your target

Some tips/tricks to to work on :
- Straight left leg when starting lateral hip movement
- Roll right leg and ankle toward target, causing you to push off on the side of your right foot
- Keep eyes focused on ball as long as you can even after impact, head will sway a bit on the back swing, this is normal

Hope this helps!

zetazeta 11-23-2015 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Wormiez (Post 8701679)
Nice swing for being 3 months into the game :)

Yes you have early extension, you seem to push off your toes when turning lateral with your hip. This causes a forward thrust and your shoulders hang back in an out to in swing path.

Look at your right foot and knee at how they point to the right of your target

Some tips/tricks to to work on :
- Straight left leg when starting lateral hip movement
- Roll right leg and ankle toward target, causing you to push off on the side of your right foot
- Keep eyes focused on ball as long as you can even after impact, head will sway a bit on the back swing, this is normal

Hope this helps!

Which point in the swing are you referring to?

And when you say straight left leg starting lateral hip movement are you referring to the tilt to bump the hip towards the target which causes the left leg to straighten?

Thanks for the feedback!

Wormiez 11-23-2015 05:25 PM

At second 3 when you initiate the downs-swing, you push off with your right toe. Try rolling your ankles inward toward the target to get the feel.

The concept I am explaining is golf bio mechanics, the straitening of the left leg when you initiate the turn is an outcome of turning your hips correctly while retaining spine angle.

Try a practice swing with your buttocks a couple of CM from the wall. On your back swing your right butt cheek will touch the wall. When you initiate the downswing, to clear your hips, touch the left butt cheek on the wall. To do this correctly your left leg will straighten immediately, any lag in the leg from being straight will cause early extension.

zetazeta 11-24-2015 09:47 AM

What I'm having trouble visualizing is how I can have a straight left leg during/post impact without sticking my ass out/front? I tried that drill yesterday at home, saw it on some video but when I do it my left leg isn't straight post impact..

Wormiez 11-24-2015 10:16 AM

You should be turning into the left, clearing your hips and finishing your swing. You might be stalling?

Maybe your thinking of the bump dump and turn drill, cause if done wrong that causes a sway.

See link for example and the video - Jason Day Pro Golfer: Left Leg Snap at Impact, Golf Swing Tip

Lydia Ko has a nice example of this -

fishCak3s 01-14-2016 11:46 AM

Annual Golftown regrip event starts today. 40% off in stock grips and $2.5/club installed.

I think it was 50% off last year and free installation.

bcuzracecarz 01-30-2016 08:00 AM

Just bought myself the new Taylormade M1 driver. My god does that thing feel amazing, and the ball just explodes off the face. Best golf purchase I've made in a long time

Berzerker 01-30-2016 10:16 AM

Got a good deal on a new Nike driver. Was hitting into the net at Golftown trying it out. Was averaging over 300 yards. Golf pro there said I had lots of power but needed some swing refinement and I could easily add another 20-30 yards. Gave me some drills to work on but they just don't seem to work with my shape/size. I think I need to swing like a fat guy as my arms, chest and back are larger than most. Keeping my left arm straight and using my torso for the power is the problem I'm having. I also transfer weight with to much lateral body movement. He showed me using my shadow and my head moves a lot. Guess I have to things to work on .

Berz out.

N.V.M. 02-06-2016 05:59 AM

news flash, Golf Town simulators are a joke. i hit 300 there too.

N.V.M. 03-02-2016 04:30 AM


zetazeta 03-02-2016 01:25 PM

Just came back from vacation.. can't wait to get back to the driving range and hopefully be good enough to play my first full length course this year!

Anyone got recommendations on beginner friendly full length courses?

N.V.M. 03-02-2016 04:24 PM

Green Acres.

N.V.M. 03-07-2016 04:11 AM

first round with the Gamegolf. forgot to tap 3 or 4 times, but easily fixed before you "sign" your card. of course it'll take several rounds before the stats gathered provide consistent data. there many other stats as well(putts, fairways hit etc).

then there's a page which tells you where you have to work on, like the 37 putts i took,lol. i didn't use the app through my phone or smart watch, i'll do that next time. i was afraid i'd get too distracted.

you don't have to do anything but tap your club before each shot, that's it. its very unnoticeable til you get home and upload the data.

Wormiez 03-07-2016 10:29 AM

How is the community on GameGolf? Is there a large following or is it still in the early adopter phase?

N.V.M. 03-07-2016 05:57 PM

The only community I know is who you follow and who follows you, like any social media. That being said, I know a bunch of people on Twitter and use that more. (Gamegolf is super responsive on Twitter too). But hey, i'm new and may follow and get followers right on the Gamegolf app, eventually.

Jmac 03-07-2016 07:37 PM

How does it know which club you're using?

N.V.M. 03-08-2016 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by Jmac (Post 8735158)
How does it know which club you're using?

labeled NFC tags.

zetazeta 03-08-2016 08:06 AM

What's up with the 7 iron distance? 20 yds more than your 6?

N.V.M. 03-08-2016 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by zetazeta (Post 8735283)
What's up with the 7 iron distance? 20 yds more than your 6?

Because I was in trouble and used a lot of club to punch out a low shot. If you read my post, it takes several rounds to get consistent data.

zetazeta 03-14-2016 07:35 AM

So stoked for this weekend, playing my first legit 18 round ever at UBC. Prior to this, the only non pitch and putt course I've played at was country meadows (par 3, 3000 yd course)

Besides pace of play, repairing divot marks, any other rules/etiquette/things I should know beforehand?

Also would it be really bad if I only play up to my hybrid or 5 wood? I barely practice my driver and 3 wood and they're pretty damn unreliable (lots of slices and mishits). I can get my 5i (longest iron I have) about 150-160 carry on a good hit, and my 4h and 5w bit more than that. I made a big change to my swing during lessons on Saturday and I don't hit my hybrid or 5w as reliably but my iron distance and striking has improved...

Wormiez 03-14-2016 08:39 AM

Respect your partners, keep it simple and just go out and enjoy the round.

Being new to the sport play to your level and not your playing partners.

If they hit driver and your not confortable with it, play an iron.

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