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BeeBeeAhn 12-23-2008 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by q0192837465 (Post 6188611)
Did he grow a beard?

no. he shaved it. for the most part. he actually looks good with a bit of a beard. kinda like ryan gosling ^^

Alphamale 12-23-2008 10:33 PM

^Thanks, I've gotten that comment more than once today.

3xta 12-24-2008 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by Grandmaster TSE (Post 6187677)
he took the easy way out
but then again, if the feeling isn't mutual between you and your ex, it shouldn't matter anyways

i dont quite understand what you mean. I still like her till this day...I mean like, obviously i wouldnt be choked that they were going out, if i didnt like her anymore.

Inaii 12-24-2008 11:06 AM

This cold needs to go away, I'd like to get more than 2-4 hours of sleep a night thanks!

muteki 12-24-2008 10:55 PM

Stop the snow! I want to go out!!!

LC21 12-24-2008 11:53 PM

What a lonely christmas...

3xta 12-25-2008 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by LC21 (Post 6190563)
What a lonely christmas...


i keep on reminiscing about last year when i spent the christmas with my ex

Inaii 12-25-2008 12:23 AM

You know, it's kind of funny. I'm sitting here, reading all the bitching and griping going on on this site, and I'm thinking, you all have SO MUCH to be thankful for this Christmas. You have your lives, your families.

I know there is one family out there right now, wishing to GOD or whatever they believe in, that transit and snow was all they had to worry about. They lost their little girl tonight. Only 4 years old. My friend was one of the first there after she got hit. And I can't imagine how any of them are dealing with it.

So instead of griping and complaining about things, why not look on the bright side? I know I will be.

RIP little one. You went far too young. My thoughts and prayers will be with you, your family and your neighbours.

LC21 12-25-2008 12:54 AM

That's true, but heck this is the relationship forum right?!

I have better things to be greatful for =) A christmas where i felt like i've given something back rather then just receive.

Inaii 12-25-2008 01:15 AM

It wasn't directed at this thread in particular. I just think sometimes people need to step back and truly appreciate what they have before it's gone.

muteki 12-25-2008 02:14 AM

I hate you, I hate you, I HATE YOU.
Go away, and leave me alone forever.
Why didn't you just disappear then?
Stop trying to contact me and make assumptions and crap. We are NOT friends.
I've had it with you, just because your stupid bitches spoil you rotten, doesn't mean I give a damn or will do the same for you.

iam_dan 12-25-2008 05:18 AM

i would appreciate it if you would please stop displaying insinuative messages to everyone.
they are misleading and i dont like them very much at all to say the least.
as hard as it may be for you to understand, you didnt 'lose' me. you discarded me. (that was a nice way of saying it, for my own sake)

it may seem like im breaking my promises i made to you, all the things i said i would do; you might as well forget those ideas and words that ive said. they were voided the moment you made your choice to throw me away to get back together with your ex boyfriend. i even made it clear that i would be gone from your life if you were to break up with me for another guy.

please stop going on facebook, using the 'make a baby' application to try to send messages to me by creating a baby using a derivative of my name and saying how you miss me on its status, when you are STILL with your boyfriend. it disgusts me. im sure your boyfriend would not appreciate that either.

i will NOT be your 'plan b'.
no, you cannot have both of us.

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU. leave me alone.

edit: i pity your boyfriend now. im glad you dumped me for him, or else id be in his position.

Inaii 12-25-2008 07:14 PM

Well, I did it. I said goodbye the same way you did. And I couldn't be happier =] I don't need people like you in my life influencing me to make horrible choices. Thanks but I'll keep the friends I have now. Good luck in life!

Nintensity 12-25-2008 07:18 PM

I better be doing the right things here.

Alatar 12-25-2008 09:56 PM

^ You are. You'll come to understand it and feel better about yourself soon.

Inaii 12-26-2008 08:32 AM

I wonder how much a trip to Miami would run me....

Raid3n 12-27-2008 02:42 AM

too much

Inaii 12-27-2008 08:58 AM

Shhh you.

Yay I went to bed before midnight! Hurray me! Now I get to avoid my friend's ex all day. Why is it some guys go for their ex-gf's friends to have sex? Don't get that. Especially since he's his cities tow-truck, if you catch my drift.

yuusha 12-27-2008 05:16 PM

I've pretended to be strong for long enough. Now I'm able to stand on my own two feet, without you.

I still think of you from time to time, but I know that you'll never change. You'll always be an immature, indecisive, selfish, greedy, dishonest slut.

Don't make me ruin your relationship by telling him the truth about you and how you've already cheated on him.

Inaii 12-27-2008 08:36 PM

I really need to figure this out. I'm going to be VERY upset if what Alan said was true. I don't like wasting my time.

BeeBeeAhn 12-27-2008 10:15 PM

Sometimes you're really fucking retarded, you know that?

Part of me wants to punt you off the roof, but another part of me knows it's your lack of experience with relationships that makes you do those odd things.

I always wondered if i'm crazy for dating a younger guy. Well, i guess that question has been answered.


ah fuck. >.<

LC21 12-27-2008 10:28 PM

wow after 2months we finally talk on the phone for an hour again.. feels so good but im already over you.

3xta 12-27-2008 10:46 PM

there are no clothes i could buy, that can turn back in time
there is no vacation spot i can fly, that can bring back a piece of real life
real life, what does it feel like.....

muteki 12-28-2008 01:21 AM

I don't know anymore.
Everything seems different now.

I wished someone would shovel the snow for me, haha.
Too tired to do anything now... Maybe I'll just wait and see...

LC21 12-28-2008 01:37 AM

ill shovel it for you ;) HAHAHA

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