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ecchiecchi 08-22-2008 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by orange (Post 5996991)
i wish i had the strength to delete all of your text messages.

What I do is find a time when i'm seriously pissed. Then look at ex's text messages... get even more pisssed.. then poof... delete everything. =)

rogue0716 08-22-2008 11:41 AM

and here's to you...

maybe you thought you still had a chance with him. maybe you thought you could turn back time and rewrite your history. maybe you regretted letting him go and wished for a second chance. well...too bad. you had him at his best, and i loved him despite being at his worst. so i met you just to face what might've been a threat. you walk through life without a smile. your mouth turns down in what seems to be bitterness. you never ever laugh. or maybe it was my presence that made you so bitchy. despite all that, i was laughing inside my head. because i'm hotter than you'll ever be. true story. and yes, i'm having his baby so i understand if you wanted to delete me from friendster and facebook. your heart must've cried out in agony. you have to learn how to let go, the moment he laid eyes on me...he was never meant to be free. girl, we should both move on...I from you, and you from him.

mrclean604 08-22-2008 11:53 AM

you're a jerk. don't answer my calls, don't text me back, talk to me on msn and give me these 1 worders and then suddenly disappear 2 minutes later..

vmec 08-22-2008 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by banana_girl (Post 5980937)
quick question for the guys..... why would you lie to your gf if you were to go out or other little tiny things?

Hm, this is like "Lying to your SO!"


Originally Posted by 3xta (Post 5980999)
because we don't want you to suspect anything, or continue calling us to see where we are

Geeze, that's not what he said in the "Lying to your SO" Gosh darn, that's conflicting.


Originally Posted by hongy (Post 5985604)
fuck can anyone tell me how to multi quote shit... cause Its really annoying how I can't

You know the button you press to quote normally (press the one to the right of it!) Then on the last quote press the normal one again.

michimaro 08-22-2008 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by mrclean604 (Post 5994327)
fuck same here :cry:
thought that this summer was going to be the best i ever had... turns out to be the worst ever :cry:

miss your calls and text. miss talking to you until i fall asleep. miss everything :(

I felt the exact same way....the calling n texting, the talking till we both couldn't stay awake anymore. I missed all that so much (a part of me still do)

But i have realized, thats part of the past now. There will be someone else that comes along that you would feel the same way about and if you don't get over the person from your past, you are just throwing away your chance at any happiness in the future.

One wasted summer was enough. I personally never want to spend another minute being a hermit and wasting my life away again. Especially not over someone that doesn't care about me.

3xta 08-22-2008 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by vmec (Post 5997420)
Geeze, that's not what he said in the "Lying to your SO" Gosh darn, that's conflicting.

During that time, i was just hanging out with the guys :cry:

When i was in a relationship with my ex, i never would hang out with girls if its just me as one guy. Becasue i wouldn't like it either.

3xta 08-22-2008 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by michimaro (Post 5998030)
I felt the exact same way....the calling n texting, the talking till we both couldn't stay awake anymore. I missed all that so much (a part of me still do)

But i have realized, thats part of the past now. There will be someone else that comes along that you would feel the same way about and if you don't get over the person from your past, you are just throwing away your chance at any happiness in the future.

One wasted summer was enough. I personally never want to spend another minute being a hermit and wasting my life away again. Especially not over someone that doesn't care about me.

This was my grad year, it was just your summer. My time in whistler after my grad cruise and grad dinner was a living nightmare. I was not over her at all, and seeing her all pretty during grad made me want her even more, Im not shallow, but she is a pretty girl.

During my time in whistler, we didn't stay in the same hotel, so she was stayign with her friends and tehre were always these random guys that i didn't know that would go in to thier house and stuff. I didn't even drink when i was up there, becuase i was afraid of doing something stupid. So every single second when i was there was wondering if she was hookin up with another guy or meeting someone new....:cry:

miss_crayon 08-22-2008 11:53 PM

i love this thread, but lets all stay on topic.
if you want to discuss others posts please pm one another unless the reply has something to do with the thread at hand

thank you everyone!

mrclean604 08-23-2008 01:56 AM

so that's it huh.
someone come save me.

P.S. I love this thread :)

michimaro 08-24-2008 10:50 PM

does anyone have any morals anymore?
how can you even justify what you did?
just cause they have a "rocky relationship" does not give you the right to step in
people's feelings are at stake and you seem to just do it for shits n giggles
grow the hell up

joolee 08-25-2008 12:41 AM

apologies over the same shit, so sick of it

vmec 08-25-2008 08:07 AM

I'm pretty lucky, you haven't screwed me like some of these folks.
I've never been happier, and will always be as long as I've got you.
I love you like no other, and promise you'll always know it.

3xta 08-25-2008 07:27 PM

quit your bull shitting, i see right through it. I went out with you for more than a year

hongy 08-25-2008 08:14 PM

fucking bitch ass of a family, who the fuck are they to constantly criticize my mother and father. Fucking little piece of shit for a son fucking, he's a fucking disgrace to our whole family yet you people defend him? why the fuck should I stop people from beating him up when he deserves it

joolee 08-26-2008 12:47 AM

i give up.. i know it might have been my fault but i don't want any more of it.....

mrclean604 08-26-2008 12:58 AM

drinking, smoking. when is it gonna stop

unidentified 08-26-2008 09:02 PM

I think I will consistently disappoint you.

yameen 08-27-2008 01:25 AM

why do i all of a sudden think of you when i'm the one who doesn't want you back. sigh...

michimaro 08-27-2008 01:34 AM

hindsight is always 20/20
had a talk with my best friend today and it helped me understand alot
we were never truly right for each other
we lacked any real communication
all we did was set aside our own feelings n try to change ourselves into what the other person wanted
expectations led to disappointment time n time again

i know now why u never bothered maintaining a friendship after we broke up
cause truth be told, we were never friends to begin with

joolee 08-27-2008 03:49 AM

why do you always have to realize everything when it's already too late???

mrclean604 08-27-2008 07:55 AM

you told me we should stop talking so i could get over you more easily... you still talk to me but i'm still not over you...

El Bastardo 08-28-2008 02:56 PM

There are things I want to say that are too cruel for people who are not you to hear.

michimaro 08-29-2008 08:59 AM

i can't believe how oblivious i was
how did everyone seem to know there was something wrong with our relationship other then me
oh thats right, cause u decided to confide in everyone but me

i could have called you alot of things during our relationship
insensitive, self-centered, at one point even needy
but i never took you for a liar

mrclean604 08-30-2008 04:21 PM

you're the only one for me

neon_gtr 08-30-2008 04:49 PM

Im too busy for a girlfriend...

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