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TOS'd 04-12-2018 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by MSREE (Post 8897907)
Does anybody have any juicy stories or what


Akinari 04-12-2018 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by MSREE (Post 8897928)
Akinari, how's your korean drama love story going ?
i'm also irrationally emotionally invested in your love life

Long story short, doesn't look like it's going anywhere.

After some back and forth conversation, attempted to meet her in person to set a specific date to meet up, but she had finals so she wouldn't be working till Friday (I asked her on Monday when she'd be working), which is the day I wanted to meet up with her.

So I figured I'd call her instead, didn't pick up, texted back 7hrs later saying "what's up?" and that she's not a call person and would prefer if I texted, so I did.

Texted her asking what she was doing after work on Friday, was told she was hanging out with her sister, she asked again "why what's up?", so I said since we talked about getting bbt together, I was wondering if she'd like to meet up Friday after she was off work, or grab lunch/dinner if she was hungry.

No response, even though I replied immediately after she texted back. I thought well fair enough, she did tell me earlier that she was having a hard time with studying, I can totally understand that, plus she had two finals back-to-back.

The next morning, I texted her good luck with finals.

It's been 48hrs and no response, so at this point I'm not expecting much.

The deadline I've given myself is tomorrow night. If she hasn't texted me back then I'm just gonna drop it, not worth my time or energy to continue pursuing if she's not interested.

EDIT: also this is probably for the better, as I made an amazing(ly lame) music reference (she said lived briefly in Norwich ON) that I thought was absolutely perfect ("wow you're a legit small town girl, have you ever taken the midnight train going anywhere?) but not only did she not comment on it at all, when I called her out for not commenting she gave a super non-genuine response that basically implied that she didn't get it :lawl:

SpeedStars 04-13-2018 12:06 AM

Haven't done a SIO in a while and I was feeling pretty content in life.

Started a new job a couple months ago and it feels good to finally have a life again. Was able to better myself mentally, physically, and financially. Went on a few dates through tinder this month and while I've felt that they were attracted to me, I simply dont feel the same. It's a weird feeling now that I'm no longer the one that's getting rejected. I've also noticed that being single actually gives you so much more freedom :concentrate:. Starting to appreciate that more now.

MSREE 04-13-2018 12:54 AM

Traum man, my heart strings. Are you sure the story is made up???? Sounds pretty legit in this day and age with the need for financial stability???? Still.. My heart... i cry.

TOs'd, what is your juicy story? Out with it!

Akinari, first off who the fuck doesnt get that music reference?????? Even if shes young....theres still Pitch Perfect lol. And yeah if she doesnt text back in the words of my idol Big Sean.... Fuk dat bitch (respectfully). Theres plenty of girls and spring is just around the corner. Summer is the best time to get your flirt on *a tear for the long term relationships*

Btw thanks for indulging me, bros. I need the gossip to fuel me for house chores :okay:

Akinari 04-13-2018 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by MSREE (Post 8898016)
Akinari, first off who the fuck doesnt get that music reference?????? Even if shes young....theres still Pitch Perfect lol. And yeah if she doesnt text back in the words of my idol Big Sean.... Fuk dat bitch (respectfully). Theres plenty of girls and spring is just around the corner. Summer is the best time to get your flirt on *a tear for the long term relationships*

Thing is, it just happened by chance that this girl kinda walked into my life, then immediately walked out :lawl:

Otherwise I'm not actually looking for anything remotely resembling a serious relationship right now. Just want to put myself out there like I've never done before, meet a bunch of great people, drinks lots of coffee and beer, and see where life leads me. If life wants me to get back into a relationship, then so be it.

tofu1413 04-13-2018 09:08 AM

I dont frequent this often, but damn Traum

thats in the feels.

but im sure after the break up, you've become a better/ different / more succesful person.

dapperfied 04-13-2018 09:24 AM

Should've revved your lambo in front of her Traum. :fuckyea:

tofu1413 04-13-2018 10:19 AM

as dark as it sounds "living well is the best revenge"

PK-EK 04-13-2018 10:45 AM


Akinari 04-13-2018 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by PK-EK (Post 8898066)
Walk away!

shes not into you, and you're starting to look creepy

you're trying too hard

I really hate it when people see things that way, saying us guys look creepy when we're just trying to reach out and meet people. I'm very certain I did not overstep any boundaries, even more so after getting input from both male and female friends. I know I did my best to try and reach out, and clearly the result was not in my favour, so I'm walking away. Not a big deal to me.

People like you who say things like that are just reinforcing male insecurities about meeting people, like what Cornering is experiencing right now.

This is not about me getting defensive, trust me at this current point in time I couldn't care less about how others see me.

Come on man.

dapperfied 04-13-2018 12:28 PM

^ Fuckin' slut.


kross9 04-14-2018 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by jinxcrusader (Post 8896008)
I'll join on the beer too. In fact, I got first round.

You still owe me one for the Gin and something we had at cactus when you bounced early shit was 9$ not 5 LOL


Originally Posted by dapperfied (Post 8898074)
^ Fuckin' slut.


Its true he is a complete man slut

EvoLove 04-15-2018 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by Akinari (Post 8898073)
I really hate it when people see things that way, saying us guys look creepy when we're just trying to reach out and meet people. I'm very certain I did not overstep any boundaries, even more so after getting input from both male and female friends. I know I did my best to try and reach out, and clearly the result was not in my favour, so I'm walking away. Not a big deal to me.

People like you who say things like that are just reinforcing male insecurities about meeting people, like what Cornering is experiencing right now.

This is not about me getting defensive, trust me at this current point in time I couldn't care less about how others see me.

Come on man.

You should put yourself in her shoes, would you feel creeped out if someone messaged you so much? personally i would because i've done it before and looking back man was i clingy for attention.

There's a difference between, being initiative and desperate. From what i've read you're leaning more to the desperate side, then again i'm bad at this stuff.

Mr.Money 04-15-2018 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by EvoLove (Post 8898346)
You should put yourself in her shoes, would you feel creeped out if someone messaged you so much? personally i would because i've done it before and looking back man was i clingy for attention.

There's a difference between, being initiative and desperate. From what i've read you're leaning more to the desperate side, then again i'm bad at this stuff.

when i was younger in my teens i only did this without realizing it over msn messenger....i got the sign hard when she flat out said "Why Do You Always Text me?".....Remember that shit when it popped up on your right hand screen is and you could instantly open a chat window...thats what i kept doing

i swear its stupid as shit to try spend your time with someone who doesn't value it in the slightest...Lesson learned,move on.

GS8 04-15-2018 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by SpeedStars (Post 8898012)
Haven't done a SIO in a while and I was feeling pretty content in life.

Started a new job a couple months ago and it feels good to finally have a life again. Was able to better myself mentally, physically, and financially. Went on a few dates through tinder this month and while I've felt that they were attracted to me, I simply dont feel the same. It's a weird feeling now that I'm no longer the one that's getting rejected. I've also noticed that being single actually gives you so much more freedom :concentrate:. Starting to appreciate that more now.

I actually got promoted recently. They didn't even ask me first, just hired my replacement first, texted me and that was it.

I make quite a bit more ($50 more per day) but actually have to focus on my work now. Didn't really want the new position but I'm getting the hang of it. I just get older now and have lost interest in climbing the employment ladder. I make enough to pay the bills so I'd rather have free time to enjoy my hobbies.

What can I say? Being single is addicting. Now to decide what to do with the additional money that'll just get parked since I live a cheap ass lifestyle (grew up lower middle class).

I still lust for a V8 RWD sedan :ilied:

Tone Loc 04-16-2018 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Akinari (Post 8898073)
I really hate it when people see things that way, saying us guys look creepy when we're just trying to reach out and meet people.

That's a very "Vancouver" mentality unfortunately with a lot of the women in town. No wonder we are known across Canada for our shitty dating culture....

Presto 04-16-2018 05:49 PM

IMHO, putting in effort doesn't work. Just do something simple like go for coffee. If you can get that far, you're halfway there. Get their contact info, and don't contact them for a few days. Then, set up a date, and you're good to go. Also, don't text back and forth if you want to have stuff to talk about when you're on the date.

jinxcrusader 04-18-2018 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by kross9 (Post 8898205)
You still owe me one for the Gin and something we had at cactus when you bounced early shit was 9$ not 5 LOL

LMAO oh yeah I totally forgot about that hahaha

Also, the rare times when I think EvoLove is right, something is definitely fucked up. Akinari, sorry man. I know you'll bounce back up real quick but probably best to forget about this girl you're texting/seeing at the nearby store and ignore her future texts too. Those texts are stringing you along and wasting your time.

CorneringArtist 04-18-2018 03:55 PM

"You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation."

- Plato

It's how I managed to get to a second date (and only that far because I'm a complete retard) when online dating actually worked for me for a bit. Arcade first, then food/coffee. Unfortunately, even in my limited experience, this girl has her priorities elsewhere. Still better than what I attempted, though. Of course, Presto got it right, talking too much before meeting is grounds to make shit awkward. Someone offering 20 questions is making a huge mistake.

Akinari 04-18-2018 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by jinxcrusader (Post 8898826)
Also, the rare times when I think EvoLove is right, something is definitely fucked up. Akinari, sorry man. I know you'll bounce back up real quick but probably best to forget about this girl you're texting/seeing at the nearby store and ignore her future texts too. Those texts are stringing you along and wasting your time.

She's already dead to me...

...especially since I have a few dates already set up with other people :ilied:

JSALES 04-19-2018 12:34 AM

I think it's sometimes difficult meeting new people in Vancouver, some people are very cliquey. Maybe it's just me

Mr.HappySilp 04-19-2018 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by JSALES (Post 8898973)
I think it's sometimes difficult meeting new people in Vancouver, some people are very cliquey. Maybe it's just me

Trust me is not you. People in Vancouver tend to just stay in their group of friends. If takes a while to break into them. Even when I was traveling to China and Japan people are actually more friendly and more willing to speak to you.

GS8 04-19-2018 06:56 PM

Girls in Vancouver are funny.

They flaunt their goods any chance they get but the moment you speak with them, they run to their safe space since they can't handle conversation beyond emoji spam and broken text speak.

I generalize but we all know it's true.


Kamui712 04-19-2018 09:33 PM

4 months ago chatting with my Manager

--Me: Hey so 2 Sr.'s left our team and now I'm taking on all of their work, I'd like to be promoted to a Sr.
--Manager: *laughs and walks away*

After that I said fuck it and left the company for a new job


Still receiving texts from ex co-workers and ex manager for help. LOL should've paid me more or given me a promotion :awwyeah:

6793026 04-19-2018 09:48 PM

^ LOVE it. just amazing how companies do not appreciate their staff until it's too late. Loyalty is only valuable if people sticks it out.

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