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Presto 01-02-2022 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by smoothie. (Post 9048685)
just ask them out already - its been two days since you posted it which means you've thought about it for a year.


Originally Posted by instantneedles (Post 9049088)
I will but trying to be patient and build rapport with her first

Do not do this. Just ask to go out for coffee, or something, ASAP. If you delay, you will lose your nerve. Don't give her a chance to lose interest, either.

instantneedles 01-02-2022 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Presto (Post 9049253)
Do not do this. Just ask to go out for coffee, or something, ASAP. If you delay, you will lose your nerve. Don't give her a chance to lose interest, either.

Ok just as you posted this, I came back from playing volleyball with her.

She initially asked our group if anyone wanted to join her, nobody in our friend group ended up going (so I took the opportunity and decided to join her!)

It was good - I got a chance to talk with her one on one during breaks between games.

It was great - but just from talking to her I wasn't sure if she reciprocated the same feelings that I have. Alot of our conversations ended up being about work, what we did during the break, etc (very surface level small talk). Maybe I'm overthinking things, but usually my gut tells me a lot.

Euro7r 01-03-2022 10:12 AM

^I think it's too early to draw a upon a conclusion. It's pretty normal when it's surface scratching when a lot of people haven't really had much of a social life due to Covid. Like how to talk or even communicate our thoughts as we have been stuck indoors. Some needs time to get comfortable before they can share more in-depth about their lives.

Gerbs 01-06-2022 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by instantneedles (Post 9049088)
Just curious, but what are your definitions of simping?

I feel like as a guy you kinda have to do things to show you are interested in them or they have no idea you like them.

From my experience, simping is anything that a boyfriend would do when you aren't fucking them. It's better off to just tell them that you're into them than to do things for them and let them guess.

If you do anything excessive, it makes them think you're crazy or financially stupid. I've seen a girl this summer that went one a first date with a dude that took her to Miku + Alpaca farm. Just to drop her off at my place after lol.

instantneedles 01-07-2022 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by Gerbs (Post 9049651)
From my experience, simping is anything that a boyfriend would do when you aren't fucking them. It's better off to just tell them that you're into them than to do things for them and let them guess.

If you do anything excessive, it makes them think you're crazy or financially stupid. I've seen a girl this summer that went one a first date with a dude that took her to Miku + Alpaca farm. Just to drop her off at my place after lol.

lol - so is he getting a second date?

Gerbs 01-07-2022 11:10 PM

Nope, of course not. She thinks he's financially dumb for overinvesting lol

BIC_BAWS 01-07-2022 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by Gerbs (Post 9049804)
Nope, of course not. She thinks he's financially dumb for overinvesting lol

Damn she didn't keep going on dates with her for freebies?

Sent from my SM-G781W using Tapatalk

Traum 01-08-2022 09:09 AM

Recently learned that Bishop's is closing down for good due to a massive rent hike proposed by the landlord -- the comment section seems to suggest that it is 3x the original rent?

I'm deeply saddened by the news because even though I've only been there a handful of times, each time I went it was with a very special lady, and the whole experience from the atmosphere, to the dinner, to the evening afterwards, it was always extremely memorable.

And there goes another piece of something real and physical that will only exist in my memory now...

Gerbs 01-08-2022 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by BIC_BAWS (Post 9049806)
Damn she didn't keep going on dates with her for freebies?

Sent from my SM-G781W using Tapatalk

She felt bad, which I agree with. Don't use people lol

BIC_BAWS 01-08-2022 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Gerbs (Post 9049834)
She felt bad, which I agree with. Don't use people lol


Sent from my SM-G781W using Tapatalk

Mr.Money 01-08-2022 06:55 PM

some fucked up women enjoy the pleasure of having a man wrapped around her little finger.

then she leaves and he say's he's gonna commit suicide and it's all her fault.

6793026 01-12-2022 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by Traum (Post 9049818)
Recently learned that Bishop's is closing down for good due to a massive rent hike proposed by the landlord -- the comment section seems to suggest that it is 3x the original rent?

I'm deeply saddened by the news because even though I've only been there a handful of times, each time I went it was with a very special lady, and the whole experience from the atmosphere, to the dinner, to the evening afterwards, it was always extremely memorable.

And there goes another piece of something real and physical that will only exist in my memory now...

yes i remember them; i do have a question, have they been changing with the times to offer deliveries?

"Able Auctions ( has been contracted to liquidate the entire contents of Bishop’s on January 22 at 9:30 AM. An auction preview at the restaurant takes place Friday January 21st, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm." wow

Traum 01-12-2022 09:38 AM

I have no idea how Bishop's have been adapting to the pandemic since I am hardly a frequent customer of theirs. Having read up a little more on the news, however, it seems to me that the 3x rent hike is cited as the primary reason for the decision to close down the restaurant, although the difficult environment created by COVID certainly played a part as well:

The restaurant weathered COVID-19 uncertainty for months, even announcing it would shut down in the spring of 2020, but owner John Bishop says a huge rent increase from a new landlord means this time, the restaurant is closing for good.

"I finally took the very difficult decision to actually close," he said. "It was not easy."

The rent is being increased to $100 per square foot — a cost Bishop says he can't afford, especially given the struggles of the pandemic.
It should also be noted that the owner is also getting old, and had apparently considered retiring last year.

CivicBlues 01-12-2022 12:12 PM

^Whew, it wasn't due to COVID. Just greedy landlords tearing up the fabric of the city for the past two decades at it again.

mb_ 01-25-2022 08:58 AM

Been about half a year now since I got into a managerial role but not sure if this is what I want career wise now that I've had a taste of it. Tempted to fall back into something comfortable but would definitely be taking a pay cut but might have better work/life balance or just suck it up and power through. Hmmm, decisions, decisions.

!Aznboi128 01-25-2022 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by mb_ (Post 9052013)
Been about half a year now since I got into a managerial role but not sure if this is what I want career wise now that I've had a taste of it. Tempted to fall back into something comfortable but would definitely be taking a pay cut but might have better work/life balance or just suck it up and power through. Hmmm, decisions, decisions.

Depends how big of a cut it may be worth it. Gotta think tax bracket as well.

Gerbs 01-25-2022 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by mb_ (Post 9052013)
Been about half a year now since I got into a managerial role but not sure if this is what I want career wise now that I've had a taste of it. Tempted to fall back into something comfortable but would definitely be taking a pay cut but might have better work/life balance or just suck it up and power through. Hmmm, decisions, decisions.

I sacrificed WLB to double my income late last year. I just got notice that my contract work will be ending in March. Instead of being super sad I'll be losing half my income. I was actually relieved for some time off lol.

I think it might be worth it to laterally hop for the same pay and less work.

Euro7r 01-25-2022 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by mb_ (Post 9052013)
Been about half a year now since I got into a managerial role but not sure if this is what I want career wise now that I've had a taste of it. Tempted to fall back into something comfortable but would definitely be taking a pay cut but might have better work/life balance or just suck it up and power through. Hmmm, decisions, decisions.

Ultimately what is your long-term goal, and ideal lifestyle that makes you happy? Sounds like it's the pay that is keeping you in this management life, and your not digging the long work hours/shit you gotta deal with? If you plan to get married and have kids, have to ask yourself would you be okay working long hours/taking shit everyday, and not spending enough time with kids/be stressed. Money only solves money issues.

For me personally with my amount of work experience years, I could be in a assistant manager position, but I chose not to since I have no interest busting the long hours. When your young, we can go balls to the walls, but as you get older, life perspective changes.

6793026 01-27-2022 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by mb_ (Post 9052013)
Been about half a year now since I got into a managerial role but not sure if this is what I want career wise now that I've had a taste of it. Tempted to fall back into something comfortable but would definitely be taking a pay cut but might have better work/life balance or just suck it up and power through. Hmmm, decisions, decisions.

as i've always said, stay low make dough.

i don't like to deal with personalities, then there are expectations you have to cheer up your team who may or may not like you.

mikemhg 01-27-2022 10:02 AM

^Not only that, but the current expectation in corporate culture as a manager in terms of your team's goals/objectives.

Weekly or monthly meetings
Quarterly yearly reviews (or bi-annually)
End of year performance reviews
Objectives planning

It's a soul-sucking process being a manager in a large corporate company nowadays. A bullshit job, essentially.

Mr.Money 01-27-2022 11:20 AM

it sounds like the pay grade isn't even worth the stress for your peace of mind.

instantneedles 01-27-2022 05:18 PM

I think it boils down to your personality at the end of the day.

If you're an individual contributor type and is really good with producing quality work, then you won't want to move into management.

If you're the management type and is good at leveraging the talents of others, then you won't want to be an individual contributor.

I think it's wrong to think that management is a natural progression in your career, when really it is a matter of personality/career goals.

Up until the tail end of her career, my mom was a high level individual contributor, until she finally decided she wanted to work less and provide mentorship/management to others by taking on a manager role (as a way of giving back to her company) - salary-wise, she was only making slightly more.

When you move to management, I feel like the wisest/most efficient way to go about things is to do less hands-on work yourself, and instead, empower others to do it.

As a healthcare professional myself, I'm personally still working on developing my skills as a clinician, but hope to own my own practice/clinic one day (basically management), and that is the day I will have to give up being a clinician.

GS8 01-27-2022 08:37 PM

No matter what employment avenue you take, there will be pros and cons for all of them. If's up to you to decide whether the pros outweigh the cons in the short term. I say short term because the as you grow and develop within the company, the long term may not be as appealing but by then, you have may gathered enough experience to migrate to another job / company.

Nobody can tell anyone what is correct but only provide guidance and wisdom through their own anecdotes. I'm an independent contractor but have always had the same client for the last 5 years due to their growth. It's had its ups and downs but I'm not completely tied down to them yet I work 'full time' with them. That's my personal 'happy medium' between full on corporate culture and working back breaking labour (which I did for many years as a grocery store supervisor DansGame).

6793026 01-28-2022 04:52 AM

what was epic is that I'm in fortune companies, my fiance is in health care.
we have seen her co worker take on "team leader" manager role, and then step down.
No pay increase at all.
I don't know why people want things just for the sake of title.
Now the manager stepped down, 2 people has to take over the manager role.

that would never happen in corp world.

mikemhg 01-28-2022 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by instantneedles (Post 9052355)
I think it boils down to your personality at the end of the day.

If you're an individual contributor type and is really good with producing quality work, then you won't want to move into management.

If you're the management type and is good at leveraging the talents of others, then you won't want to be an individual contributor.

I think it's wrong to think that management is a natural progression in your career, when really it is a matter of personality/career goals.

Up until the tail end of her career, my mom was a high level individual contributor, until she finally decided she wanted to work less and provide mentorship/management to others by taking on a manager role (as a way of giving back to her company) - salary-wise, she was only making slightly more.

When you move to management, I feel like the wisest/most efficient way to go about things is to do less hands-on work yourself, and instead, empower others to do it.

As a healthcare professional myself, I'm personally still working on developing my skills as a clinician, but hope to own my own practice/clinic one day (basically management), and that is the day I will have to give up being a clinician.

You're a clinician? Didn't know that.

Makes the steroid talk with you in the lifting page more interesting now :lol

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