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!SG 05-07-2008 10:30 PM

When Posting Pictures, edit out the license plate!
Its really simple, edit out the license plate. ppl want their privacy, but if ur gonna post it up, edit it out.

i dont appreciate all the calls, emails, pm's ive been getting from people about this.

thank you

Culture_Vulture 05-07-2008 10:43 PM

do you want us to edit all the old stuff too? or just from now on?

Shun Izaki 05-21-2008 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Physixx (Post 5843104)
do you want us to edit all the old stuff too? or just from now on?

I believe it's pro-active, not retro-active.

However, i could be wrong... what's done is done anyways.

SG, what about the plates of ppl who cut us off etc? as well as funny plates? :D

Bath Tussue 10-06-2010 01:11 PM

this rule needs to be enforced.

Trak3 04-01-2015 09:37 AM

Don't understand how a license plate is a privacy issue, anyone walking/driving/riding past your car can see it..
Will be sure to eliminate plates in the future..

CCA-Dave 04-01-2015 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by Trak3 (Post 8618280)
Don't understand how a license plate is a privacy issue, anyone walking/driving/riding past your car can see it..
Will be sure to eliminate plates in the future..

In BC, it's a non-issue. Ten years ago in Ontario you could have your insurance cancelled for a photo of your car online with plates. Modification? Cancelled. Track day? Cancelled. With the Government insurance, it's really not an issue in this province. Can't track a car to it's address without a cop who's illegally looking it up for you...but if it's the forum rules, it's the rules.


BoostedBB6 04-01-2015 10:55 AM

People want to see pics of there cars but want to make it harder to do. You can bet a lot of photographers will just not bother any more. I wont be bothering to post any more photos as I'm not wasting my time to edit out 100+ plates from ever car that's at a show. No to mention, a plat number does not get you any info unless you are cop/have access to a government run database.

IMO your parking in a public place, with a vehicle at an event where 9 out of 10 people are snapping pics. If you don't want photos of your car don't show up to a car show.

EDIT, seeing as this is in the Spotted thread I dont care as I dont take pics of random cars on the road. But if this applies to all photos then my statement still stands.

Flatsix 04-01-2015 11:17 AM

Is there an app for that?

I have never understood why people complain about it but oh well

More pictures of cars without front plates?

TOS'd 04-01-2015 11:22 AM

Thread is from so long ago and countless photos have been posted of peoples license plates uncensored with no warning or message to censor them.

The only ones that seem to get censored are people of post pictures of their own car or ones that take pictures for their portfolio. Plus if you were required to censor all license plates, gg to the shitty drivers thread where people post videos. Are we then suppose to censor out all the innocent cars that appear in videos? Cause no one has time for that.

We can all blame Trak3 for bumping this old thread though. Kappa

fliptuner 04-01-2015 12:09 PM

Way to bring up something that hasn't been an issue for the last 5 years.


Raid3n 04-01-2015 12:33 PM

Holy thread necro batman...

wait... don't we give points for really bad thread necro? lol

Trak3 04-01-2015 09:24 PM

Yeah, old thread, I know..
I was curious.

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