Some of you may have not even noticed, but new user registration and guest viewing has been turned off Since Jan 1st. This was due to the negative media attention towards this site and its users. We were trying to protect all the users from any attacks coming from the uneducated public after most media outlets displayed us as a "hate website." Now that everything is starting to turn around and the truth seems to be slowly making its way back out there we feel the site can re-open. This isn't to say that new users will not come on here and make slanderous comments towards this site, but I please ask you to refrain from feeding these animals and just report the posts/threads so the staff can clean it up and remove these problem users.
We take pride in the fact that is free and open to anyone in the world of any race; it always has been and always will be. We are glad that you can come on here and speak your mind without having to worry about "media edits." However rules have been in place since day one, and anyone breaking them will be dealt with. Please make sure to read over the site rules again
here. Please do not change the way you post or be fearful of the media taking your thoughts out of context, do not let them dictate the way you display yourself, be proud to speak your mind.
From the past we all know that not every user on gets along, but since the outrageous comments made about our site and its users I have seen everyone come together and stand up for what is right. I thank everyone for their support, and ask again that you step back and do not lower yourself to the level of the possible "trolls" that may come on here over the next few days.
We have now re-opened the site to its normal state, and its back
bigger and better than ever!! We just happened to start some major upgrades over the holidays so stay tuned and hang in there if you see any problems over the next few days.
I would like to thank Kevin, Brody, Rodney, Ben, and all the other Heights staff for the help and support over the past few days to keep this site going strong and clear of all garbage. I would also like to thank CBC Television and Radio for getting the correct story to the public, its nice to see that there is still one news source out there that knows to get
all the facts first.
Kelly Marsden