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The thin line between love and hate
Mature discussion about understanding the opposite sex...

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Old 05-24-2018, 10:56 PM   #24151
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Originally Posted by CorneringArtist View Post
Not that anyone I knew noticed, but there's a nice feeling of quitting facebook to reveal who decided to keep in touch...even if its for one-sided favors that I know I will never get a return on.

At least the main thing blowing up my phone is Chinese robocalls instead of seeing facebook bullshit from people that toss you away once they're done with you.
It's good you made that move!

I rarely ever use Facebook now. The initial reason for me to do it is really just how bulky it has become. A couple of years ago, it was a lot cleaner and I used to check it every day. Now, meh.

And then there are the articles people share. Tried to read the comments and realized how cancerous it is.

I had a discussion with my roommate recently. He thinks that Facebook may be slowly dying, and he said his younger brother and kids of his age in high school use Instagram(which I don't have and don't plan to have) nowadays.

Originally Posted by MSREE View Post
I think its more comes down to your values and what you determine as successful by your standards no?

I was never able to finish school because my parents couldnt afford it and I worked customer service for a long time and I helped my family as much as I could. I may not be successful but Ive always prided myself in being able to help my parents and pay for family dinners when 30 of us get together. When I visited my brother who is 6 years older than me, i was able to pay for everything we did and buy him groceries for after I left. Now hes making better money, he buys me gifts from Holt Renfrew and I dont even shop there for myself lol. When I go out with my friends, I pay the whole bill and Ill do it happily. So when I havent been able to work, everybody remembered that and they didnt hesitate in taking care of me when they invite me out.
My hubs made minimum wage when I met him but I helped him and when he got promoted, I was able to not work for 2 years now.

Just because a somebody works in retail/customer service doesnt mean theyre useless. They might have their money right, a good head on their shoulders and treat people in their life very well, and who are you to judge them as a person based on the title of their job?

I think its more about who the person is on the inside. Id rather have a SO with the same values as me than someone who's successful on paper but our values dont align. Just my opinion though
Agreed that not everyone working at a retail is shitty. I can usually tell when someone gives a shit or not at a retail.

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Old 05-24-2018, 11:54 PM   #24152
RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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She ended things. Which we all know I was tempted to do anyway. I'm not too upset over it considering I want it to be worth it if I'm going to risk heartbreak. (The last time it happened, I was seriously suicidal in a toxic fucked up limbo undefined thing for 2 years, then it took me 3 years to recover)

Also I'm way too happy about my car not rubbing anymore and the window being fixed to be sad.

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Old 05-25-2018, 07:15 AM   #24153
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Been seeing this women for 2 weeks now. Everything is great and we connect really well. Maybe coz she is older (3 years older) so she see things differently than girls of my age or younger. Her personality is really nice, easy to talk to and connect to. She also have her career set straight.

Last night at my place we really felt a great connection and I could tell she wanted to move forward in terms on physical connection.

Now here is the deal she have a son that's 5 years old. From her story was that she dated this guy back then and I guess no protection was use and they have a baby. Guy bail out on her and went with another woman. So they never officially marry or anything like that.

I mean my family knew about her (weird we went to see the circus with her son ended up eating at a restaurant where my cousin's wife works and so my parents knows about it). They aren't too happy with me dating someone who have kids. They already express it that they don't like it but they feel is my life so is up to me to decide what's best and I will have to bare the responsibility. They respect my decsion.

Have anyone here dated anyone with kids? From the way she teach her kid it seems she a pretty laid back parent but does have rules in place.
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Old 05-25-2018, 07:44 AM   #24154
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Originally Posted by BIC_BAWS View Post
But most girls in Van are just shallow, and idk if I'm expecting too much at 21 for people to actually understand having responsibilities and a drive to succeed/improve. I hate stagnation.
Age: 21
City: Vancouver

Lol good luck.

As others have said above, I find the majority of young Vancouver girls, ESPECIALLY Asian girls, have ridiculously unrealistic expectations of life. I find that a great majority of Vancouver girls just want to "flex for the 'gram", party their 20s away, and find a rich guy to "settle down" with and finance her Louis Vuitton, eat-sleep-rave, base model CLA250 lifestyle.

I'm 25, and even now I don't see that many girls with serious goals and ambitions. Lots of girls I see just want to party and have fun and make $15/hour for the rest of their life. To each their own, but girls like that aren't my type.... would rather be alone lol.
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Old 05-25-2018, 08:40 AM   #24155
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You're 21, aren't you overthinking about your qualities of your SO?

Chances are you're not gonna get married, just enjoy the romance. You can worry about that shit when you're 30 and weeding out the sugarbabies.

If you actually hit it off, you hit if off... you don't have to worry about petty shit like this. If you worry about this stuff, you guys are not a match.
There's a phallic symbol infront of my car

MG1: in fact, a new term needs to make its way into the American dictionary. Trump............ he's such a "Trump" = ultimate insult. Like, "yray, you're such a trump."
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dapperfied yray so waisis

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FastAnna i really cant
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Old 05-25-2018, 12:03 PM   #24156
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Originally Posted by BIC_BAWS View Post
She ended things. Which we all know I was tempted to do anyway. I'm not too upset over it considering I want it to be worth it if I'm going to risk heartbreak. (The last time it happened, I was seriously suicidal in a toxic fucked up limbo undefined thing for 2 years, then it took me 3 years to recover)

Also I'm way too happy about my car not rubbing anymore and the window being fixed to be sad.

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You'll be happier spending your time/money on modding your car at your age and enjoying your youth. If thing work out, they work out, don't force it.

Chills broooo haha!
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Old 05-26-2018, 07:34 AM   #24157
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Originally Posted by TOS'd View Post
The reason for Speak it Out is to actually set PK-EK up with someone, whether that be someone from this thread or outside of RS.

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Old 05-28-2018, 07:52 PM   #24158
RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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I'm having an internal dilemma on if I'm actually a good person. I say that I'm not a fuckboy, but the things that cross my mind are pretty fuckboy-ish.

Some of my hard requirements is no playing games and no cheating. But like I almost feel like I make those a requirement for others, so I don't resort to doing it. It's also why defining the relationship is important to me. If we're exclusive, I don't fuck around - 100% committed. On the other hand, if we're not exclusive, I do whatever the fuck I want, including flirting with others, playing games, or "cheating" to an extent - but cheating is justified because it's not exclusive, so it's not cheating.

Another example of me being a bad person is that if things end between us, I'll pretend it's all good. But I'll mess with your subconscious, and make you regret not sticking around/not able to forget me.

I probably am a terrible person and my whole life is a lie LOL.
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Old 05-28-2018, 10:26 PM   #24159
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Originally Posted by Mr.HappySilp View Post
Been seeing this women for 2 weeks now. Everything is great and we connect really well. Maybe coz she is older (3 years older) so she see things differently than girls of my age or younger. Her personality is really nice, easy to talk to and connect to. She also have her career set straight.

Last night at my place we really felt a great connection and I could tell she wanted to move forward in terms on physical connection.

Now here is the deal she have a son that's 5 years old. From her story was that she dated this guy back then and I guess no protection was use and they have a baby. Guy bail out on her and went with another woman. So they never officially marry or anything like that.

I mean my family knew about her (weird we went to see the circus with her son ended up eating at a restaurant where my cousin's wife works and so my parents knows about it). They aren't too happy with me dating someone who have kids. They already express it that they don't like it but they feel is my life so is up to me to decide what's best and I will have to bare the responsibility. They respect my decsion.

Have anyone here dated anyone with kids? From the way she teach her kid it seems she a pretty laid back parent but does have rules in place.
depending on the kid; it has it's pros and cons. I honestly would keep the kid out of the picture.
1) spend time to see if you have connection first.
2) you have to be understanding as a dude (if she bails due to kid responsibilities, not having a baby sister, you gotta be understanding)
3) Kid > you, get used to it.
4) until you defined the relationship where you two are committed for a solid 3 months, then you intro yourself to the kids life.

last thing you want is to fuck up the kid's life. All in all, DTR, Define the Relationship, and you also gotta define who you are in front of the kid. Then you gotta deal with the real dad.. etc.
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Old 05-29-2018, 04:17 AM   #24160
I STILL don't get it
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I woke up at 4am excited to pick up my parcels from the post office when it opens at 9am.

How old am I? Lol
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Old 05-29-2018, 07:34 AM   #24161
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Originally Posted by 6793026 View Post
depending on the kid; it has it's pros and cons. I honestly would keep the kid out of the picture.
1) spend time to see if you have connection first.
2) you have to be understanding as a dude (if she bails due to kid responsibilities, not having a baby sister, you gotta be understanding)
3) Kid > you, get used to it.
4) until you defined the relationship where you two are committed for a solid 3 months, then you intro yourself to the kids life.

last thing you want is to fuck up the kid's life. All in all, DTR, Define the Relationship, and you also gotta define who you are in front of the kid. Then you gotta deal with the real dad.. etc.
1. Update we been spending a lot of time together. Like every other day? Sometimes is just a short swing by to say hi and while she wait for her kid after school lesson we just sit there and chat. We basically chat about anything our past, embrassing moments and we both just laugh about it.

2 and 3. I been with her kids 4 times now I think and so far he really likes me. Maybe coz I still have an inner child we tend to play a lot, sports, swimming, catting about movies etc etc. He is polite.She does put her kid in line if he gets too carry away (Ie we were at the swimming pool playing and we were splashing water after a while I just wanted to stop and talk to her but her kid won't stop. She step in and tell him no more and he listens quite well). But like you said kid will always come first but at least she try to be fair. She actually wanted a baby girl. I was ok with not having kids but she really wanted a baby girl.

4. Kinda of too late Already been with her kid a few times.

A little background story she actually did not get marry. What happen was she meet her ex bf back in China but after a while her family immigrant here. She came as well and ask her ex to come as well. But her ex didn't want to leave coz he a decent job etc etc but wouldn't let her go. So they kinda of dated long distance. She finally convince her ex to come here as well but they were not marry yet so he apply alone to come here. He came here but they weren't living together yet she was going back and forth with her business in China so didn't really spend too much with him. They had a baby but it was mostly being taken care of by her side of the family. One day he just told her I found someone that I like more and just left. So the kid haven't seen his father at all or meet him. She was pretty shock coz she though they were going to get marry once his immigrant status is approve.

We are taking things slow but we just have this great connection so far. We could literally chat for hours. Anyways she still feel a bit disconfort and worry about how my family will see her. I arrange a casual dim sum with her and my parents this weekend. Everything should be fine my parents don't care much at all as long as I am happy and I am going to be the one to deal with it (I talk to my parents as well didn't want any surprise on their part.).

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Old 05-29-2018, 07:59 AM   #24162
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Originally Posted by BIC_BAWS View Post
I'm having an internal dilemma on if I'm actually a good person. I say that I'm not a fuckboy, but the things that cross my mind are pretty fuckboy-ish.

Some of my hard requirements is no playing games and no cheating. But like I almost feel like I make those a requirement for others, so I don't resort to doing it. It's also why defining the relationship is important to me. If we're exclusive, I don't fuck around - 100% committed. On the other hand, if we're not exclusive, I do whatever the fuck I want, including flirting with others, playing games, or "cheating" to an extent - but cheating is justified because it's not exclusive, so it's not cheating.

Another example of me being a bad person is that if things end between us, I'll pretend it's all good. But I'll mess with your subconscious, and make you regret not sticking around/not able to forget me.

I probably am a terrible person and my whole life is a lie LOL.
bro you're 21, nobody is expecting you to date to marry at this point. you're basically dating now for the experience and learning what kind of person you are and what you want for your future.

id say learn now how to let relationships/people go with grace, practice every time to genuinely wish the person well and move on with your life in the most healthy way possible.
it's harder when you get older and set in your ways. what you're doing is what i've seen crazy girls do that i used to be friends with and even i've done it to certain guys i completely lost my shit over. i look back at it now filled with regret lol.

you will never miss an opportunity/experience/person/relationship that is TRULY meant for you.
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Old 05-29-2018, 08:53 AM   #24163
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inb4 "can you sponsor my cousin?" turns out to be her bf
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Old 05-29-2018, 09:43 AM   #24164
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Originally Posted by dapperfied View Post
inb4 "can you sponsor my cousin?" turns out to be her bf
I ain't going to sponsor anyone lol. She can do that herself. Beside her business seems to be doing well so use that the sponsor.
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Old 05-29-2018, 10:43 AM   #24165
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I think if anything, I should start making some lifestyle changes. Clearly, I'm not happy with myself right now. My spending habits (stupid BMW) are terrible. I've been having some trouble sleeping, I sleep at 10 or 11PM and wake up at 3 or 4AM. I think it's associated with my choice in nutrition.

I'm 5'8", used to be 160lbs at 16% body fat, I haven't weighed myself, but I wouldn't be surprised if I'm pushing 190 at 25% body fat. When other people joke about my weight, idgaf. But really, I'm not happy with where I am. And I think i need to start making changes.

It sucks tho, because I used to be able to squat 3 plates. Then the car accident happened and I neglected my rehab because all I wanted to do was continue squatting heavy. Haven't been to the gym in 3 years. And to start that all over again from the bar is pretty shitty.

I can understand why when I told people to just go to the gym, people don't care what you look like, AND they were STILL reluctant. I get it now. Just cause others don't care, you will.
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Old 05-29-2018, 11:41 AM   #24166
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Old 05-29-2018, 02:37 PM   #24167
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What do you guys use to set goals and make sure you stay on top of it

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Old 05-29-2018, 04:40 PM   #24168
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Originally Posted by BIC_BAWS View Post
What do you guys use to set goals and make sure you stay on top of it

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I use to use a white board for like day to day goals which consisted of simple stuff. It would consist of realistic goals that can be done on the same day but will see benefits over time. I recall most of them were related to lifting, school, or eating. But honestly everything is kind of on auto-pilot now, with work from 8:00 to 16:30, then school from 18:30 to 21:30. I'm happy to make it through the day.

I can recall:
  • Increase weights by 5lbs for Deadlift.
  • Finish assignment for x course.
  • Make lunch/dinner for next 3 days and put into containers.
  • Buy groceries.
  • Code for an hour.

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Old 05-30-2018, 12:14 AM   #24169
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i wish i could go back to Cancun...where i said hello and we talked..where i could just be me and you be you.. It was an awesome week spent with you, but it was nice to feel "something" again. I hope you sometimes think about me back in Texas...perhaps we shall cross path one day again ? Thank you for showing me that there are some awesome people in this world that can make your life a little better

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Old 05-30-2018, 12:24 AM   #24170
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Originally Posted by BIC_BAWS View Post
What do you guys use to set goals and make sure you stay on top of it

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remember what you're doing currently is wasteful,unfulfilling if its nothing and that you have to do something positive with a purpose with your time.

i randomly felt happy i was washing two cars and even doing maintenance with oil changes,air filter and cabin filter...i guess i kind of thought it was rewarding to myself getting shit done when its needed.

just made a strong mental note to jump up and do it now,cause i might pass it off if I "forget" or Go back to wasting time with something i didn't feel all okay with like wasting time on video games...heh...also my strange perfectionist itch got scratched knowing i had all the right tools in front of me,enough sleep & rest that i was ready to tackle it.

What can you Do that matters?...Hmm
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Old 05-30-2018, 01:19 PM   #24171
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When I fall off the gym wagon. I always had negative thoughts on how long it would take yourself to get back to x weight. Whether it may be 1 plate bench, 3 plate squat, 4 plate deadlift. The time will pass anyways. So you might as well hop back on and slowly work your way back up. I did find the second time around you gets your gains back significantly faster

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Old 05-30-2018, 01:58 PM   #24172
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This will be my 3rd time starting over. Given that I've gained some significant weight (dirty bulk) I'm tempted to go back to powerlifting bc I got the perfect foundation.

But I also want to lose weight, and you don't lose weight by powerlifting. I think the hardest part for me will be keeping myself in check.

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Old 05-30-2018, 08:58 PM   #24173
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I’ve had too many lovers. Not enough love
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Old 06-01-2018, 10:00 PM   #24174
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Tomorrow she is meeting my parents.... feeling a bit nervous..... although I know my parents are nice people and don't interfere with what I do (especially with my love life). This time it felt different. In the past I haven't even bring any of my ex to meet my parents before..... this time I actually care enough to try to understand why she is worry ><. Is this the one......

We click so well...... but if she turns out not the right person sigh.... I don't know.
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Old 06-03-2018, 11:41 PM   #24175
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All these motherfuckers so false with me
If your money funny, don't talk to me
I know there ain't shit that you could offer me
Take a second if you think about crossing me
It lasts forever, you should try a sample
Baby I'm the boss like I'm Tony Danza
Everybody trying to tell me what I stand for
But you don't fucking know me homie you don't want war

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