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Badhobz 08-06-2024 06:31 AM

There’s no fucking cons ! Only pros!

Badhobz 08-06-2024 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by AstulzerRZD (Post 9144862)
IMO it's way easier for a girl to socialize, climb, and break into new circles so the #1 quality I look for in most girls is their ability to empathize and connect with others.

Da fuck ? Why ?

You want some harlot that goes around connecting with everyone and anyone ? Yah no thanks. I rather have a more conservative woman (for dating / relationships) than some bubbly bimbo who looks like she can gobble cock at a moments notice. I’ve dated those bimbos / sluts before and it’s fun for a bit but it’s tiresome in the long run.

That’s why I love my spy balloon. Shes perfect ! She’s a sassy, balls breaking, cunt that’s completely genuine. She can barely keep on the facade of not yelling at the poors around her and her lame ass insecurities makes me laugh all the time. No fucking way she can empathize with people, she’s very much like me in the sense she don’t give a rats ass about most people outside her family. Like I said she’s perfect!

It’s the only reason I don’t have a harem of hookers over at my place or why I don’t bang the office sluts around me. 16 years I’ve been with this woman and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

mikemhg 08-06-2024 10:33 AM

I kinda agree to Badhobz, but not entirely.

I like a girl that can get along with people, make conversation and be engaging, I don't want to be the one who always has to drive the conversations when we're at a party or out with other couples, so that's important.

At the same time, don't be too extra. We just came back from Pendrell Sound around Desolation Sound on my friend's yacht. My buddy is an older fella, and he brought along 2 of his sugar babies (they're escorts). I got a little annoyed how hard my GF was trying to be all buddy buddy with the slags, taking selfies, over giggling and being giddy at crap. I gave her a few hard eyerolls over the course of the weekend :lol

68style 08-07-2024 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by AstulzerRZD (Post 9144893)
+ the ability to be socially aware enough to have an engaging conversation that makes us feel good about inviting someone to something or get invited

power couple in my eyes is being able to figure out the most interesting people in every room and hang out with em again

imo if the girl isn't able to do this, what am I investing my own energy / time / resources for?

This wasn't exactly what I was thinking when I said empathy... I was thinking more like they have the ability to self-reflect or imagine themselves in the shoes of another person or they don't just think there's only 1 way for anything to go.

I'm sure we are just at different stages in life, but I sure as heck don't need anyone who can network and raise our social or professional status at this point. I don't see social engagements as opportunities anymore, although I remember a time when I did.

CivicBlues 08-07-2024 08:18 AM

Be careful dating/marrying social climbers, they're just going to climb over your ass one day if you stumble or don't give a fuck about climbing anymore.

AstulzerRZD 08-07-2024 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by CivicBlues (Post 9145156)
Be careful dating/marrying social climbers, they're just going to climb over your ass one day if you stumble or don't give a fuck about climbing anymore.

dw i'm the more climby one out of the two of us
she's just really good with people

FOREVER 08-11-2024 09:54 AM

Seeing that drmike vs anthony espinosa thread again has inspired me.

I'm going to legal up to get my money back

edit: not Anthony Espinosa but someone else

bcrdukes 08-11-2024 09:13 PM

Wait, what? Get your money back from Anthony Espinosa or is this unrelated?

68style 08-12-2024 09:35 AM

Enough relationships, when do we discuss bcrdukes gender?

FOREVER 08-12-2024 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by bcrdukes (Post 9145517)
Wait, what? Get your money back from Anthony Espinosa or is this unrelated?

Unrelated, but get money back from someone ** LOL

I should edit my previous post

bcrdukes 08-13-2024 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by 68style (Post 9145557)
Enough relationships, when do we discuss bcrdukes gender?


GLOW 08-21-2024 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Badhobz (Post 9144993)
why I don’t bang the office sluts around me.

you mean the 80+ yo secretary?! :ahwow:

Badhobz 08-21-2024 06:18 PM

No, we have a kabal of super skanks running around the office. HR has a sick joke of hiring them to fill diversity quotas. It’s so bad they’ve started to run in herds and they all hate each other.

They terrify me as I’m pretty sure anything I say will be considered harassment so I just pretend I don’t speak English and hide out with my old bitch gatekeeper.

She’s great at chasing them away

BIC_BAWS 03-15-2025 01:05 AM

Next on the list of "introspective" updates while stoned on creative weed:

So I decided to start dating again or at least actually try to go out for dates, instead of matching, chatting and not feeling like meeting up (re: losing the "light" in me). And it was time to stop beating myself up over past mistakes that led to COMPLICATED situationships.

Anyway, the reason why I'm writing here is because I wanted to share my shock about "adult" dating or rather post-quarter life crisis dating. I'm shocked that setting boundaries - for yourself actually works. My motto right now, as cringey as it sounds it, do it for the plot - what do I have to lose? If all else fails, it's practice (thanks hobz), it's not the end of the world. It is however if I don't keep practicing lol. Weird how fear works.

Anyway in terms of boundaries, I'm trying to take it slow and, for once, not go 0-100. I'm taking into consideration, "attachment styles" which tbh I thought was bogus but apparently not. I learned that it's important to me that a woman has a good relationship with her family, not for the familial aspect, but more like the daddy issue girls are smt and the "trauma" from it.. is not it. I think I'll avoid introducing alcohol in the first few dates as in the past I found that this chick and I only vibed if we were drinking LOL.

It really puts into perspective the intentional aspect of things as I'm learning that if I keep it lowkey and don't overshare (why else am I here) it makes it really low commitment, low effort, low investment. Definitely the benefit of that is not feeling like you're "losing" something. I can't do the dating in abundance thing as it feels disingenuous.. almost like networking to an extent. OTOH, it's a bit of a catch-22. It makes things easier, but I'm almost withholding (?), not allowing myself to really get to know each other. My argument for this is that it's supposed to be done in person on several dates, not on text. I limit texts and get to the point, not as a game, but more like I don't care to talk for a week and not end up going out with them. Also interestingly, I stopped oversharing the "i don't play games" thing. I almost feel like it's bare minimum as a human being.

I always thought "manifesting" was bullshit but I guess if you can envision what you want, you can build towards it. Anyway I have vision of a future, idk what but it's out there, so that's cool.

donk. 03-15-2025 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by BIC_BAWS (Post 9168960)
I limit texts and get to the point, not as a game, but more like I don't care to talk for a week and not end up going out with them.

Man, this is like the worst part of "modern" dating, when you dont get a number in public.

Online dating..... women want to "get to know you" over an entire week or month by text before they will even go out with you, if at all.
If you say lets go out on the first day, heck, even first week sometimes, your automatically flagged as desperate or mentally unstable more than half the time.

Some of them are just bored, and use you for entertainment.

The funny part is when they vet you for an entire week over text, then you meet up, and they turn out to have a beer gut, or a kid + alcohol rehab past that they never brought up.

So you end up leaving the date early, feeling stupid that you spent and entire week talking when it could have been resolved on minute 10 of meeting in person.

God speed bicbaws, may 2025 be the year for you

red kryptonite 03-15-2025 09:24 AM

good for you for getting back in the game. just like the lotto, u gotta be in it to win it.

mikemhg 03-15-2025 09:58 AM

I've been out the game for a minute now in a long-term relationship, but the worst thing I had noticed when you're getting back into the dating game in your 30s is the amount of baggage people have at that age. It's something you weren't abreast to in your 20s.

Dating in your 20s is fun -- Everything is new, girls don't have a bunch of trust issues and trauma, there's no expectations because we're all young and just having a good time.

But man, when you get into the game again in your 30s, it's a completely different story. We become calcified into our own ways and habits, we're less malleable, our expectations are more defined and rigid.

Add into that trust issues, trauma, prior relationship strife, it all adds to a very different experience.

BIC_BAWS 03-15-2025 10:41 AM

I briefly touched on this in my adventure thread, or at least the beginnings of this, and yeah you're right. By the time you make it to late 20s, you're already so jaded. At least I am, and that in itself plays a part in "losing the spark/light". I think the defined and rigid expectations are a result of creating boundaries to prevent previous experiences - a safety net is what it is. I guess by the time you hit 30s, you've worked so hard to make it here so it's not worth it to compromise.

I thought about this quite a bit, I guess I couldn't sleep one night and just started typing into my notes - dated Jan 16, 2024. Now, reflecting back on the below, while I thought affirmations were bullshit, it's nice to read it in a different perspective - in a different light.


Yeah I've been single for awhile, but for the most part I'm content with my life. I'm happy for the friends I have, both here and in my other social circles. I'm fortunate to have a roof over my head and have experienced more track days than any reasonable hobbyist could. I'm blessed to have experienced the stunning architecture of nature as my friends and I find new backroads to explore. Similarly to my enjoyment of small-town BC/WA, it's a welcome change and it's nice to find some perspective.

Gerbs 03-15-2025 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by donk. (Post 9168975)
Man, this is like the worst part of "modern" dating, when you dont get a number in public.

Online dating..... women want to "get to know you" over an entire week or month by text before they will even go out with you, if at all.
If you say lets go out on the first day, heck, even first week sometimes, your automatically flagged as desperate or mentally unstable more than half the time.

Some of them are just bored, and use you for entertainment.

The funny part is when they vet you for an entire week over text, then you meet up, and they turn out to have a beer gut, or a kid + alcohol rehab past that they never brought up.

The pool 27+ is pretty shitty, wants to text for a week or more before meeting up. People's schedules are open after week 3-4.

The pool that was 20 - 25 was down to meet-up within a day or week, lower expectations and better quality girlfriends.

CivicBlues 03-15-2025 03:59 PM

Please don't let JasonS2k find this thread...

tiger_handheld 03-16-2025 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by Gerbs (Post 9169012)
The pool 27+ is pretty shitty, wants to text for a week or more before meeting up. People's schedules are open after week 3-4.

The pool that was 20 - 25 was down to meet-up within a day or week, lower expectations and better quality girlfriends.

if they single, tf they doing for 3-4 weeks?

mikemhg 03-17-2025 10:01 AM

^Because people nowadays need to work up the courage and energy to bother going out with someone they've never met, it's where we're at nowadays.

It's easier to just text for weeks before meeting to figure out if you like them or not, then finally make the effort to actually meet up in person.

It's a crazy way to date, but here we are.

BIC_BAWS 03-17-2025 10:33 AM

What's odd is that my SOPs (for a lack of better words) doesn't align with my age group. Per Gerbs, my age group prefers to chat for weeks before meeting up. But my SOPs is to meet first and then talk more later, cause what's the point of chatting for weeks? All I see is wasted time and effort lol. The way I see it is that the less investment I put in, the less disappointment there will be haha.

Anyway, I made a few first date fumbles already lol, probably leading to the date being cut short but oh well it is what it is.
  • Grabbed the wrong drink. We both got something for dine-in, a drink, and I grabbed some other lady's to-go drink.. derp.
  • Talked way too much about myself. I'm finding it difficult to switch from networking mode to date mode.
  • Was late.. but lowkey her fault for asking me to skip work to go on a date lmfao. Had to take a last minute call.
  • Broke my personal rule - checked my phone to see if I had any urgent work emails to respond to

Traum 03-17-2025 12:00 PM

Odd as it may seem, but your first date blunders are reminding me of my own, and that definitely brought a smile to my face LOL~

These are the things that you will look back on with fond memories LOL~

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