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Inaii 01-30-2009 01:16 PM

Ya, I think I'll go with the red. Now to find a hair stylist to do it...

Armind 01-30-2009 01:24 PM


ecchiecchi 01-30-2009 01:36 PM

^ You sir, get a free hug.

LC21 01-30-2009 01:59 PM

I need.... a new hairstyle..

Raid3n 01-30-2009 02:57 PM

so do i but i dunno what to do =[

ecchiecchi 01-30-2009 03:22 PM

full hawk

Inaii 01-30-2009 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Raid3n (Post 6254570)
so do i but i dunno what to do =[


Raid3n 01-30-2009 04:01 PM

what the shit? haha i can't picture pata with anything other than the post visual kei stuff haha

LC21 01-31-2009 12:19 AM

to shave or not shave ?that is the question (my balls)

muteki 01-31-2009 01:09 AM

Haha, what!? DO IT!!!

Alphamale 01-31-2009 01:21 AM

Dude, shave ftw.

Armind 01-31-2009 01:22 AM

Go get it waxed :haha: ow ow owwww

HappyDorky 01-31-2009 06:54 AM

:(. u said u love me , IT'S ALL A LIE
you told me that there's only me.
:( liarr!. its all fucking bullshit.

the way u act bitter towards me lately.
really made me cry :S.
the time u told me another girl was an exact resemblence of you
and said liked you.
that made me jealous :( .
i asked, if u werent with me, would u go for her?
you're like. yes, without any hesitation.
lately, ive been stalking you , cause i havent talked to you for the whole day.
your relationship thing on FB. went to hidden, not letting anyone know :S.
i went on that girl's fb. and it was 'it's complicated' and i wondered why.
i saw a note titled 'love triangle'
and i knew :/
you loved me, but ur growing to love her too
the note said
"I'm in heaven when you kiss me.
I fall apart when i feel the mist of missing you.
I can't bring myself to pull away ,only closer to you.
As each day goes by i only fall deeper for you.
My heart aches and yearns for you.
My mind can only think of you.
My soul longs to be with you. -forever in your arms.

These feelings corrupt and blind me, of the righteousness of my righteous mind.
It's wrong, but it's so right. because when we kiss i forget about the world.
It's like everyone in the world does not exsist, and it's only me and you.
In my dreams you are mine forever.
But in reality,we'd only drift apart. never closer-because love like this is merely an ending.

Only the beginning of a never ending hurting.
A never ending pain, of loving and losing something felt true.
is it better to have loved and lost. or to have never loved at all ?

A new found love,addictive love. <3
Another whirl wind rollercoaster, lifts you up high.
But soon-to crash down and burn ride.
inevitable it'll be.a triangle it may not always be.

someones gona have to eventually let go."

it made me cry, all this time i thought you still loved me,
it was all a lie :( . what should i do ?
a lot, and thats true..
shit this is starting to sound like a poem :(

'What should i do?'
cause revsceners are who i'll turn to
HAHA! . shitt. it does sound like a fucking poem now T~T.

muteki 01-31-2009 09:58 AM

Wow, that was like a poem =S

Anyways, these things sometimes do come up in a relationship, it's really to test how strong your feelings are for each other.
But if your boyfriend would even considering saying that he'd be with her if he wasn't with you seems like a sign that maybe he doesn't feel so strongly towards you anymore. =/
You should confront him about and see what your options are..

I'm sorry to hear what you're going through. Feel better!

BeeBeeAhn 01-31-2009 10:04 AM

you are so unbelievably horrible with words. just...horrible! at least i apologize when i say something out of line when i'm being a bitch for no reason.

well stress. i need 12k dammit! >.<

Nvasion 01-31-2009 12:39 PM

should have never let you go.... sigh..

Armind 01-31-2009 02:04 PM

Hungry hungry hippo

Inaii 01-31-2009 11:54 PM

I think this week alone will do me some good. Completely cut myself off from everyone and just spend my time thinking and working. Making sense of things that have happened and finding a way to deal.

I was nothing more than a momentary distraction.

yuusha 02-01-2009 12:45 AM

You know, you're just as manipulative and dense as him.

wuuhoo 02-01-2009 01:36 AM

when is it going to be better..

Nvasion 02-01-2009 02:05 AM

today was a good day with u:)

rslater 02-01-2009 11:59 AM

I'm really confused if I love my friend. I just cant figure it out. We've been friends for like 10 years, and I think i've told her i'm like in love with her tons of times simply to get it across to her that I like her. We've always had this thing between us but its never brewed into anything, and I feel like i'm just wasting words on her. To make matters worse me and her older sister kissed last week and all I wanted to do was hook up with her, which made me think I 'actually' don't really like my friend in that way, but then last night when I said goodbye to her she made a comment about me and her sister and then I realized I would never hook up with her sister because it would ruin our friendship.

I then spent the entire night contemplating if I actually like this girl or not. Then it destroyed me knowing nothing would ever actually happen. I just need to know if my love for this girl is real or not.

iam_dan 02-01-2009 01:46 PM

i cant believe i just dropped that shit down.
told my ex i can never see her again, cant be her friend, cant stay connected to her in any way at all.

wow. hurts like a biiiitch, but im proud of myself for doing it.

rslater 02-01-2009 09:49 PM

So to tie up my post one before the guy above me, me and the girl I've been seeing for the last 4 months broke up tonight. I feel ok about it, but I hate nothing more then seeing her ridiculous status on facebook suggesting she saw this coming. I liked things the way they were, regardless of my feelings for my friend, but she wanted more. She wanted to become a couple, and I have troubles committing that way.

Now where's that eight ball laying around....

yuusha 02-01-2009 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by iam_dan (Post 6257878)
i cant believe i just dropped that shit down.
told my ex i can never see her again, cant be her friend, cant stay connected to her in any way at all.

wow. hurts like a biiiitch, but im proud of myself for doing it.

It's for the best. She'd only talk to you because she needs something from you in the first place.

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