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ZN6 11-23-2017 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by BIC_BAWS (Post 8873725)
ZN6 should just start one of those "teach you how to date" companies, would make tons of $$$

Anyway, starting to think we have no shared interests, aside from her being able to actually have an intellectual conversation (which is rare to find). She plays league and smokes, which is everything I did... When I was in high school LOL. She likes skiing, I like snowboarding. She likes badminton and playing some individual sports, I like going to the gym and playing ultimate Frisbee LOL.

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Controversial pickup artist teaching clients on UBC campus | CTV Vancouver News

or get arrested? No, thanks. I'm just passing some perspective. That's all. I want none of that shit hitting MY fan when things go bad.

UnknownJinX 11-23-2017 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by ZN6 (Post 8873718)
Maybe that's showing through so she doesn't really care about you either. Ever think about that? Maybe show her you have a pulse and do something that's NOT related to cars, because you know what? Cars aren't interesting to everyone, especially not stoners, unless you are driving an exotic.

A lot of the relationship failures always boils down to body language and it shows lack confidence. You wanna hold her hand, fucking reach for it in a non-creepy way, firm and take the god damn lead. When I was still dating, even if I know the date isn't going well, or there's no mutual interest, I still grab her by the hand and let her know that it's a date and I will lead it so she just has to kick back and enjoy.

Maybe it's time to step out of your own circle and take it from a different perspective. Talk about, I dunno, HER interests?

Anyways, been a shit storm of arguments with GF thanks to US job opportunity and property completion. week of hell needs to end NOW.

Well there was a girl I used to see. We got along somewhat well, but we just can't respect each other's hobbies, so that's the end of that.

There are some stuff I am just not into.


Originally Posted by ZN6 (Post 8873734)
Controversial pickup artist teaching clients on UBC campus | CTV Vancouver News

or get arrested? No, thanks. I'm just passing some perspective. That's all. I want none of that shit hitting MY fan when things go bad.

IMO that guy in the article is kinda creepy...

Maybe it's just me, but if I don't feel like talking to someone, I don't. I don't force myself just so I can hook up with someone.

ZN6 11-23-2017 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by UnknownJinX (Post 8873802)
Well there was a girl I used to see. We got along somewhat well, but we just can't respect each other's hobbies, so that's the end of that.

There are some stuff I am just not into.

Well, true enough that if you aren't into each others' hobbies that it probably won't work out. But the BAWS here proclaims that cars is all he does and he lives and breathes it so much that someone suggested him to just start a relationship with his car.

BAWS: Guy, you need some stuff outside of cars. I'm into bicycles and cars but when you are in the presence of a lady, you gotta drop all that.

My profession is heavily math and stats based and I'm Asian so I'm expected to be mathing all the time. But do I? No. Why? because I know chicks aren't into that shit. I know my chick wasn't into cars or bikes or gaming. She is into photography. She is into crafting shit. She is into knitting. She is into climbing. She is into hiking. She is into outdoor shit.

And you know how I know she is into those things? Because I didn't talk about my hobbies all the time and I actually did shit she liked doing like climb and craft shit with her because I listened to what she liked. It's not my #1 priority in things I'd like to do, but as a god damn man, you gotta do it to please a lady.

These aren't pick up tips, it's common courtesy. Know your audience.

Fafine 11-23-2017 02:55 PM

Is having same hobbies as your significant other that big of deal to people?

I have zero interest in my girlfriend's hobbies, she likes crocheting and in door plants. But it doesn't hurt me to go with her to Michael's and visiting plant shops around town with her.

I don't push my hobbies on her and vice versa.

If anything it's helps with dividing time to ourselves. You don't want to spend every minute of the day with your significant other, everyone should have their own outlet.

Granted these days I don't have time to myself, and on my days off we do her things, but I don't mind, just see it as spending time together.

ZN6 11-23-2017 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Fafine (Post 8873805)
Is having same hobbies as your significant other that big of deal to people?

I have zero interest in my girlfriend's hobbies, she likes crocheting and in door plants. But it doesn't hurt me to go with her to Michael's and visiting plant shops around town with her.

I don't push my hobbies on her and vice versa.

If anything it's helps with dividing time to ourselves. You don't want to spend every minute of the day with your significant other, everyone should have their own outlet.

Granted these days I don't have time to myself, and on my days off we do her things, but I don't mind, just see it as spending time together.

^^^ He gets it. A relationship is give and take.

Traum 11-23-2017 03:11 PM

Well... there is the old saying that "couples that play together stay together", and IMO, having common interests / hobbies certain helps tremendously.

But is that a deal breaker? I dun think so. But me thinks it certainly helps if there is at least some degree of common interests.

UnknownJinX 11-23-2017 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Fafine (Post 8873805)
Is having same hobbies as your significant other that big of deal to people?

I have zero interest in my girlfriend's hobbies, she likes crocheting and in door plants. But it doesn't hurt me to go with her to Michael's and visiting plant shops around town with her.

I don't push my hobbies on her and vice versa.

If anything it's helps with dividing time to ourselves. You don't want to spend every minute of the day with your significant other, everyone should have their own outlet.

Granted these days I don't have time to myself, and on my days off we do her things, but I don't mind, just see it as spending time together.

For me, if you can at least respect their hobbies, then it's fine.

In my case, we were better off going our own ways because it got to the point where we would piss each other off with the stuff we like. Yep.

Let's be real here, how many typical guy things are girls into(and vice versa)? Some stuff I can at least tolerate, but there are some stuff that is a deal breaker for me.

Armind 11-23-2017 05:17 PM

EvoLove has been reborn to BIC_BAWS aka LIL_BAWS

Euro7r 11-23-2017 05:31 PM

Seems like girls these days are like, no common interests is deal breaker....

We are all different and if both had all same interests, will be spending time all the time, no personal alone time.

MSREE 11-23-2017 06:24 PM

Yeh agree with Fafine. Your hobbies don't need to be the same but there should be some things you can do together where you have fun. With my Bf he's the Dom, so we do mostly what he wants to do. Gym, competitions, bb shows, fitness expos. It's okay for me though because he sends me off and pays for vacations with my friends when I want. It's different for every relationship.

I like watching shows/movies where he hasn't seen most movies lol. But lately we've started watching movies in the theatre together and it's nice. We also blaze and play video games together.
Other than that, my hobbies mostly have to do with homemaking like cooking/baking/etc.. I dabble in a few things, painting, fixing stuff, reading, writing when I feel like it. My SO has more hobbies than me but its peaceful when he goes to do stuff on his own. We live together and I'm the one who definitely needs more space/quiet time. I'm sick though so I think it's because I just get drained more than a regular person?

Simplex123 11-25-2017 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by ilovebacon (Post 8871817)
is it me or am I the only person who hates texting like that haha

"nth" "smth"


Originally Posted by BIC_BAWS (Post 8871822)
YES SO MUCH. That was the first thing I noticed, I can't stand her typing style.


Originally Posted by BIC_BAWS (Post 8873564)
Tbh I'm more interested in the second part. Tho the real question for her is that is she looking to just get d or smt more.

Tbh idrc as long as it's clear what we are. Like it it's an open relationship, and I can see other people, I'm okay with that. I think it's important that both people know where the boundary is.

WELL, SHIT.. It's catching onto you :ilied:

TOS'd 11-25-2017 04:50 PM

^ Too late now, he can't be saved.

tegra7 11-26-2017 09:06 PM

I was having a great conversation with my ex via text last night. Last thing I mentioned to her was that I was watching a movie and having some wine alone and then she ghosted me. I tried to end the convo earlier on, but she insisted keeping it going.

:fulloffuck: Now should I try to talk her or should I give her some space?

MSREE 11-26-2017 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by tegra7 (Post 8874342)
I was having a great conversation with my ex via text last night. Last thing I mentioned to her was that I was watching a movie and having some wine alone and then she ghosted me. I tried to end the convo earlier on, but she insisted keeping it going.

:fulloffuck: Now should I try to talk her or should I give her some space?

If she's the one who ghosted you, balls in her court and up to her to message you. If a chick ghosts a dude and doesn't follow up with a reason within 48 hrs, chances are she did it on purpose.
It doesn't take long to text someone quickly to say I fell asleep or something.

ZN6 11-27-2017 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by tegra7 (Post 8874342)


Originally Posted by tegra7 (Post 8874342)
:fulloffuck: Now should I try to talk her or should I give her some space?


TOS'd 11-27-2017 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by tegra7 (Post 8874342)
I was having a great conversation with my ex via text last night. Last thing I mentioned to her was that I was watching a movie and having some wine alone and then she ghosted me. I tried to end the convo earlier on, but she insisted keeping it going.

:fulloffuck: Now should I try to talk her or should I give her some space?

Pls tegra7, treat yourself better.


Originally Posted by tegra7 (Post 8619313)
We broke up but she still wants to be friends. I told her i cant just be friends with her, when we text she gives me rude a vague replies :( 2 years i chased this girl and this is what i get..


Originally Posted by tegra7 (Post 8677618)
Women are cruel:alone:


Originally Posted by tegra7 (Post 8741324)
You said 'we needed a break" I'm too into my car now sorry.

dapperfied 11-28-2017 09:18 AM

When you see right through the gold digging bitch your buddy fucked once.
Yet he tried to wife her up, I saw it coming before you guys even broke up.

Congratulations, you've played yourself. Bitch be like, thanks for sponsoring my trips and fancy dinners on IG! :fullofwin:

CorneringArtist 11-28-2017 06:53 PM

Destined to fuck up relationships and have a massive pool of casual acquaintances that are seen a few times a year, but no real friends. Fuck everything.

BIC_BAWS 11-28-2017 07:06 PM

So I got the tegra luck and got ghosted LMAO

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Gerbs 11-28-2017 07:15 PM

Did u end up sleeping with her first.

BIC_BAWS 11-28-2017 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Gerbs (Post 8874741)
Did u end up sleeping with her first.

Can i fail myself :failfish:

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Fafine 11-28-2017 07:44 PM

You didn't get it in? Wutttt

MSREE 11-28-2017 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by BIC_BAWS (Post 8874746)
Can i fail myself :failfish:

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamonnnnnn
Used you to help move??? Wtf lol

BIC_BAWS 11-28-2017 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by MSREE (Post 8874754)
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamonnnnnn
Used you to help move??? Wtf lol

Nah I didn't end up helping her move - well I offered, and she accepted, but later declined.

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

MSREE 11-28-2017 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by BIC_BAWS (Post 8874756)
Nah I didn't end up helping her move - well I offered, and she accepted, but later declined.

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

OK that's good then lmfao. At least you didn't waste your time there if she was gonna ghost ya anyway :ilied:

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