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mrclean604 08-31-2008 02:29 AM

hope believe false deceive

benz 09-01-2008 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by 3xta (Post 5947636)
Why the fuck would my bestfriend tell my ex he likes her without consulting with me, we would have had a chance to get back together, but becuase of him telling her, she has feelings for him too. Before she didn't have feelings for him, she just considered him as a close friend. So one day i was super drunk and i did the most stupid thing, i fucking punched him in the face. I admit that i was being immature at the time and i woke thinking about what an idiot i was that night. She got super fucking pissed at me and she lost all her feelings for me 0%!!! She probably has even more feelings for that fucking guy now, and I am still in LOVE with her!!! fuck they talk everyday on the phone too!!! fuck!!!!!! i feel so stupid writing this and everyone is going to flame me, but fuck! this is how i feel :(

I have been on both sides......

What kind of best friend would steal your girl. Do you guys think that is going way over the line? Because i sorta had a thing with one of my friend's gf and i just backed off completely. it felt so wrong. i wouldn't have told my best friend how i felt about her gf either. He probably thought if he told you, you would probably go crazy on him and just didn't have the bravery.

For the other side, the guy wasn't my best friend, but man its depressing. drove me fuckin nuts, can't believe i lost to that loser. how the hell can she choose him over me. we had a thing, but she started flirting with him right in front of me. My god, its the worse just watching them get closer and further away from me.

miss_crayon 09-01-2008 12:25 PM

i really like you :)

michimaro 09-01-2008 01:00 PM

you have made the last few days very interesting
i m definitely amused to say the least

mrclean604 09-01-2008 01:14 PM

standing outside your door, i can't take it anymore.. just come outside and tell me everythings alright.

$_$ 09-01-2008 02:26 PM

你是我的第一個. 所有事情的第一個. 你是我世界上第一次真正付出愛的女人
往回一看, 我重沒 一次的後悔.
經過這麼多的痛苦, 我卻不後悔. 應為跟你在一起的快樂 是沒有人能夠取代的
我不會繼續騙自己 有微微的 忘記你
眼看者 你跟另外一個男人 交往
說不出的痛苦 是你沒有辦法,可能也不想 去用心的了解的事情
看者你重剛剛開始交往, 現在又漸漸的分手了
為什麼我對你的心情 依然沒變呢?
但是 當我一閉上眼睛 腦海裡出現的 只有你可愛的 影子..
世界又會回到 我門 沒有憂慮 的生活
而且會 很高興的接受
我門兩個 不可能在 回到那種愛情了

最直得我去回憶 的兩年
應為那種 小倆口的甜蜜的愛情
到處奔跑 只顧慮者吃的 我門
我相信是我門一種 長大也沒有辦法回去的過去


ZhangFei 09-01-2008 02:29 PM

I was at the Nike 10K run and there was a long ass line up for the washrooms so I went behind a tree, chanted "jeah meh aw liu" and pissed on the tree.

I love being a man!

3xta 09-01-2008 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by benz (Post 6010837)
I have been on both sides......

What kind of best friend would steal your girl. Do you guys think that is going way over the line? Because i sorta had a thing with one of my friend's gf and i just backed off completely. it felt so wrong. i wouldn't have told my best friend how i felt about her gf either. He probably thought if he told you, you would probably go crazy on him and just didn't have the bravery.

For the other side, the guy wasn't my best friend, but man its depressing. drove me fuckin nuts, can't believe i lost to that loser. how the hell can she choose him over me. we had a thing, but she started flirting with him right in front of me. My god, its the worse just watching them get closer and further away from me.

yea, thats pretty much how i felt, but he should have man the fuck up and told me or keep it to himself and not pursue her, instead of me finding out from someone else

$_$ 09-01-2008 04:05 PM

fuck i just realized after reading this thread and posting my own shit, it just made me think about her so much more
FUCK U GUYS :2finger::banghead::swear::flamemad::die:

too_slow 09-01-2008 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by icedwolf (Post 6011305)
fuck i just realized after reading this thread and posting my own shit, it just made me think about her so much more
FUCK U GUYS :2finger::banghead::swear::flamemad::die:

i was in your boat 2 yrs ago, except we were going out for almost 4 yrs... time can, and will fix everything..

$_$ 09-01-2008 08:44 PM

yes .. thanks man .. time.. and other chicks ..

steel_chain619 09-01-2008 10:35 PM

honestly, why dont you just tell me what you want from me?
you call me, text me, message me all the feels like we're dating and i think we have something going on but right when i feel like we're closer you just drop the wall and go all cold on me..what is wrong with you? this has gone on for way too long. just straight up tell me what it is you want and if i can't provide it for you then that's too fucking bad.

mrclean604 09-02-2008 12:27 AM

so umm... FUCK

joolee 09-02-2008 12:53 AM

i wonder who you have been talking to every night after calling me. it got me curious after i saw your call log the other night since you got me to call your buddy on your phone... why did i have to see it?? but somehow.. i feel as though i don't care or i don't know how to react

jc87 09-02-2008 01:00 AM

i guess seperating would be better for the both of us
but i'm still missing you so fucking much
all i remembered is all those happy time and the funny face we've been through
and now is all memories and memories
why am i so desperate still wanting to know where you're at and what you're doing
fucking for godsake now it ain't my business anymore
i hate this so call happy ending, I would rather have a sad one instead
and now u just called me and talked about how your interview went
i am still ur friend
but please
i sighed

why can time pass faster
i wish it can fix things faster

$_$ 09-02-2008 04:14 AM

i just met you a new girl today.
she seemed really nice
and we had some nice convo
nice to meet you :)

Gt-R R34 09-02-2008 08:56 AM

your so bloody confusing. you've given me to many different vibes, i'm staying away. I like my life not so complicated.

rogue0716 09-02-2008 10:54 AM

It's amusing and a little bit inspirational; the posts on this thread...

because you can almost make a song out of it.

mrclean604 09-02-2008 11:31 AM

why did She have to make me read something i wish i never saw.....


Originally Posted by jc87 (Post 6011973)
i guess seperating would be better for the both of us
but i'm still missing you so fucking much
all i remembered is all those happy time and the funny face we've been through
and now is all memories and memories
why am i so desperate still wanting to know where you're at and what you're doing
fucking for godsake now it ain't my business anymore
i hate this so call happy ending, I would rather have a sad one instead
and now u just called me and talked about how your interview went
i am still ur friend
but please
i sighed

why can time pass faster
i wish it can fix things faster

im at where you are man :cry:

EcLiPsEbOi 09-02-2008 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by mrclean604 (Post 6012386)
why did You have to make me read something i wish i never saw.....

im at where you are man :cry:

signed. 10char

joolee 09-03-2008 03:56 AM

why the fuck are you always like this?? is it so hard to apologize when you KNOW you're fucking WRONG??! fuck

mrclean604 09-04-2008 08:50 AM

seeing u so happy without me makes me so sad and jealous. accidentally saw the pics u uploaded and it made my heart sink.. read your email and its hurting me so much more.. i dont know what to say, what to do. i want you back so bad but i know you dont feel the same way.. i've probably lost you forever but i still believe in hope, although it may be a false hope that i am dreaming of, but you're the only one keeping me sane right now..

siubo* 09-04-2008 04:54 PM


$_$ 09-04-2008 05:31 PM

the way hes treating you

its not worth it

Conan O'Brien Sex Video 09-04-2008 08:29 PM

stop with the mixed signals!!!

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