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InFusion 02-27-2008 09:40 PM

supra's turbo
im planning on buying a supra, but they come in tt or either non turbo, is there some way i can get single turbo, i was planning to buy a non turbo and convert it but is 1jzgtte and 2jzgtte both twin turbos? would it be better to buy a twin turbo then converting a non turbo into a single turbo - i prefer a single turbo but im not really sure if theres any 4th gen supras on the market which have single turbo sorry if im wrong just wondering

Raid3n 02-27-2008 09:43 PM

if you're looking at 4th gen supras then ya, i am pretty sure they are twin only, unless a previous owner changed it, or you could have it changed your self. just depends on how much money you want to put into the car...

or get a 3rd gen, they were single iirc.

InFusion 02-27-2008 09:45 PM

im planning to get a mkiv non turbo and convert it into a single but im just wondering (is the 1jzgtte and the 2jzgtte a single turbo or they both tt)?? and if non of them are single turbo which ones would be a single?

CivicS 02-27-2008 09:46 PM

InFusion 02-27-2008 09:47 PM


Originally posted by CivicS
ahaha any recommendations for a single turbo engine

Leopold Stotch 02-27-2008 10:31 PM


Originally posted by InFusion
im planning to get a mkiv non turbo and convert it into a single but im just wondering (is the 1jzgtte and the 2jzgtte a single turbo or they both tt)?? and if non of them are single turbo which ones would be a single?
if i remeber correctly the mk 4 only came with a 2jz twin turbo

the 1jz is for the later mk 3's

if you really want a supra, i think you should go join some supra forums and read more about it before you go ahead and buy the damn thing

SiNzz 02-27-2008 10:36 PM

The 2JZ is definitely twin, and comes in the MK4. As far as going single---turbo in a MK4, be careful. Sometimes these swaps aren't just as simple as bolting in the new engine. Check out the Mk4 forums and see what they have to say first before you get yourself in over your head.

G-spec 02-27-2008 11:25 PM

simple equation for you that relate to turbo charged Supras

Single Turbo = high HP drag or show cars almost strictly for the sake of being able to claim a 4 digit HP number

Twin Turbo == meant for street oriented daily driving

and if you dont know the reason for these two equations I posted then don't bother with the swap cuz you're already in over your head.

1990TSI 02-27-2008 11:41 PM

twin turbo supra is much simpler than single turbo supra, assuming you're looking at the MK4.

It's not hard to swap in a single turbo, manifold, exhaust etc., but since you're replacing the turbo, you may as well put a big one on, then you have to upgrade the fuel system and either go standalone or air/fuel controller (Power FC, SAFC, etc.) then you need to get it tuned.

with all that said, why do you want a single turbo over twins?

If you really really want a single turbo, because twin turbos killed a family member or something, buy a MK3 with the 7MGTE. They weigh about 4000Lbs, but they only have 1 turbo!

mickey 02-28-2008 12:22 AM

2JZ-GE = Non turbo in mkiv
2JZ-GTE = TT mkiv

No such thing as a 2JZ-GTTE

As far as converting a non turbo to turbo you can do that on the non turbo motor. They make kits for it, you jsut have to drill the oil pan etc.

As far as twins being simpler than single turbo. IMO they arent. You can run 18 psi on a single turbo setup with stock fuel on a MKIV.

If you have ever dealt with a problem with the stock twins on a MKIV, you will know how hard it is to diagnose a problem. There is no room to work in the engine bay, there are so many actuators/vsv's/vac lines etc.

Single = less clutter, less lines etc. Yes if you want to maximize a single turbo setup, and get 600+ hp, you will need fuel/fuel control etc.

slow-fastback 02-28-2008 12:34 AM


Originally posted by InFusion
im planning to get a mkiv non turbo and convert it into a single but im just wondering (is the 1jzgtte and the 2jzgtte a single turbo or they both tt)?? and if non of them are single turbo which ones would be a single?
both are twin turbo, hence the "tt". But the proper title is really just with a single T (ie. 1jz-gte and 2jz-gte). There are no single turbo engines out of the factory for the MKIV supra. Check out or if you want to get more info.

4doorVIP 02-28-2008 01:03 AM

if you order the 2JZGTE motor from Japan, one thing to do is bring it up to US specs.

upgrade to:

US injectors, cam shafts, and turbos...... Jap model a little under spec from North American.

get a good set of US spec turbos and a boost controller..and you will be a hpppy man.....for a while.

1990TSI 02-28-2008 11:44 AM


Originally posted by mickey
As far as twins being simpler than single turbo. IMO they arent. You can run 18 psi on a single turbo setup with stock fuel on a MKIV.

If you have ever dealt with a problem with the stock twins on a MKIV, you will know how hard it is to diagnose a problem. There is no room to work in the engine bay, there are so many actuators/vsv's/vac lines etc.

Single = less clutter, less lines etc. Yes if you want to maximize a single turbo setup, and get 600+ hp, you will need fuel/fuel control etc.

It's just a lot of work and money to properly convert it to single turbo.

InFusion 02-28-2008 11:58 AM


Originally posted by mickey
As far as converting a non turbo to turbo you can do that on the non turbo motor. They make kits for it, you jsut have to drill the oil pan etc.
so your saying it would be better to just buy a turbo kit and add it to the non turbo and u can acheive this turbo? without a swap/?

woozzle 02-28-2008 12:10 PM

but TT convert to single then sell your converting to single i'm guessing you want to aim for max power...2jzge has lower compression ratio than the TT engine...keep that in mind

InFusion 02-28-2008 12:11 PM

i am going to buy a supra non turbo and get a turbo kit i guess, how much is the na- turbo kit on the market right now

fuhkyu 02-28-2008 12:19 PM


Originally posted by InFusion
i am going to buy a supra non turbo and get a turbo kit i guess, how much is the na- turbo kit on the market right now
google is your friend.

Graeme S 02-28-2008 01:22 PM

This is the second time I've had to move a thread for you. Please make sure the forum you are posting in is the proper one in future.

Jackwimmer 02-28-2008 01:35 PM

hes probably looking at the supras on buysell that i posted about before
non-turbos are like 12k...

yadoh 02-28-2008 02:32 PM

u dont know wtf ur talking about


Originally posted by Adon
simple equation for you that relate to turbo charged Supras

Single Turbo = high HP drag or show cars almost strictly for the sake of being able to claim a 4 digit HP number

Twin Turbo == meant for street oriented daily driving

and if you dont know the reason for these two equations I posted then don't bother with the swap cuz you're already in over your head.

G-spec 02-28-2008 03:29 PM


Originally posted by d_vo604
u dont know wtf ur talking about
and WTF are you talking about ?
The facts are well known, and it's that drivers prefer a TT setup for a daily driver, and a single turbo setup for massive HP numbers that TT can't reach.
So instead of being a dick go ahead and prove me wrong. And I've owned a TT 94 RX-7, driven a 500whp single turbo 93 RX-7, drove a 400whp 95 TT Supra...etc... so I'm qualified to point out a few things about these cars, and where are your points and facts? if you got any. And to quote my friend with the 500whp Greddy turbo RX7, he said that his car felt faster with the TT setup, due to power being available anywhere in the RPM range, after his single Turbo swap the car only felt faster in the high RPM range, past 6000rpm, and this is the reason TT is preferred on daily drivers. Checked your profile and you drive an Integra, HOLY FAWK you're overqualified my friend, I gracefully bow out of this argument, you and your 4 banger makes you an expert on cars you've never driven or owned.

Like I said it's common knowledge that daily driven vehicles are much more likely to be equipped with a TT setup. So instead of tellin me I don't know what I'm talking about, prove me wrong on this, I dare you ?

mickey 02-28-2008 03:40 PM

ahh your buying a RHD, me no helpy than. I dont support the RHD market.

Why not just buy a NA supra LHD. you can get them for 12-15k from the states. not much more than RHD.

yadoh 02-28-2008 04:11 PM


BoySupra604 02-28-2008 05:16 PM

take it from a guy who has owned a single turbo supra for the last 4 years. A single turbo is probably the way to go. The remark about a single turbo supra is only good for drag racing purposes is wrong. In my previous setup I was able to beat stock twin turbo supra's and also get better gas mileage than them on a single turbo setup. I personally don't like the twin turbo set up because its to costly if it does happen to break down, for example a stock oem turbo will cost you around $1300+ EACH to replace while a after market single 72mmDBB turbo will cost the same. If you want a single turbo supra and don't wanna spend alot of money. Buy a N/A auto OR a N/A 5 speed and buy a JDM 2JZGTE NOT a 2JZGTTE (theres no such thing) and buy a single turbo kit. I've helped alot of the Single turbo guys here soo if you have any question feel free to ask

Jackwimmer 02-28-2008 06:15 PM


Originally posted by d_vo604
first, am i suppose to list all my cars in my profile? so what if i dont update it.
and whats with the insult just because you looked at my profile and saw integra as my car. am i clueless to cars because i own a integra?
you shouldnt be giving advice to anyone with stupid ass comments about a car u driven once or twice

the example of your friend car is horrible, 500whp past 6000rpm? hahaha hes stupid for picking the wrong size turbo

i probably know more about g35, 350z,and supras more than you since i owned a g35 and have a supra currently

second, you talk like all single turbo supras cant be daily driven and are suppose to have a huge turbo that have full boost over 5000rpm.

u can pick any size turbo u want, a 60mm turbo could get full boost before the stock tt

look at these dyno graphs
stock tt, BPU++
60mm single turbo
67 single turbo

and mickey is right about the stock tt being hard to dianose when theres a problem. theres no room in the engine bay with the stock turbos, there complex because they are sequential turbos

so theres 2 supra owners in here saying they prefer a single turbo over the stock tts, are u still going to argue? i dare u :2finger:

never seen this guy outraged :p
qft tho

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