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Inaii 08-13-2008 11:03 PM

It's right beside Quote. The little "+ thing.

hongy 08-13-2008 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by Inaii (Post 5985657)
It's right beside Quote. The little "+ thing.

yea I tried that except it doesn't work when I press it
X_Xlll fckersons

yuusha 08-13-2008 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by michimaro (Post 5985481)
^^ do u want to give the relationship another chance?


Originally Posted by Inaii (Post 5985570)
And you want to be a part of that crazy psycho drama family?? Wtf is wrong with you?

No to both of you. But you know how conservative and strict some families can be... and she was so kind and sweet before... guess people change... I've changed for sure.


Originally Posted by banana_girl (Post 5985599)
that sounds like a really stupid lie from her cousin... how do you know for sure it IS her cousin? maybe it's just her lol!!!

I have no fucking clue. I dunno. I don't even know if it was her who broke up with me on facebook, or her dad. Either way, I don't care enough to find out.


Originally Posted by hongy (Post 5985604)
min.tee forget about this girl, sounds like way too much trouble, and yes I too would like to ask WTF WHY YOU WANT TO BE INVOLVED WITH A FAMILY LIKE THIS

fuck can anyone tell me how to multi quote shit... cause Its really annoying how I can't


yea I tried that except it doesn't work when I press it
X_Xlll fckersons

Click the plus signs, then click "Quote" on the last thing you want to quote.

hongy 08-13-2008 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by min.tee (Post 5985736)
No to both of you. But you know how conservative and strict some families can be... and she was so kind and sweet before... guess people change... I've changed for sure.

I have no fucking clue. I dunno. I don't even know if it was her who broke up with me on facebook, or her dad. Either way, I don't care enough to find out.

Click the plus signs, then click "Quote" on the last thing you want to quote.

blagh it didn't work again --;
and man.... I hope you can figure that girl out or whatever, you sound like a nice guy

michimaro 08-13-2008 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by min.tee (Post 5985736)
No to both of you. But you know how conservative and strict some families can be... and she was so kind and sweet before... guess people change... I've changed for sure.

I have no fucking clue. I dunno. I don't even know if it was her who broke up with me on facebook, or her dad. Either way, I don't care enough to find out.

so are you ok? like seriously u sound like a nice guy and you don't deserve all this bullshit

hongy 08-14-2008 01:06 AM

FUCKING ASSHOLE, So I went out with this friend agian, he says he forgot his wallet BUT he brought 20 with him. ends up wasting 5$ and I end u having to spot for him again. turns out he says he has a fucking debit card BUT he's too lazy to use it...... wtf is that bullshit, I'm like if your mom has it...then just say so, no shame in that since we're still young and stupid, but NO his fucking response is oh I"m lazy Well fuck that next time Ill be LAZY TO PAY FOR YOU

Inaii 08-14-2008 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by hongy (Post 5985717)
yea I tried that except it doesn't work when I press it
X_Xlll fckersons

It doesn't work with quick reply. You have to hit the "Go Advanced" button at the bottom after selecting which quotes you want.

underscore 08-14-2008 10:01 AM

^ I always wondered what the "+ button was for haha I always just center-clicked the quote button for the posts I wanted then copy-pasted from the tabs into one post.

Inaii 08-14-2008 10:44 AM

Woops sorry, it's the post reply button you have to use, not Go Advanced.

m4k4v4li 08-14-2008 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by 3xta (Post 5947636)
Why the fuck would my bestfriend tell my ex he likes her without consulting with me, we would have had a chance to get back together, but becuase of him telling her, she has feelings for him too. Before she didn't have feelings for him, she just considered him as a close friend. So one day i was super drunk and i did the most stupid thing, i fucking punched him in the face. I admit that i was being immature at the time and i woke thinking about what an idiot i was that night. She got super fucking pissed at me and she lost all her feelings for me 0%!!! She probably has even more feelings for that fucking guy now, and I am still in LOVE with her!!! fuck they talk everyday on the phone too!!! fuck!!!!!! i feel so stupid writing this and everyone is going to flame me, but fuck! this is how i feel :(

bwahhhahhaahah tahts fuckin sweet i lold pretty hard

RabidRat 08-14-2008 12:33 PM

Stop msning me asking me how my buddy / your ex is doing and what he's up to. I got in the middle when you two were dating, did you a favor and helped you out giving you advice, when you didn't have the courage to just face each other. On many occasions. Then finally despite all my efforts to help you out, he gave up on you, and you broke up with him. But because I'd been in the middle, I just about lost one of my best friends and it's never been the same.

the_rickster 08-14-2008 12:34 PM

so our dog bit some kid in the face.... whatever, suck it up, he's a good boy.

sunshine. 08-14-2008 12:42 PM

stop with the lies, you're not fooling anyone.
When will you understand that?

mrclean604 08-15-2008 03:07 PM

you stopped calling me, stopped talking to me, stopped telling me things... what happened? well i guess i know.

HappyDorky 08-15-2008 03:43 PM

^^ that happened to me too .:S

GoateeMe 08-15-2008 11:56 PM

you always come and say hi to me when you come into my work but i know you alredy have a boyfreind

3xta 08-16-2008 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by GoateeMe (Post 5988555)
you always come and say hi to me when you come into my work but i know you alredy have a boyfreind

she wants to be your friend

michimaro 08-16-2008 10:57 PM

fuck fuck fuck....I haven't had a saturday off in god knows how long and I end up in Richmond. Who the hell do I end up seeing but you? Thats got to be the worst timing in the world.

Worst yet...why the hell does seeing you still have such a deep effect on me =(

3xta 08-16-2008 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by michimaro (Post 5989557)
fuck fuck fuck....I haven't had a saturday off in god knows how long and I end up in Richmond. Who the hell do I end up seeing but you? Thats got to be the worst timing in the world.

Worst yet...why the hell does seeing you still have such a deep effect on me =(

was he by himself or with a group of friends? or maybe even a girl? you're probably still upset becasue you either not over him, or you can't stand to see him all happy and stuff when he saw you.

michimaro 08-16-2008 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by 3xta (Post 5989590)
was he by himself or with a group of friends? or maybe even a girl? you're probably still upset becasue you either not over him, or you can't stand to see him all happy and stuff when he saw you.

I was walking from Aberdeen to Parker with a friend (his god sis) and I kinda glance over to the left n saw his car. Thought to myself NO FUCKING WAY...WHAT ARE THE CHANCES? Glanced at the license plate (yup) and finally at him. He didn't even see me cause he was too busy turning left into Aberdeen.

He had no freakin clue till my friend called him and was like yah I just saw you.

Could be worse I suppose, I mean I could have ran into him face to face.

Oh the irony...I was just saying the other day how I m suprise I haven't ran into him since we broke up.

joolee 08-17-2008 04:16 AM

i hope you won't fuck up this time. i am really trying to trust you again but if you fuck up again, i won't be able to forget about it. maybe your words were true, who knows. i can only find out later on

michimaro 08-17-2008 08:12 PM

you seriously make my head hurt
yes i m no longer listed as single for my facebook relationship status
but where exactly does it say i m "taken"?
i left it blank for a reason....leave it alone

Girl 08-17-2008 09:59 PM

i have to stop drinking. LOL.

joolee 08-17-2008 10:36 PM

i don't know what i want... i wonder if you got mad from my text

3xta 08-17-2008 10:41 PM

everything reminds me of you

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