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yuusha 08-12-2008 10:23 AM

@ hongy: Dude you're a fucking dick lol, that lets everyone else know that you broke up before she does XD I know my GF did that to me. I get a phone call one morning from one of her friends asking if something happened between us, and the friend says that her relationship status on FB is now single... I say "Oh really?" Also, I'm not the type to get paranoid so I don't understand why she'd freak out like that... I'd just get pissed off and blow up over my ex being stupid.

@ banana_girl: Wow I don't find it hard anymore. Let me tell you why.

She called me at 5 am, and I shut off my cell phone. When I woke up I turned it on and see that I've got voicemail. She said all the shit that happened to her there was a lie. All the stuff that she's done, the clubbing, the guys that have hit on her, the drinking, hanging out with all her friends there, etc. was all a lie because she was lonely and stuff. Did I mention that she was drunk when she called? :bullshit: What the fuck?

If her words in the voicemail are true then this entire situation was her fucking fault and I have less reason to care for her. If that was a lie however that just makes this a whole clusterfuck of lies and she's a liar.

HappyDorky 08-12-2008 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by hongy (Post 5983040)
I broke up with my last gf because I"m a listener/responder Its what I good at, and well she isn't a talker.....and I nearly exploded thinking of how to break up... so I did the worst thing ever...
HAHAHAHAHA I used facebook >_> **relationship status-change-Hongy is now single
my fucking god I'm tired...

Wow, worst break up ever. Ever thought of how she would think about that?

Inaii 08-12-2008 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by banana_girl (Post 5983010)
i know it's kind of hard to turn away when you care so much about that person.

Uhhh, I didn't find it hard at all. It might be hard if you're spineless, but you'd think if someone hurt you, you wouldn't want to be with that person.

I broke up with him, told him I never wanted to see him again and that he was never to speak to me or my friends again. He tried to get me back and I said no, keep it up and I'll call the cops. And that's exactly what happened. He now has a nice little note on his criminal record for stalking :)

tiger_handheld 08-12-2008 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by HappyDorky (Post 5983909)
Wow, worst break up EVAR. Ever thought of how she would think about that?

fixed .

If I could go back n re-do everything since the time i knew you, we'd be together now...
I know you don't post here & I cant help but think what could've been.

joolee 08-12-2008 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by min.tee (Post 5983311)
@ banana_girl: Wow I don't find it hard anymore. Let me tell you why.

She called me at 5 am, and I shut off my cell phone. When I woke up I turned it on and see that I've got voicemail. She said all the shit that happened to her there was a lie. All the stuff that she's done, the clubbing, the guys that have hit on her, the drinking, hanging out with all her friends there, etc. was all a lie because she was lonely and stuff. Did I mention that she was drunk when she called? :bullshit: What the fuck?

If her words in the voicemail are true then this entire situation was her fucking fault and I have less reason to care for her. If that was a lie however that just makes this a whole clusterfuck of lies and she's a liar.

right, lying about all that stuff because she was lonely? seems like another round of bull shit to me. i am so glad that you're dealing with this so well. i don't know how well i would cope with it if i were you. whatever is true or whatnot, it's too late now and it's a lesson for her to learn to not be so full of shit (no offense, lol)

hongy 08-12-2008 10:58 PM

hahaha okay maybe cause it was like 5 in the morning or something
butttttttttttttttttttt, we kinda drifted apart and I kinda said we should break up yet u know no response, so in the end that was my last resort.

miss_crayon 08-12-2008 11:08 PM

i just saw pictures of you and your new girlfriend by "luck" and even though i am over you, it hurt to see you so happy with someone else. i tried so hard to make us work even when it was you who begged and pleaded for forgiveness.....but in the end, you just didn't love me the way i loved you.

but i want to thank you for opening my eyes to how important i really am. without you pushing me to my breaking point..i don't think i would be where i am today.

oh yeah and btw, i hate you and hope you end up failing in life like you set yourself up for! ASS!

HappyDorky 08-12-2008 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by hongy (Post 5984327)
hahaha okay maybe cause it was like 5 in the morning or something
butttttttttttttttttttt, we kinda drifted apart and I kinda said we should break up yet u know no response, so in the end that was my last resort.

You seem to have alot of experiences with break ups. ^^

michimaro 08-12-2008 11:47 PM

so i hear you have been calling my friends
i want to ask them how you are doing, if you are happy and is everything good
but in the end...i realize....i don't want to know
cause whatever the answer is....i will probably just feel like killing myself all over again

HappyDorky 08-12-2008 11:53 PM

^^ Be strong girl, a guy like that isn't worth it.

michimaro 08-13-2008 12:11 AM

We met cause you came to pick up your drunken friend from my house
We met again on my birthday when you came clubbing with us and I was drunk as hell
You asked your friends for my number the next day but they would only give you my msn
You started msging me like crazy and everywhere I went you "happened" to show up
You didn't go to school and yet you showed up at our study sessions
You would call me in the morning to wake me up for school n nearly blow up my inbox with text messages throughout the day
Then came that night/morning when you picked me up at 1am and we talked till the sun was up

I wasn't oblivious and I knew you were interested.
I told you I just came out of a bad relationship and I had trust/commitment issues
You assured me you would never hurt me like those guys that came before you
You use to tell me you thought I was "the one" and I knew it wasn't just some stupid line
That you honestly felt that I was and that scared me, cause I didn't know if I could be that person for you

Ironically when I wanted to be "the one" the harder I tried, the more you seemed to pull back.
And now here we are....

3xta 08-13-2008 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by michimaro (Post 5984429)
We met cause you came to pick up your drunken friend from my house
We met again on my birthday when you came clubbing with us and I was drunk as hell
You asked your friends for my number the next day but they would only give you my msn
You started msging me like crazy and everywhere I went you "happened" to show up
You didn't go to school and yet you showed up at our study sessions
You would call me in the morning to wake me up for school n nearly blow up my inbox with text messages throughout the day
Then came that night/morning when you picked me up at 1am and we talked till the sun was up

I wasn't oblivious and I knew you were interested.
I told you I just came out of a bad relationship and I had trust/commitment issues
You assured me you would never hurt me like those guys that came before you
You use to tell me you thought I was "the one" and I knew it wasn't just some stupid line
That you honestly felt that I was and that scared me, cause I didn't know if I could be that person for you

Ironically when I wanted to be "the one" the harder I tried, the more you seemed to pull back.
And now here we are....

that really shouldn't think about the past so much.. i see where you're going with this though. Since he was the one that wanted you so badly in the beginning, i can tell he tried really hard, but in the end he started trying to push u away. I feel like i was in ur ex's position, but i regret what i did and i wish i didn't.

you're coming back in 8 days. We haven't talked for 2 weeks now since that time you called me and ask why i was avoiding you. I said i was trying to get over you and u never called me back. I guess you're really trying to get me to get over you. i sort of realize now that there is no chance for us getting back together, but its too hard for be to believe. I still want you back.

joolee 08-13-2008 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by michimaro (Post 5984429)
I wasn't oblivious and I knew you were interested.
I told you I just came out of a bad relationship and I had trust/commitment issues
You assured me you would never hurt me like those guys that came before you
You use to tell me you thought I was "the one" and I knew it wasn't just some stupid line
That you honestly felt that I was and that scared me, cause I didn't know if I could be that person for you

Ironically when I wanted to be "the one" the harder I tried, the more you seemed to pull back.
And now here we are....

that reminds me of my ex except i was the one trying in the beginning and when he finally wanted to try also, that's when i gave up. how ironic.. *sigh* relationships can be so confusing but i hope you're okay!!

hongy 08-13-2008 12:36 AM

2nd gf
held her hand within 1st month of meeting her
kissed her before we were "official"
finger banged her by the end of our first date
fucked her within first 2months of going out
broke up with her by the third month
does this make me an asshole?

why does posting in this thread make me super tired

yuusha 08-13-2008 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by banana_girl (Post 5984292)
right, lying about all that stuff because she was lonely? seems like another round of bull shit to me. i am so glad that you're dealing with this so well. i don't know how well i would cope with it if i were you. whatever is true or whatnot, it's too late now and it's a lesson for her to learn to not be so full of shit (no offense, lol)

I'm not really coping all that well; I still can't sleep until sunrise, all I do all day when I'm not working is bumming around at home playing CS unless I get the rare urge to do something constructive... my skin's breaking out again, I've got severe bags, and somehow I think I keep hoping for another chance... I mean, she's bought me some stuff over there that I'd really die for lol...


Originally Posted by hongy (Post 5984327)
hahaha okay maybe cause it was like 5 in the morning or something
butttttttttttttttttttt, we kinda drifted apart and I kinda said we should break up yet u know no response, so in the end that was my last resort.

Ohh I thought you just decided to do it out of nowhere like my ex, if I was in your position and was being ignored like that I'd probably wind up doing the same.


Originally Posted by michimaro (Post 5984429)
Ironically when I wanted to be "the one" the harder I tried, the more you seemed to pull back.
And now here we are....

Sometimes it's better to just be yourself than to try too hard... I find it annoying when girls try too hard, it's both pressuring and makes you look a little desperate or obsessive. (From a guy's POV at least.)


Originally Posted by hongy (Post 5984453)
2nd gf
held her hand within 1st month of meeting her
kissed her before we were "official"
finger banged her by the end of our first date
fucked her within first 2months of going out
broke up with her by the third month
does this make me an asshole?

why does posting in this thread make me super tired

It makes you an asshole if somehow you coerced the sex out of her (making her feel guilty or taking advantage of her while drunk, etc); otherwise it's fair play and part of the game, I think.

michimaro 08-13-2008 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by min.tee (Post 5984484)
I'm not really coping all that well; I still can't sleep until sunrise, all I do all day when I'm not working is bumming around at home playing CS unless I get the rare urge to do something constructive...

omg i m like that (well not the CS part) but i do hermit on my days off. i haven't been able to sleep well, hence why i m still on RS at like 3am.

joolee 08-13-2008 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by hongy (Post 5984453)
2nd gf
held her hand within 1st month of meeting her
kissed her before we were "official"
finger banged her by the end of our first date
fucked her within first 2months of going out
broke up with her by the third month
does this make me an asshole?

why does posting in this thread make me super tired

you're not an asshole, she's just easy :D


Originally Posted by min.tee (Post 5984484)
I'm not really coping all that well; I still can't sleep until sunrise, all I do all day when I'm not working is bumming around at home playing CS unless I get the rare urge to do something constructive... my skin's breaking out again, I've got severe bags, and somehow I think I keep hoping for another chance... I mean, she's bought me some stuff over there that I'd really die for lol...

i am breaking out too!!! except mine is from my period. :lol why not get the stuff and dump her x2?? hahahaha that'll be funny

hongy 08-13-2008 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by HappyDorky (Post 5984349)
You seem to have alot of experiences with break ups. ^^

broke up with 3 girls...--; I've never been dumped only the dumper hahaha
and min.tee if I remembered correctly your gf sounds like a liar which imo is an automatic dump.

Inaii 08-13-2008 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by banana_girl (Post 5984509)
i am breaking out too!!! except mine is from my period.

No one needed to know that.

yuusha 08-13-2008 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by hongy (Post 5984773)
and min.tee if I remembered correctly your gf sounds like a liar which imo is an automatic dump.

I dunno, she wasn't like this before... sure she'd do stupid stuff that would make any guy jealous like fuck, but not lie about stupid shit like this. I don't know wtf is going on with her anyways, but apparently her dad found out about her having a boyfriend here because this guy who had a crush on her and flipped out when she said she was taken had written a note saying fuck her and her boyfriend... and her dad found the note. She got punished (the usual I guess, slapped around a bit and had to kneel outside for a few hours).

And her dad didn't believe that we broke up, so apparently he made her lie to me and say all this shit to me...

All this I heard from her cousin (who wants us to get back together, and is terrible at speaking english), on facebook.


Originally Posted by banana_girl (Post 5984509)
i am breaking out too!!! except mine is from my period. :lol why not get the stuff and dump her x2?? hahahaha that'll be funny

Maybe. But if I do get the stuff I'll feel guilty and wind up actually giving the relationship another chance. And I don't want that. The stuff, she can throw away if it means peace of mind.

michimaro 08-13-2008 08:54 PM

^^ do u want to give the relationship another chance?

HappyDorky 08-13-2008 09:41 PM

Summer is the time when relationships have their ups and downs.

Inaii 08-13-2008 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by min.tee (Post 5985452)
I dunno, she wasn't like this before... sure she'd do stupid stuff that would make any guy jealous like fuck, but not lie about stupid shit like this. I don't know wtf is going on with her anyways, but apparently her dad found out about her having a boyfriend here because this guy who had a crush on her and flipped out when she said she was taken had written a note saying fuck her and her boyfriend... and her dad found the note. She got punished (the usual I guess, slapped around a bit and had to kneel outside for a few hours).

And her dad didn't believe that we broke up, so apparently he made her lie to me and say all this shit to me...

All this I heard from her cousin (who wants us to get back together, and is terrible at speaking english), on facebook.

And you want to be a part of that crazy psycho drama family?? Wtf is wrong with you?

joolee 08-13-2008 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by min.tee (Post 5985452)
I dunno, she wasn't like this before... sure she'd do stupid stuff that would make any guy jealous like fuck, but not lie about stupid shit like this. I don't know wtf is going on with her anyways, but apparently her dad found out about her having a boyfriend here because this guy who had a crush on her and flipped out when she said she was taken had written a note saying fuck her and her boyfriend... and her dad found the note. She got punished (the usual I guess, slapped around a bit and had to kneel outside for a few hours).

And her dad didn't believe that we broke up, so apparently he made her lie to me and say all this shit to me...

All this I heard from her cousin (who wants us to get back together, and is terrible at speaking english), on facebook.

that sounds like a really stupid lie from her cousin... how do you know for sure it IS her cousin? maybe it's just her lol!!!


it's odd, it feels like i have forgotten what it felt like when i was in love with you. the feeling now.. what is it? it sure doesn't seem like it's love anymore.

hongy 08-13-2008 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Inaii (Post 5985570)
And you want to be a part of that crazy psycho drama family?? Wtf is wrong with you?


Originally Posted by min.tee (Post 5985452)
I dunno, she wasn't like this before... sure she'd do stupid stuff that would make any guy jealous like fuck, but not lie about stupid shit like this. I don't know wtf is going on with her anyways, but apparently her dad found out about her having a boyfriend here because this guy who had a crush on her and flipped out when she said she was taken had written a note saying fuck her and her boyfriend... and her dad found the note. She got punished (the usual I guess, slapped around a bit and had to kneel outside for a few hours).

min.tee forget about this girl, sounds like way too much trouble, and yes I too would like to ask WTF WHY YOU WANT TO BE INVOLVED WITH A FAMILY LIKE THIS

fuck can anyone tell me how to multi quote shit... cause Its really annoying how I can't

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