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jtanner_ 06-08-2012 08:05 PM

I feel like I'm missing something.

FI-Z33 06-08-2012 08:36 PM

I wonder... I wander...

El Bastardo 06-09-2012 01:36 PM

The following is a question from an anonymous Revscene member

what is better in your opinion
great sex, or meaningful sex?

threezero 06-09-2012 02:50 PM

Everytime when I thought I've found my own little piece happiness someone will come and take it away.

Major forever alone moment....

LSF22 06-09-2012 05:12 PM

this is exactly what I tried and wanted to avoid... fuck

PJ 06-09-2012 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by TOS'd (Post 7942055)
Is this where the story ends? Or does a new chapter begin.

Your quote reminded me of this song at 1:20 :ahwow:

tdeweyn 06-09-2012 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by mb_ (Post 7937474)
Congrats, what program?

Electrical and Computer Engineering. Nerd style :thumbs:

mruppal 06-10-2012 01:08 AM

haven't seen you for a while.. I miss you, but it doesn't seem like you miss me so I'll wait it out until you wanna see me

insomniac 06-10-2012 03:39 AM

Please smarten up.

Wykydtron 06-10-2012 08:36 AM

She remembers me from 3 years ago when she cut my hair (no idea who she was), stops mid shift to talk to me for half an hour, acts and seems SUPER interested, gives me her number and tells me to call her sometime......only for her to actually already have a bf. WTF was that mindfuck about?

threezero 06-10-2012 11:31 AM

^ maybe she is looking to ditch the bf

Wykydtron 06-10-2012 03:21 PM

Nope. Found out she had a bf when I asked her out.

BrRsn 06-10-2012 09:44 PM

Real Social Dynamics Julien Infield Footage -- Shocking Pickup Rampage -- Hot Seat 2 Revealed - YouTube

tiger_handheld 06-10-2012 09:55 PM

best lunch date ever.

loaf of bread - $3
100g of hummus - $2
5 slices of harvarti and 100g of ham - $2
100g of raspberries - $3
make your own sandwich watching a busker at granville island with the gf - priceless

who says you need to spend a fortune to have a good time?

!Yaminashi 06-10-2012 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by tiger_handheld (Post 7943606)

who says you need to spend a fortune to have a good time?

Only people that don't really know how to have a good time

yogenfruz 06-10-2012 11:37 PM

Can you stop being ridiculous when we talk for once?

rb 06-11-2012 01:17 AM

You're like a drug I can't stay away from even though you are pure trash.

Meowjin 06-11-2012 02:10 AM

don't know why girls post nudes of themselves on the net.

even weirder that I can recognize them without seeing their full face.

bcrdukes 06-11-2012 02:11 AM


-lincolnboi- 06-11-2012 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by jtanner_ (Post 7942058)
I feel like I'm missing something.

I have the same feel :okay:


Originally Posted by bcrdukes (Post 7943762)

LOL :fullofwin:

tiger_handheld 06-11-2012 09:52 AM

are those home made meatballs?

palepilsenpin0y 06-11-2012 10:44 AM

I'm actually pissed. This was all just one big mistake.

bcrdukes 06-11-2012 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by tiger_handheld (Post 7943892)
are those home made meatballs?

You bet. :)

Ri2 06-11-2012 11:05 AM

THE hardest, most intense and emotional weekend in my life, yet filled with so much love and support it was truly overwhelming. met soo many amazing women from so many different walks of life and may even have a full fledged career change (but still kinda same) ahead of me. intuitive business analysts, intuitive soul purpose guide, life coaches, ceo's of women empowerment companies and the list goes on.....
i've never experienced so much energy and emotion like that in such a short span of time. i was pretty much in tears for 2 and a half days lol.

you supported me so much the past week with my writing and then this weekend during my retreat by always checking up on me and being genuinely interested in what i learned. felt so good to tell you how grateful i am and how much i appreciate you. and yeah, i was pretty much on another level when i told you i loved you lmaoo. i didnt mean like.. in a weird stalker way, it was like as a friend and a person as an entirety for everything you've done for me the past month and a half.

think i finally worked up the courage to tell you i like you (think im doing this backwards though lol) ............. must be fearless!

PJ 06-11-2012 12:12 PM


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