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HappyDorky 07-15-2008 11:09 PM

Speak it Out
If you're having relationship problems or just want to let something out but too scared to say it in front of that person.. Speak up
Let all your emotions out
Tell somebody.
[Relationship Related]

-post venting here

underscore 07-16-2008 01:47 AM

wait so paste your venting in here? or PM it to you?

either way...

I've known this girl for a couple months now, she just moved back here and is friends with all my friends, I found out she likes me and I like her so we talked a bit and then ended up making out at the beach late one night, talking the next day we decide neither of us is ready for anything too serious atm so we decide to be "seeing each other." I'm thinking alright perfect, first girl I've had a shot at since my ex, she's gorgeous, lots of fun and really easygoing. Then a couple days later she's like "yeah I'm really not ready for any sort of relationship just yet, I have to sort some stuff out." Ooook sure, I can wait a bit. Then we all get trashed at my friends house, she ends up making out with one of my best friends (as I'm puking, fucking great) and spends the night snuggled with him. They tell me the next day and decide to shrug it off, we're not dating and w/e, we were all drunk. She seems to think I should be madder and when I tell her I'm still ok with waiting til she's more ready for a relationship, she lets me know that she won't want a relationship for a long time and that she isn't fully over her ex. So now I have no goddamn clue what the fuck is going on, I've basically accepted tht I'm never gonna have a relationship with her, which really blows as she's one of the chillest girls I've ever met (and gorgeous too). I just want to know what the hell she actually wants from me right now, just to get pissed at the drunk shenanigans or to be FWB or what? fucking fuck shit fuck women fuck.


asian_XL 07-16-2008 03:12 AM


that is it.

vmec 07-16-2008 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by underscore (Post 5946015)
wait so paste your venting in here? or PM it to you?

I've known this girl for a couple months now, she just moved back here and is friends with all my friends, I found out she likes me and I like her so we talked a bit and then ended up making out at the beach late one night, talking the next day we decide neither of us is ready for anything too serious atm so we decide to be "seeing each other." I'm thinking alright perfect, first girl I've had a shot at since my ex, she's gorgeous, lots of fun and really easygoing. Then a couple days later she's like "yeah I'm really not ready for any sort of relationship just yet, I have to sort some stuff out." Ooook sure, I can wait a bit. Then we all get trashed at my friends house, she ends up making out with one of my best friends (as I'm puking, fucking great) and spends the night snuggled with him. They tell me the next day and decide to shrug it off, we're not dating and w/e, we were all drunk. She seems to think I should be madder and when I tell her I'm still ok with waiting til she's more ready for a relationship, she lets me know that she won't want a relationship for a long time and that she isn't fully over her ex. So now I have no goddamn clue what the fuck is going on, I've basically accepted tht I'm never gonna have a relationship with her, which really blows as she's one of the chillest girls I've ever met (and gorgeous too). I just want to know what the hell she actually wants from me right now, just to get pissed at the drunk shenanigans or to be FWB or what? fucking fuck shit fuck women fuck.


i've used that line before. "i'm not ready- not over the ex"

have you ever heard of the book for women: "he's just not that into you" well, it would seem she's just not that into you.

most likely she just wanted to have a little fun, flirt awhile, and be liked some. you happened to be around. she probably did the same thing to your friend whom she made out with- did the same thing and then used a similar line like "but i don't want a relationship"

i say that if she meets the "right" person she would be over her ex at that moment. unfortunatly that's not you- yet anyways. if she seems upset that you don't care she made out with your friend then that means she's looking for some more attention to flatter herself and then tell you "she's still not ready"

i'll bet the moment you move on show some interest in someone else she will either 1) realize she does like you becasue she's jealous of the new someone or 2) couldn't care less and continue making out with your friends in which case you KNOW it ain't meant to be. either way don't be a "nice guy" about it- show a little attitude... just a little and she might get over herself and realize you're a pretty cool dude.

underscore 07-16-2008 09:07 AM

Yeah I think you got it pretty bang on, from what I've been told her ex was a tool and I think he cheated on her a couple times so I tihnk it's wierd that she'd still like him when she told me what he was like.

I'm liking the moving on, start showing interest in someone else and see what her reaction is. Time will tell now I guess lol.

Culture_Vulture 07-16-2008 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by asian_XL (Post 5946054)

that is it.

How bout

How many people actually feel comfortable saying that nowadays?

mrclean604 07-16-2008 02:00 PM


Ulic Qel-Droma 07-16-2008 03:12 PM

you fucking dumb peice of shit, use your head and not your "feelings" for once, cock sucking dumb fucking shit for brains female.

miss_crayon 07-16-2008 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by underscore (Post 5946015)
wait so paste your venting in here? or PM it to you?

if members are to post up confidential posts of any sort, please pm it to Los Bastardo or mods of this forum. Happydorky is not a mod and does not have abilities to manage threads or anything as she does not have access to the edit/manage tools.

thank you

relationship forum mods

Meowjin 07-16-2008 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Ulic Qel-Droma (Post 5946822)
you fucking dumb peice of shit, use your head and not your "feelings" for once, cock sucking dumb fucking shit for brains female.




asian_XL 07-16-2008 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Ulic Qel-Droma (Post 5946822)
you fucking dumb peice of shit, use your head and not your "feelings" for once, cock sucking dumb fucking shit for brains female.

highlight -> right click -> copy

find ulic's gf email on his facebook.

paste -> sent


Aetios 07-16-2008 11:28 PM

I think you have what I got.

better get tested.. hehe

3xta 07-17-2008 12:16 AM

Why the fuck would my bestfriend tell my ex he likes her without consulting with me, we would have had a chance to get back together, but becuase of him telling her, she has feelings for him too. Before she didn't have feelings for him, she just considered him as a close friend. So one day i was super drunk and i did the most stupid thing, i fucking punched him in the face. I admit that i was being immature at the time and i woke thinking about what an idiot i was that night. She got super fucking pissed at me and she lost all her feelings for me 0%!!! She probably has even more feelings for that fucking guy now, and I am still in LOVE with her!!! fuck they talk everyday on the phone too!!! fuck!!!!!! i feel so stupid writing this and everyone is going to flame me, but fuck! this is how i feel :(

michimaro 07-17-2008 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by 3xta (Post 5947636)
i feel so stupid writing this and everyone is going to flame me, but fuck! this is how i feel :(

you are not stupid....if i was in your position, i might have punched the guy in the face too.

ZhangFei 07-17-2008 12:39 AM

Whenever I'm in crystal mall and I have to take a shit, I do it at the Hilton. They never suspect a thing.

edit: I do it at Fairmont when I'm on Robson. And when I'm by the waterfront area, I do it at the Pan Pacific which is by far, the best place to take a shit.

dimsum119 07-17-2008 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by 3xta (Post 5947636)
Why the fuck would my bestfriend tell my ex he likes her without consulting with me, we would have had a chance to get back together, but becuase of him telling her, she has feelings for him too. Before she didn't have feelings for him, she just considered him as a close friend. So one day i was super drunk and i did the most stupid thing, i fucking punched him in the face. I admit that i was being immature at the time and i woke thinking about what an idiot i was that night. She got super fucking pissed at me and she lost all her feelings for me 0%!!! She probably has even more feelings for that fucking guy now, and I am still in LOVE with her!!! fuck they talk everyday on the phone too!!! fuck!!!!!! i feel so stupid writing this and everyone is going to flame me, but fuck! this is how i feel :(

fuck that was stupid, but cant blame u. but serioulsy now that u punched his face in shes gonna think that ur a total douche and hes the one whos suffering. and in the end u lose ur frd and any chance to get back with ur ex

vmec 07-17-2008 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by underscore (Post 5946288)
Yeah I think you got it pretty bang on, from what I've been told her ex was a tool and I think he cheated on her a couple times so I tihnk it's wierd that she'd still like him when she told me what he was like.

I'm liking the moving on, start showing interest in someone else and see what her reaction is. Time will tell now I guess lol.

In my case- the "I don't want a relationship" was just a line... at first. I had flirted and then he started to do what you did- like me back and assume it could go somewhere then I threw that line on the table... I thought I'd got what I wanted- just some fun, flirting. He moved on, or at least stopped calling, and showing interest in me... I was bummed! Now, a year and a half later... I'm living with him :)

If she doesn't come back after your "moving on". She's "just not that into you" and too much of a basket case anyways... Yes, time will tell! Good luck!

K-Dub 07-17-2008 09:34 AM

fuck two faced girls.

underscore 07-17-2008 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by vmec (Post 5947823)
In my case- the "I don't want a relationship" was just a line... at first. I had flirted and then he started to do what you did- like me back and assume it could go somewhere then I threw that line on the table... I thought I'd got what I wanted- just some fun, flirting. He moved on, or at least stopped calling, and showing interest in me... I was bummed! Now, a year and a half later... I'm living with him :)

If she doesn't come back after your "moving on". She's "just not that into you" and too much of a basket case anyways... Yes, time will tell! Good luck!

*ctrl A -> ctrl C -> ctrl V into my life* haha

Yeah I've already started backing off, I'm working on moving on a bit or at least acting like it, oddly enough I feel kinda guilty about it but I think that's the nice guy showing (and I know that gets you nowhere).

3xta, forget her man, if she can flip to that other guy just by him telling her he has feelings for her, she was never that close to you anyways. It's rough but you've gotta try to forget about her and just save any friendship with the guy, after all "bro's before hoes"

3xta 07-17-2008 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by underscore (Post 5947929)
3xta, forget her man, if she can flip to that other guy just by him telling her he has feelings for her, she was never that close to you anyways. It's rough but you've gotta try to forget about her and just save any friendship with the guy, after all "bro's before hoes"

When i found out that he told me ex he liked her and i confronted him about it he said we cant be friends anymore. Even though i said i would forget about it and i would forgive him.


Originally Posted by dimsum119 (Post 5947734)
fuck that was stupid, but cant blame u. but serioulsy now that u punched his face in shes gonna think that ur a total douche and hes the one whos suffering. and in the end u lose ur frd and any chance to get back with ur ex

she did feel sorry for him and that he was suffering and shit.

underscore 07-17-2008 11:54 AM

^ well in that case then he's a dick and not worth being friends with.

RacePace 07-17-2008 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by 3xta (Post 5947978)
When i found out that he told me ex he liked her and i confronted him about it he said we cant be friends anymore. Even though i said i would forget about it and i would forgive him.

one punch wasn't enough

underscore 07-20-2008 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by vmec (Post 5947823)
She's "just not that into you."

Bingo, she just told me that she got over the ex thing and now she likes my friend and appologized for leading me on and such.

Fuck though, fucking shit balls fuck. I turned down 4 hookups in the last month or so thinking it was no big deal as I was so close to what could become an amazing relationship. At least I got some fun on the beach.

Girl 07-20-2008 09:41 PM

Dear Husband,

I know it's been 3 'lovely' years since we've been together. But the truth is. I have been cheating on you. The nights I am doing OT, really means me bent over getting it doggy style in those $600 Manolos you got me last week. When I say I am going on a "business trip" it really means that I've signed up for a week long orgy party in Vegas or I'm tied up to the bed post of my current lover and getting teased, tortured, and madly pleasured.

On those nights that I am too "tired" to sleep with you really just means my herpes are inflammed and I would feel sort of bad for giving them to you...and I wouldn't want you finding out that I've been riding dirty with other men (this includes your step son Matt).

I'm just so sick and tired of you not giving me enough attention! When I say I want to watch a movie, it doesn't mean watching peoples heads' get blown off, it means I want to engage in a sappy chick flick, like the Notebook where I can recreate the fantasies that you can't fulfill. When I say "I don't care" it means I want you to ask me, and probe further. When I am mad, I wish you can take me like woman that I am suppose to be and make me feel like a dirty little whore instead of making false promises then pop another Viagra pill.

If you weren't rich and being in the public eye so much, I would have killed you off a long time ago, besides waiting for you to die of old age so I can inherit all the money.

Well got to go, love you sweet pea.

Much Love XoXoXo,


asian_XL 07-20-2008 10:23 PM

^ :eek: omg

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