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325isMSPORT 05-30-2022 09:33 AM

Hello darkness my old friend :)

TOS'd 05-31-2022 01:50 PM

I've come to talk with you again :hotbaby:

bcrdukes 05-31-2022 01:53 PM

Because a vision softly creeping :peek:

EvoLove 06-03-2022 11:36 PM

its been 2+ months now, there are some days where i will still think about you hard, but I've been improving my life bit by bit, my friends have told me that i look more well dressed now and i that my perm was a good idea, it makes it look like i care about my looks. I've also stopped smoking for about two weeks, and I only drink at party's or dinner when everyone else drinks, my muscles are also noticeably larger and you can some what see a six pack. Financially i made a few good investments and made a little profit. I'm proud of myself, i just need to keep this up and work on myself more. My friends say that I'm kind of like a girl, since I have a glow up going for me.

mikemhg 06-04-2022 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by EvoLove (Post 9066086)
its been 2+ months now, there are some days where i will still think about you hard, but I've been improving my life bit by bit, my friends have told me that i look more well dressed now and i that my perm was a good idea, it makes it look like i care about my looks. I've also stopped smoking for about two weeks, and I only drink at party's or dinner when everyone else drinks, my muscles are also noticeably larger and you can some what see a six pack. Financially i made a few good investments and made a little profit. I'm proud of myself, i just need to keep this up and work on myself more. My friends say that I'm kind of like a girl, since I have a glow up going for me.

I'm legit confused here, are you actually dealing with something or just throwing out random thoughts/lyrics?

Gerbs 06-04-2022 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by mikemhg (Post 9066098)
I'm legit confused here, are you actually dealing with something or just throwing out random thoughts/lyrics?

My mans is trying to get over a girl who doesn't want him

TOS'd 06-04-2022 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by mikemhg (Post 9066098)
I'm legit confused here, are you actually dealing with something or just throwing out random thoughts/lyrics?

GS8 06-05-2022 08:04 PM

I'm not single, I'm the social distance champion!


EvoLove 06-06-2022 10:40 PM

Your Uni grad ceremony is in two days, I was going to message you ask ask if you still wanted me to come, but as i was typing away on the phone, i started to think about how i was never around you when life was good for you, I've only been there when you needed someone there to help you out when you needed it the most. Through your previous break ups, you moving down to Vancouver for school and me moving back down also, to when your father passed away and i had to walk the the nurse to the morgue because your family members couldn't and you didn't want him to go alone, its always the times when you needed someone there that it was me, it was never the happy moments in life. I've come to the conclusion that you never actually loved me through out our relationship, its just because i was there the whole time, and now that you have new friends through work and neighbor, I am no longer needed in your life.

CivicBlues 06-07-2022 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by EvoLove (Post 9064170)
bruh i dont ask how old are you right away, i work in a warehouse full of older people of all the warehouse people im the youngest there, well i assumed i was the youngest lol

Ok I'm almost 40 and I don't think I'm that old to forget what it was like to be in my twenties but fucks sake the age of consent is 16, the age of majority is 19. You're 28. She's 22. You're not her boss or supervisor right? If you were anything like me you're horny as fuck and she's probably too even if she is dumb as a sack of rocks. If she's waving you in like an air traffic controller GO AHEAD AND PLOW HER YOU FUCKING DUNCE.

EvoLove 06-08-2022 05:50 PM

I probably shouldn't of, but I went to your convocation today, watching you walk across the stage made me so proud of you may you have a good future as this was the last thing i can do. We will begin our next chapter in life without each other. I did as i told you no matter our status I will attend your ceremony even if it was watching from the top.

GS8 08-22-2022 08:24 PM

No posts in over 2 months?

RS finally happy in unity :QQ:

Gerbs 08-23-2022 09:09 AM

I'm stressing about how I finally made it to middle class but inflation sends me back down to poorville.

TOS'd 08-29-2022 01:14 PM

Hello old friend,
It's really good to see you once again.

ZN6 09-01-2022 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by EvoLove (Post 9064013)
i talked to a girl at work today, we hit it off, until she told me shes like 22... i turn 29 this year i don't want to be the pedo.

So let me get this straight: 17/23 = Ok. 6 years later, 22/29 = not ok?

I'm glad you've grown out of the LG phase, bro, but I don't like this new strategic direction you're taking.

I come back to YVR and this shit is still going on?! Glad I didn't miss anything while I was gone.

I hope you're well in spirit and body, dude.

Euro7r 09-01-2022 03:03 PM

Is it just me, or do Hong Kong guys possessive of their wife/girlfriends and get jealous really easily? It's to the point I think a lot of these Hong Kong guys have no fucking thing to do with their time, but waste it doing/thinking of stupid shit. My wife friend (female) married to a guy in HK (both born in HK). They moved to Van to settle down a new life, but the guy gets jealous when wife co-worker drives her home (on the way home). Mind you the co-worker is fugly, but already has a wife with two kids already. Both couple are religious, so clearly no shit will spark from the female side.

There are other times when the husband would flip it when his wife talks to another guy. If he doesn't like wife talking to other people, might as well lock her up at home and go earn enough money to let her be a stay at home wife then LOL. Seems quite extreme with the possessiveness, or is this considered "normal" from Asia country cultures?

radeonboy 09-01-2022 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Euro7r (Post 9074505)
Is it just me, or do Hong Kong guys possessive of their wife/girlfriends and get jealous really easily? It's to the point I think a lot of these Hong Kong guys have no fucking thing to do with their time, but waste it doing/thinking of stupid shit. My wife friend (female) married to a guy in HK (both born in HK). They moved to Van to settle down a new life, but the guy gets jealous when wife co-worker drives her home (on the way home). Mind you the co-worker is fugly, but already has a wife with two kids already. Both couple are religious, so clearly no shit will spark from the female side.

There are other times when the husband would flip it when his wife talks to another guy. If he doesn't like wife talking to other people, might as well lock her up at home and go earn enough money to let her be a stay at home wife then LOL. Seems quite extreme with the possessiveness, or is this considered "normal" from Asia country cultures?

That sounds more anecdotal than a culture-wide thing.

ZN6 09-01-2022 07:51 PM

@BIC_BAWS Glad to see you're still around. Holding up well, I hope, bro.

RiceIntegraRS 09-01-2022 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Euro7r (Post 9074505)
Is it just me, or do Hong Kong guys possessive of their wife/girlfriends and get jealous really easily? It's to the point I think a lot of these Hong Kong guys have no fucking thing to do with their time, but waste it doing/thinking of stupid shit. My wife friend (female) married to a guy in HK (both born in HK). They moved to Van to settle down a new life, but the guy gets jealous when wife co-worker drives her home (on the way home). Mind you the co-worker is fugly, but already has a wife with two kids already. Both couple are religious, so clearly no shit will spark from the female side.

There are other times when the husband would flip it when his wife talks to another guy. If he doesn't like wife talking to other people, might as well lock her up at home and go earn enough money to let her be a stay at home wife then LOL. Seems quite extreme with the possessiveness, or is this considered "normal" from Asia country cultures?

He has major insecurity issues. Until he can get past it, he will always be like that.

Euro7r 09-02-2022 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by RiceIntegraRS (Post 9074562)
He has major insecurity issues. Until he can get past it, he will always be like that.

It's messed up because my friend (female) would try to ask his wife to go out to eat. Like girls chill time, she'll always make up some excuse she is busy. It's possessive to the point, his wife is only allowed to go to work and home.

I dunno, I grew up in the west, you see/hear the occasional jealousy and whatnot. Never seen a couple this extreme, first time in my life (not saying it doesn't exist in the west to this extreme).

Teriyaki 09-02-2022 10:50 AM

Not your fight to fight.
I don't think it has much to do with the cultural background, though with a very broad stroke I could see that since the east is still more embedded in the patriarchal family ways, it could enable some of these minor behaviours to be seen as more "normal". Now, with that said. They are both adults. She is an adult. If she allows this to happen and likely has for sometime, she is complicit in encouraging this behaviour. Whether its healthy or not, or makes them happy or not is up to them to figure out.

Of course, the complex concept of "saving face" and especially concepts like divorce are more taboo in that culture so maybe they really are miserable but won't address the issues in the room. Throw in being religous and you have a bad situation all around.

That's really too bad. Doesn't sound like a fun time at all, but hey atleast they aren't being beat on the streets of HK by looking at a cop the wrong way.

CivicBlues 09-02-2022 11:33 AM

Why are you trying so hard to attribute his toxic behavior to his ethnicity? The guy obviously has a screw loose, as does the wife probably. Vast majority of HKers don't act like that. It's Hong Kong ffs, not Saudi Arabia. End of story.

Edit: lol failed me but no reply.

ZN6 09-02-2022 12:05 PM

Flying home tomorrow. It's going to be a long 10 hour flight to dwell on the recent death in the family. Makes me think about when it's time for me to go and whether my kids will be ok.

Traum 09-02-2022 10:23 PM

I'm sorry to hear about a death in your family, ZN6.

I recently found out that a coworker who is probably in his 50's has lost his only son, and the kid was only 10 yrs old. He took a bit of time off for stress leave, but for the most part, he seems to be throwing himself back into work and trying hard to get back into his "usual" routine now.

I know everybody deals with grief in different ways, and I can't imagine how I'd feel if I were in his shoes.

I've been finding every excuse to give my little person a few extra hugs since finding out about this (news of my coworker).

ZN6 09-03-2022 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by Traum (Post 9074729)
I'm sorry to hear about a death in your family, ZN6.

I recently found out that a coworker who is probably in his 50's has lost his only son, and the kid was only 10 yrs old. He took a bit of time off for stress leave, but for the most part, he seems to be throwing himself back into work and trying hard to get back into his "usual" routine now.

I know everybody deals with grief in different ways, and I can't imagine how I'd feel if I were in his shoes.

I've been finding every excuse to give my little person a few extra hugs since finding out about this (news of my coworker).

Thanks Traum.

It's never easy dealing with death. I guess I'm lucky that my dad lived a pretty full life before he passed. It's just he lived it with me being pretty absent from being busy with my life goals in the last decade and a half. I finished my pursuits of becoming an actuary, and an MBA but not once did I make time to even have breakfast with him at that Angel Cafe place back in the day. After a company M&A, I took an overseas opportunity and didn't even bother to see my dad before I took off, I just called him and he wished me the best. Fast forward to 4 weeks ago, I found out my dad was on his deathbed. He never liked to disclose whether he had health issues and the only thing we could do was video call him where he could see my family and I. My kids don't speak fluent English yet to the point where my 3 year old daughter still only speaks Japanese so they can't communicate at all and she'll never know who her granddad was. He was happy to see us but I couldn't get back to see him alive in person and the last words to me was "I'm proud of you, son". My last words to him were lies as I told him I'll be back to see him before he goes. The timing was absolutely shitty, over the last 3 years, COVID-19 was shit and when I could finally travel again, and I find out my dad is dying, it was Obon and travel is absolute shit. I finally made it back last week in time for his funeral on Monday.

I had the longest sleep in my life dozing off in bed on Monday at 3pm after the funeral and waking up Wednesday around noon at my aunt's house. My sister-in-law, who came up with my brother from Cali, woke me up with hot soymilk and sticky rice with shredded pork. That was honestly the only comforting thing in the last month.

I think my dad's death put me at a crossroad. I've kissed corporate ass for the last decade and scrubbed shit stains off corporate toilets and in turn I'm finally getting my corporate ass kissed with associate cleaning my shit stains off with their tongues. And even after all the material and monetary gains, life feels empty with no time for family, it's just prodding along at a slog. The worst part about this is that our company went through another M&A recently and I took on even more responsibility and less time. My kids sometimes don't see me for a week at a time (this week included), I come home from work at 10:30pm exhausted, they're already asleep, I'm up at 5am to get to commute to the office. Our live-in nanny quitting last year was a bit of a blessing in disguise as it finally pushed my waifu to quit her job at NTT and be a full-time mom and she manages the kids well and speaks well of me, but it's no replacement for me actually being there. I guess I should be happy that even when my mood is absolute shit, there's a meal waiting for me at the end of the day, and I should never take that for granted. But will this last? I honestly think it won't if I keep this up and it's killing me to know that I have less and less time even when one of my family is facing death. I can provide a very comfortable life for my family now, but I don't know how sustainable it is. Work-life-balance is nearly non-existent in Japan. I look at my pictures from just 5 years ago with a head full of black hair, and now my head is half full of greys and I don't even partake in any vices. I think it's time to slow down and downsize, the dream would be to open up a cafe somewhere and be my own barista, but that won't pay the bills. I've come to realize that my kids are too important and it took my dad's death to teach me that.

Now I gotta go into the office on Monday (no time for jetlag recovery) with the corporate face on as if nothing happened in the last week, while I'm about ready to bawl my eyes out typing this knowing I can't go back to change anything. No amount of what I accumulated could buy back a second of time.

Current mood:

BTW, I tried to go back to our old family dining hole, congee noodle house, on Broadway and Main to find that it's shut down, WTF happened to Broadway? WTF happened to all the side streets on Commercial and Granville blocked with tables and shit. WTF is going on with Vancouver streets?

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