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ZN6 03-18-2018 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by CorneringArtist (Post 8893788)
I tried counseling. Couldn't open up to them because I can't trust them. That same issue is why everyone new I meet gets pushed away.

that's kinda ironic; you open up to a bunch of strangers on the RS forum. why pay counselors at all?

tegra7 03-19-2018 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by ZN6 (Post 8893809)
that's kinda ironic; you open up to a bunch of strangers on the RS forum. why pay counselors at all?

Don't be so harsh. Some find it hard to open up to counselors as they are strangers. Letting the shit spill online is another form of venting.

ZN6 03-20-2018 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by tegra7 (Post 8894126)
Don't be so harsh. Some find it hard to open up to counselors as they are strangers. Letting the shit spill online is another form of venting.

Didn't mean for that to be harsh or facetious.

I gotta admit that I went to a psychologist as well and had mommy issues as well. I could have told anyone straight up that talking to people who are near and dear to you, like friends and relatives beats paying some person who's qualified on paper, but who will never, ever truly know your backstory; it's a waste of money.

But then he's trying stuff out so power to him for trying to fix the issues. Figure out works for you, corner, then do more of that to take your mind off shit. Life is a lot easier when you have less fucks to give.

Gh0st 03-20-2018 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by ZN6 (Post 8894240)
Didn't mean for that to be harsh or facetious.

I gotta admit that I went to a psychologist as well and had mommy issues as well. I could have told anyone straight up that talking to people who are near and dear to you, like friends and relatives beats paying some person who's qualified on paper, but who will never, ever truly know your backstory; it's a waste of money.

But then he's trying stuff out so power to him for trying to fix the issues. Figure out works for you, corner, then do more of that to take your mind off shit. Life is a lot easier when you have less fucks to give.

i think your psychologist was trash then.

cause the one I went to when dealing with high stress from workplace, death in the family (long drawn out cancer), and lost of drive and motivation, I went to a professional that gave me a different perspective. Something that I could not obtain from family or friends. I didn't want to place that burden on them, and want them to "truly" know how I feel.

I went there to grieve and to use external support cause I knew I had to be strong for those around me in these difficult times.

They'll know the backstory, if you take the time to let them in, and communicate with them.

Just putting this out there as to not deter anyone from seeking professional counseling if you are going through some sht..

BIC_BAWS 03-22-2018 12:36 PM

Good thing parenting is a long way down for me, evidently I'm not ready for this shit.

My 15 y/o brother's such a retard. He's like "so my friend asked me to climb a bridge and take pics with him". Then he gets upset that I yelled at him. No shit I'm yelling at you, what kind of retard climbs a fucking bridge, when there's a risk of death, FOR FUCKING INSTAGRAM LIKES. Kids are so stupid these days.

I remember having a discussion/debate amongst my peers in Grade 9/10 about the negative impacts of social (not really increasing social attempts) media. Seems like all kids these days care too much about their image on social media and how "cool" they are.

Traum 03-22-2018 12:40 PM


It's how kids are, and have always been. The only difference is the platform on which they express / expose themselves is now different than what we were used to. Having IG and SnapChat now just makes it easier to show more people about the idiot teen stuff they do now.

BIC_BAWS 03-22-2018 12:47 PM

So ultimately, teens have always done things because they thought it would be a cool thing to do. That's fine. I think I'm not okay with the fact that people are doing stupid shit FOR likes on IG.

Man I have so much respect for you guys that are parents.

Traum 03-22-2018 01:01 PM


What I'm saying is, IG or whatever is just a means to get greater exposure. If IG wasn't there, teens are still going to do the same thing for likes / kudos / cheers etc. from their friends, except that those friends will probably be there in person. Or maybe if they're not all there in person, in your lil' brother's case, he'll be the support guy / wingman there, and his friend will be the one pulling the hijinks. Afterwards, your brother will be the human form of IG to spread the word around to make his friend look cool.

Kids and teens will always be kids and teens. There is really no difference in the nature of stupid stuff they do. Youth is meant to be wasted on the young. :)

Traum 03-23-2018 10:17 PM

Damn... Adulting sux...

xxxrsxxx 03-24-2018 03:39 PM

Any recommendations for a good coffee/drinks location in Richmond to meet someone for the first time and chat? (Richmond for convience)

BIC_BAWS 03-24-2018 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by xxxrsxxx (Post 8894926)
Any recommendations for a good coffee/drinks location in Richmond to meet someone for the first time and chat? (Richmond for convience)

Blenz garden City, Chatime garden City/Alexandra, waves at London drugs on #3,

On a good day:
waves or Rocanini (if you're into that basic bitch thing) in steveston.

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

tiger_handheld 03-24-2018 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by xxxrsxxx (Post 8894926)
Any recommendations for a good coffee/drinks location in Richmond to meet someone for the first time and chat? (Richmond for convience)

Tims on 3 and cambie and go for walk on dike

PK-EK 03-27-2018 09:40 AM


Jmac 03-27-2018 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by BIC_BAWS (Post 8894614)
Good thing parenting is a long way down for me, evidently I'm not ready for this shit.

My 15 y/o brother's such a retard. He's like "so my friend asked me to climb a bridge and take pics with him". Then he gets upset that I yelled at him. No shit I'm yelling at you, what kind of retard climbs a fucking bridge, when there's a risk of death, FOR FUCKING INSTAGRAM LIKES. Kids are so stupid these days.

I remember having a discussion/debate amongst my peers in Grade 9/10 about the negative impacts of social (not really increasing social attempts) media. Seems like all kids these days care too much about their image on social media and how "cool" they are.

I graduated high school in 2001, shortly before social media. Hell, most kids didn't even have a cell phone then.

They still did the same stupid shit.

JSALES 03-27-2018 10:01 PM

RIP friend.

Makes me realize to live life to the fullest because you never know when that day may be your last day.

ZN6 03-29-2018 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by xxxrsxxx (Post 8894926)
Any recommendations for a good coffee/drinks location in Richmond to meet someone for the first time and chat? (Richmond for convience)

Cafe Savoureux Coffee Shop Capstan way

Fafine 03-30-2018 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by PK-EK (Post 8895269)
waiting on story......

Pk no updates? :fullofwin:

FOREVER 03-30-2018 03:31 PM

:heartsmile: W

Akinari 03-30-2018 11:34 PM

I've come to the realization that I should probably be single and just go out and meet people and make more friends through coffee or whatever.

Fafine 03-31-2018 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by Akinari (Post 8895760)
I've come to the realization that I should probably be single and just go out and meet people and make more friends through coffee or whatever.

Have you considered travelling?

PK-EK 03-31-2018 11:58 AM


Fafine 03-31-2018 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by PK-EK (Post 8895804)
updates with my love life? nothing!

Broke up with her for good in January
I always told myself that she doesn't understand me on the deep level that i needed her too.
but then she said something and it was the deepest understanding she has ever had of me, and she was right about it
she said "You don't really like me that much" when she said that I actually felt relieved.
There was something missing in her and I couldn't pinpoint it (still can't)

On paper she was perfect. but in reality I wasn't in love with her. I didn't have that click with her.

maybe I'm just looking for the wrong thing. I grew up thinking love would be this magical thing and with her, i didn't feel any magic.
Maybe the media has just fucked me into planting this image of love in my head that doesn't exist.

just another hopeless romantic. Eventually, youll find the perfect one.

BIC_BAWS 03-31-2018 03:28 PM

I think I failed the course again. Fuck my test anxiety. The irony is that I'm in that industry and I don't have issues at work.

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

Akinari 03-31-2018 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Fafine (Post 8895785)
Have you considered travelling?

I definitely have.

My goal was when I was finished with my Element build, I would start saving up for a lengthy Asia trip with my ex gf. Then I broke up with my ex, and then my Element got totaled literally the day after I considered my build complete, and then I got together with my current gf, so that's three wrenches thrown into my initial plan.

Had to use my vacation savings to get my shit back together, get another car (and subsequent build), and now that I'm thinking of ending things with the gf, and I graduate from 6 years of undergrad in literally a week, I can seriously realistically start looking at travelling which I currently have planned for 2020 for the Tokyo Summer Olympics.

I've been talking recently with my closest friends and coworkers about my situation, and how I really need time by myself, with friends, just to catch up and talk over beer or dinner or what not. I've come to the realization now that I'm nearly 24, that it's impossible for me to truly appreciate and love anyone else if I don't appreciate and love myself as much as I should, and I'm almost becoming closer with my family again.

I took a look at myself in the mirror last night before I showered, I was honestly pretty disgusted by what I saw, goals that I've set for myself haven't been achieved yet, both in my personal and professional life, and my physical condition is nowhere near where I want it to be.

So for April, my birthday month, I've promised myself that I'm going to learn to love myself more, treat myself right, and just put myself out there and live my life without any regrets, whether that means hanging out by myself, hitting the gym as much as I possibly can, eating healthy, ending the relationship I'm in right now that I'm unhappy with, and heck I wouldn't even be against meeting girls to go out for dates or coffee or whatever theoretically speaking.

EvoLove 04-01-2018 07:33 AM

Uggh i want to go travel again... Went back to China for New years and had the time of my life, now i want it back.

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