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CorneringArtist 07-25-2012 07:39 PM

I'm up for a feels meet. Really got some shit to deal with that I've buried for now. Makes me feel better at work, but I know it's fucking there.

TOPEC 07-25-2012 07:53 PM

pm me a number if u guys wanna come hang out tongiht, i probably wont be able to sleep tonight... fuck

muteki 07-25-2012 08:24 PM

Totally down for a meet, but probably not tonight.

Ocassionally we trigger a flag that tells us what needs to be done regardless of how much we want to avoid that result.

Jboii59 07-25-2012 10:13 PM

Fuck this shit...I always get my hopes up for nothing.

SkippyLang 07-25-2012 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by TOPEC (Post 7985669)
pm me a number if u guys wanna come hang out tongiht, i probably wont be able to sleep tonight... fuck


SkippyLang 07-25-2012 11:45 PM

All we really want in life is someone who makes us laugh and that we can do the same to them. I think I've found you.

ecchiecchi 07-25-2012 11:50 PM

Maybe I mistook torture for chance.

What do.

ecchiecchi 07-25-2012 11:52 PM

Is it time for that awkward Speak it Out meet i've brought up before?

All sit in a circle and talk about our problems

muteki 07-25-2012 11:54 PM

Acts like your friend when it's beneficial and yet no where to be seen when you need support.

Need to stop helping people out randomly. No one appreciates anything nowadays.

insomniac 07-26-2012 01:20 AM

7/25 :)

been working my ass off and working like no tomorrow. going to get 3x the pay in one pay check FUCK YEAH

dlo 07-26-2012 01:22 AM

I'm d for a feeling meet... Ill be high as fuck tho haha

TOS'd 07-26-2012 01:29 AM


j.f0ng 07-26-2012 01:43 AM

0 fucks given anymore. :thumbs:

melloman 07-26-2012 07:16 AM

^^ Always thought this summed me up better:

Jsunu 07-26-2012 08:26 AM

im like king Midas, but instead of gold, anything i touch turns to crazy

muteki 07-26-2012 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by ecchiecchi (Post 7985893)
Is it time for that awkward Speak it Out meet i've brought up before?

All sit in a circle and talk about our problems

You know, none of the people that use Speak It Out currently were here when it was first mentioned. :p

Kids nowadays don't value anything since parents bail them out of all sorts of trouble. Not sure if I'm on board with western society's way of seeing "me, me, me." So sick of the messed up stalker/creeper, guy thinks he's the reason behind everything.

Dude, I barely know you, don't get friendly with me. I'm only still talking to you because our mutual school friends think you're "a nice guy". :fuckthatshit:

Armind 07-26-2012 05:28 PM

Game over.

jtanner_ 07-27-2012 09:49 AM

I told myself I wouldn't do something like this again... And yet here we are... Not sure if it's worthwhile for short term excitement..

ForeverYours 07-27-2012 11:57 AM

Waiting for you to come back

IMY :(

CorneringArtist 07-27-2012 05:31 PM
Starting to get tired of caring about shit.

MeowMeow 07-27-2012 10:14 PM

Funny . I seem to run into some sort or part of you every fireworks season.
Not gonna lie, every time I pass by that glasses store on Granville st, you still pop up in my mind.
Glad everything's working out for you now. Despite all the hardship you went through.

phunky.FOB 07-27-2012 11:59 PM

it's already 1're probly still out in the field.
I miss you so much can't wait til you come home...
after all this training in NY then deploy to Afghanistan let the waiting and letters begin...
1.5 years but if I do find someone better I might leave. 5
more years until you are out of the army...
I can wait i guess.. i miss you alot....
should I go to NY to see you?.......
but 4 days so short.. ahhh

Ri2 07-28-2012 12:08 AM

This has more to do with me than you actually. I guess you've pretty much set the pace for how much we contact each other since we started doin our thing. We talk everyday for hours on end. I missed it in my life for sure the past few years but I have to remember I don't NEED to talk to you everyday. I was fine before you and I'll be fine with or without you.
I appreciate fully that you're a good boy and you haven't given me a reason to think you're shady. I feel ashamed to admit that I miss you when we're not talking and I wonder what you're up to but I'm proud that I've been able to acknowledge the points at which I need to chill the fuck out.

Insecurity and old habits... I'm shakin it off.

Gotta keep it real and keep on doin my own thing.
I'll be damned if I get sucked into the way I used to be.

Change, I got this.
Go me! :heartsmile:

El Bastardo 07-28-2012 12:25 AM

I literally give less than a fuck about how the new man in your life this week is "the one for you" and how hes "sent from heaven to make your heart whole".

I listen to and speak with strangers about their problems. I enjoy it because I know that there's a modicum of a chance that they'll heed my advice and try to make their lives better as a result. People I don't know, and may never meet are always welcome to a little support from me.. but you've rung my bell too many times. I'm obviously the only one you depend on for support. I know this because in your entire circle of 800 Facebook friends I'm the only person you come to with the same crap.

You are stuck in this constant circle of fuckery from which you can't spiral out. You beg and plead with the universe, asking the question "WHY ME?"

The universe is silent BECAUSE IT SENT ME TO TELL YOU A THOUSAND FUCKING TIMES WHY YOU'RE IN THE SITUATION YOU'RE IN, AND WHY YOUR LIFE IS THE WAY IT IS. I am the voice of reason in your life and the only reason that we remain in communication proximity is because you have those few and far between sparkling moments where it seems that you can grow as a human being. Its like a nibble on the line for me.

Look around at the dumpy women frequenting sleazy bars picking up younger guys who don't know any better. Look at those women with raspy voices, stringy hair, and faces sagged into a permanent frown. Those people who are in their 40s and 50s who keep talking about 'turning their lives around' and how 'it'll be better tomorrow'.

You are the seed from which those women grew.

This one is for you. Well, less FOR you than ABOUT you

Naltrexone 07-28-2012 12:30 AM

I'm going to continue to be a good person and be the best that I can be. I will not become corrupted, lost faith in humanity, or deviate from being anything less than good. I hope you can one day understand where I'm coming from and hopefully understand me because I sure as hell don't understand you right now.

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