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<3 envee 06-23-2012 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by BN-604 (Post 7956071)
can't take anymore of these bullshit from you so call friends, fucking take advantage of my trust and shit

tell me about it...

!e.lo_ 06-23-2012 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by NBPTL6o4 (Post 7955977)
^ not even possible with some, fucking the good guy finish last mentality lingers in vancouver for fuck sakes, these girls rather be treated like shit from others but friendzone someone who actually care for em

but why would you want a woman who can't appreciate or see who you truly are? those who don't see what you're worth, are not worth your time.

to those who have friend-zoned me, or played/used me. I say to them, "Your lost. I'm the best thing you never bothered to give a chance."

like today for instance, was suppose to hang with a girl, but she didn't reply or get back to me. So I hung out with some of the bros, and you know what? GREAT TIMES WERE HAD!

Meowjin 06-23-2012 03:58 AM


Originally Posted by Ri2 (Post 7955015)
i'll cut you.

rb 06-23-2012 02:51 PM

officially friendzoned... you f#cking c#nt

iam_dan 06-23-2012 03:05 PM

they jus wanna gaggle

insomniac 06-23-2012 03:58 PM

full of problems when im with you. clingy as fuck now that i dont care anymore. kept saying and was sad that you "were supposed to be with me every step of the way" but you never seemed to be around when i was doing my thing. you never even asked me for my opinion for a such a huge decision you made. really pmo youre like this.. its like youre pmsing every fucking day.. if i dont text you then you go all ham..

fuck you LOL im better off without you


Originally Posted by !e.lo_ (Post 7956105)
like today for instance, was suppose to hang with a girl, but she didn't reply or get back to me. So I hung out with some of the bros, and you know what? GREAT TIMES WERE HAD!

glad you came out last minute. shit was fucking hilarious

Drow 06-23-2012 04:20 PM

stupid girls and their mind games. in the past 2 years i've yet to meet a normal-functioning girl...

now i know why i keep thinking back to my ex :rolleyes:

AW607 06-23-2012 05:15 PM

Whenever I stop at a busy intersection to make a left turn, I always get the feeling I'm blocking traffic and I have to make the turn ASAP. Somehow seeing several cars change lanes because I'm trying to turn left makes me :okay:

!e.lo_ 06-23-2012 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by insomniac (Post 7956495)

glad you came out last minute. shit was fucking hilarious

oh hell yea man. glad we could all hang out.
like I say, I'm always a bro.:fullofwin:

and fuck you for crashing into me head-on in bg4!!!!

insomniac 06-23-2012 06:38 PM

That was fucking funny LOL but I hit justin before you

mb_ 06-23-2012 09:46 PM

Either getting myself deeper into friend zone or something will actually come out of this... we'll see.

phunky.FOB 06-23-2012 10:00 PM

finally we had time one on one! :) felt soo good ....
I can see things are getting a little better!
love lifeeee <3

jtanner_ 06-23-2012 10:02 PM


xmisstrinh 06-23-2012 11:51 PM

You're amazing and I love you. Always.

ScizzMoney 06-24-2012 01:15 AM

I realize I'm drunk. Just by thinking of this question already gives the answer. I make over 6 times what he does and you'd never have to work again. I still think about you. You were and are able to make the crudest man hold a door open for you, no one can frown around you, you are the ideal wife. I compare everyone since to you and probably always will. I'm glad you have found someone that can give your heart what it wants. But I wish you followed mine. Part of me wants you to be unattainable. Part of me wants you to be off limits to all. I now know a window that's closing when I see one. Now my problem is finding one that doesn't want a diamond window. I feel as each year goes by, finding a woman like you becomes increasingly difficult. I keep getting more protective of myself, more skeptical of women. I want to be carefree again. You brought that out in me. I used to always think I had been in love a few times, looking back it is only you that has ever had my heart.

*To the younger RS'ers here: Don't let go of a good thing over something material. Five years later, even ten, you will realize that wealth has many forms. I just happened to choose wealth that means less then than it does now. A smile on your face is worth more than anything else.

muteki 06-24-2012 02:02 AM

Sometime a few minutes into a conversation with someone is enough to tell you that you'll never be able to along with them no matter how hard you try.

You seriously remain me of that guy we all ended up hating for the same reason I find you annoying.

yukikaze203 06-24-2012 03:03 AM

fuck nostalgic nights.

Gerbs 06-24-2012 03:35 AM

fucked locked outta house

Jboii59 06-24-2012 03:39 PM

You guys even my friends or not? At times we have great moments and others you just completely forget

yogenfruz 06-24-2012 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by Jboii59 (Post 7957378)
You guys even my friends or not? At times we have great moments and others you just completely forget

Happens to me all the time. I started hanging out with the other ones they'd "forget about" real fast. That got their attention when I "didn't think to invite them".

!Nhan 06-24-2012 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by ScizzMoney (Post 7957005)
I realize I'm drunk. Just by thinking of this question already gives the answer. I make over 6 times what he does and you'd never have to work again. I still think about you. You were and are able to make the crudest man hold a door open for you, no one can frown around you, you are the ideal wife. I compare everyone since to you and probably always will. I'm glad you have found someone that can give your heart what it wants. But I wish you followed mine. Part of me wants you to be unattainable. Part of me wants you to be off limits to all. I now know a window that's closing when I see one. Now my problem is finding one that doesn't want a diamond window. I feel as each year goes by, finding a woman like you becomes increasingly difficult. I keep getting more protective of myself, more skeptical of women. I want to be carefree again. You brought that out in me. I used to always think I had been in love a few times, looking back it is only you that has ever had my heart.

*To the younger RS'ers here: Don't let go of a good thing over something material. Five years later, even ten, you will realize that wealth has many forms. I just happened to choose wealth that means less then than it does now. A smile on your face is worth more than anything else.

4 years later and i know that feeling...

Wykydtron 06-24-2012 09:57 PM

Every so often I'll get incredibly sad and lonely. When I hit it off with a girl, I usually end up letting her go without a # etc and think "wtf was I thinking?" I always feel better when I think and remember that I don't even have time for a gf right meow. I legit just don't have time to give another human being the attention they deserve in a relationship. I want a gf, but I want one that I can add to my life, not have to work my life around for and vice versa.

BossFrancis 06-24-2012 10:05 PM

Open the door fully or close it completely, not in the middle. :okay:

TOS'd 06-25-2012 12:41 AM

j.f0ng 06-25-2012 01:44 AM

Fuck this feeling, I don't like it one bit. I wish none of this EVER happened. As much as I miss it, I don't know what to think anymore. Why didn't I see this earlier. These thoughts are driving me nuts and beyond pissed. :fuuuuu:

On a lighter note,
To the bros (one of you guys are on RS, seen your post in here): I love you guys like my own family. But y'all probably know that already. Hopefully. :badpokerface:

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