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05-10-2013, 02:48 PM
#2651 | Wunder? Wonder?? Wander???
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wowo, 3rd on waitlist for english
hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng. Hasnt budged in a week.
And apparently math/stats doesn't take in any students past the waitlist closure. Stupid.
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05-10-2013, 08:55 PM
#2652 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Waitlist period is now over the Course search section shows seats available... does anyone know if it will update even though the seats for the course shows N/A? I already e-mail one of my teacher to override me into one of the courses.
Anyone here trying to get into the night courses for Advertising and Business law?
Summer 2013 Registration ---> *click* Course Schedule Search |
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05-11-2013, 09:35 PM
#2653 | Wunder? Wonder?? Wander???
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I joined the only course with seats available that wasn't something like child development autism specialization.
Geog 1120. Last minute of registration has like 5 seats left (Needed it to fulfill my loan requirement, which was already low as it is (Expected me to input like 4k when i dont work lolwut)
I look up the teacher on ratemyprof (Judy wright) and there's over 10 years of horrible, horrible, horrible, purely awful, terrible, disgusting, evil reviews
What have i done
brb memorizing 150 names of towns and lakes in medicine hat
brb class still being on intro of book a month into the course
brb 60 student class with a teacher that has never had a positive review in her teaching career
moment of silence 4 my gpa plz
rip ubc dremz
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05-12-2013, 12:48 AM
#2654 | What hasn't Killed me, has made me more tolerant of RS!
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Don't sweat it too much. These reviews are biased (for the most part). Either they really love/hate the teacher. Put in some hard work and I promise you'll do fine.
Talk to the teacher and figure out how she likes things. Drop by office hours sometime and maybe go over an assignment together; usually you'll pick up on what she looks for etc which really help on tests.
Which faculty are you planning on transferring into anyway?
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05-12-2013, 06:38 AM
#2655 | Wunder? Wonder?? Wander???
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Originally Posted by Kayci Don't sweat it too much. These reviews are biased (for the most part). Either they really love/hate the teacher. Put in some hard work and I promise you'll do fine.
Talk to the teacher and figure out how she likes things. Drop by office hours sometime and maybe go over an assignment together; usually you'll pick up on what she looks for etc which really help on tests.
Which faculty are you planning on transferring into anyway? | engineering
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05-12-2013, 12:52 PM
#2656 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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I just backed door my way into a course which i never register on the wait list for. I saw an opening after the wait list period was over and i quickly email the prof. Now got over ride
Btw - does anyone know if students who don't show up for 2-3 weeks, can the school drop them and allow students who want to be in, in?
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05-12-2013, 02:15 PM
#2657 | What hasn't Killed me, has made me more tolerant of RS!
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Originally Posted by Big Earl
I just backed door my way into a course which i never register on the wait list for. I saw an opening after the wait list period was over and i quickly email the prof. Now got over ride
Btw - does anyone know if students who don't show up for 2-3 weeks, can the school drop them and allow students who want to be in, in? | It's possible depending on the instructor. Some even take 3 days as the max. Quote:
Originally Posted by whEEls7 engineering | Good luck! Just don't take too many courses to save time - could end up bad. My friend tried it and it didn't go so well.
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05-12-2013, 03:48 PM
#2658 | My dinner reheated before my turbo spooled
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Originally Posted by whEEls7 engineering | me too!
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05-12-2013, 08:08 PM
#2659 | Even when im right, is still right!
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Originally Posted by whEEls7 I joined the only course with seats available that wasn't something like child development autism specialization.
Geog 1120. Last minute of registration has like 5 seats left (Needed it to fulfill my loan requirement, which was already low as it is (Expected me to input like 4k when i dont work lolwut)
I look up the teacher on ratemyprof (Judy wright) and there's over 10 years of horrible, horrible, horrible, purely awful, terrible, disgusting, evil reviews
What have i done
brb memorizing 150 names of towns and lakes in medicine hat
brb class still being on intro of book a month into the course
brb 60 student class with a teacher that has never had a positive review in her teaching career
moment of silence 4 my gpa plz
rip ubc dremz | depending on what faculty you're transferring to, sometimes they only look at your most recent 30 credits, so as long as it's not your core courses, shouldn't affect you too much
Originally posted by Miss_Girly
Bring some RS people with you to help u GANG BANG the guy!!
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05-12-2013, 08:23 PM
#2660 | What hasn't Killed me, has made me more tolerant of RS!
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^Selanne is right! The GPA is based on (usually) the most recent 30 credits, but each faculty may have additional requirements. Engineering takes a look at the most recent 30, AND the combination of math, physics, and chemistry GPA.
Science is the only faculty with a promotion requirement where you have to be eligible for promotion into the next year level within a certain amount of credits attempted, so keep that in mind if anyone's considering transferring into science. It's deceiving because it only looks for the most recent 30, but this information is hidden deep inside their website.
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05-12-2013, 10:26 PM
#2661 | Big Drama Show
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Anyone else ever have problems logging onto Langara's site?
I almost always get "Webpage not available"
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05-13-2013, 11:20 PM
#2662 | What hasn't Killed me, has made me more tolerant of RS!
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Bit late but nope not on the 12th
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05-15-2013, 02:00 PM
#2663 | Wunder? Wonder?? Wander???
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went to my first geog class
it was horrible
i think i will withdraw
we talk about everything but geography
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05-15-2013, 03:35 PM
#2664 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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I hope someone will drop business law or advertising been stalking the status everyday
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05-15-2013, 10:14 PM
#2665 | Wunder? Wonder?? Wander???
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Originally Posted by Big Earl I hope someone will drop business law or advertising been stalking the status everyday | I dont think they take in people after the registration date
Anyone know how tough a courseload this is for next fall? Trying to transfer into the engineering program and me doing well is p important. Need at least a 2.8 gpa which seems to be around a B-
Calc 1
Phys w/ calc 1
General chem 1
Engl 1127
cpsc 1090
maybe 1 more credit like cpsc 1155, may not get 1 of these courses though
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05-15-2013, 10:56 PM
#2666 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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last day to accept people is june 7
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05-15-2013, 11:05 PM
#2667 | What hasn't Killed me, has made me more tolerant of RS!
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Originally Posted by whEEls7 I dont think they take in people after the registration date
Anyone know how tough a courseload this is for next fall? Trying to transfer into the engineering program and me doing well is p important. Need at least a 2.8 gpa which seems to be around a B-
Calc 1
Phys w/ calc 1
General chem 1
Engl 1127
cpsc 1090
maybe 1 more credit like cpsc 1155, may not get 1 of these courses though | That's a pretty full plate you've lined up for yourself. You are probably not going to be able to get the two cpsc (they're always filled up). Calc, phys, engl and chem will be quite a bit of homework there for you already. You might want to consider taking stats here rather than @ ubc as it's much easier here.
B- is not hard to achieve. Just do your homework and you should be able to hit B- easy.
If you're going to take math 2362 & 2382 (linear algebra) here, try to get Nora Franzova. Tamas is really good too! Although you may be tempted to take this @ ubc as this is one of the harder math courses and you want your GPA as high as possible.
Last edited by Kayci; 05-15-2013 at 11:10 PM.
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05-15-2013, 11:31 PM
#2668 | Wunder? Wonder?? Wander???
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Originally Posted by Kayci That's a pretty full plate you've lined up for yourself. You are probably not going to be able to get the two cpsc (they're always filled up). Calc, phys, engl and chem will be quite a bit of homework there for you already. You might want to consider taking stats here rather than @ ubc as it's much easier here.
B- is not hard to achieve. Just do your homework and you should be able to hit B- easy.
If you're going to take math 2362 & 2382 (linear algebra) here, try to get Nora Franzova. Tamas is really good too! Although you may be tempted to take this @ ubc as this is one of the harder math courses and you want your GPA as high as possible. | no room for negotiation really. Cirriculum is set that way. im just scared i wont get my cpsc course Posted via RS Mobile |
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05-16-2013, 01:28 AM
#2669 | 14 dolla balla aint got nothing on me!
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Nora is probably the best math teacher because she offers opportunities for students to succeed through flexible grade allocation and she's often available during office hours and at math/stat tutor room. Tamas is decent or average. Her teaching style is rather conservative /ordinary although she is the best prof for problem solving in math. I've also taken the half korean/japanese prof with the ponytail (hyung-??), but he tends to polarize students, so avoid him unless you have a profound passion for math and like using unorthodox techniques.
For english, you really have to screen the english professors or else your GPA will suffer.
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05-16-2013, 03:08 AM
#2670 | Proud to be called a RS Regular!
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Stay away from Yaswen, worst English teacher in the world.
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05-16-2013, 10:09 AM
#2671 | What hasn't Killed me, has made me more tolerant of RS!
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For math, Eugene Belchev is on par with Nora. He allows grade allocation as well, and he explains things exceptionally well. I took calc2 with him and pulled 90 easy through the entire term.
Drop courses if you need to. Havin a "W" on your transcript is better than an F or say C since you need your GPA to get in. You'll need to retake it anyway if it's too low to use. The curriculum demands a lot of courses, but don't be afraid to work around with it in order to maintain a higher gpa with minimum amount of courses to get in. I think it said 27 credits and they'll give you 2nd year standing - so 9 courses.
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05-16-2013, 11:48 AM
#2672 | Wunder? Wonder?? Wander???
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Originally Posted by Kayci For math, Eugene Belchev is on par with Nora. He allows grade allocation as well, and he explains things exceptionally well. I took calc2 with him and pulled 90 easy through the entire term.
Drop courses if you need to. Havin a "W" on your transcript is better than an F or say C since you need your GPA to get in. You'll need to retake it anyway if it's too low to use. The curriculum demands a lot of courses, but don't be afraid to work around with it in order to maintain a higher gpa with minimum amount of courses to get in. I think it said 27 credits and they'll give you 2nd year standing - so 9 courses. | You need every course in the program complete in two semesters with a minimum GPA, cannot fail cannot drop or you become uni transfer student instead of guarenteed admission with >2.8gpa i believe.
I just don't see myself going to langara for another year when I'd much rather live and study at ubc
Last edited by whEEls7; 05-16-2013 at 03:17 PM.
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05-16-2013, 09:13 PM
#2673 | What hasn't Killed me, has made me more tolerant of RS!
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Ah... didn't see the must be within 2 semester part. I just know if gpa > 2.5. But chances are you won't be able to get them all unless they fixed the registration date thing. Be sure to declare engineering transfer (if that exists). I had a very hard time getting all those, and couldn't get cpsc at all.
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05-17-2013, 10:37 AM
#2674 | Wunder? Wonder?? Wander???
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Originally Posted by Kayci Ah... didn't see the must be within 2 semester part. I just know if gpa > 2.5. But chances are you won't be able to get them all unless they fixed the registration date thing. Be sure to declare engineering transfer (if that exists). I had a very hard time getting all those, and couldn't get cpsc at all. | No, Im not in the eng program. If I get the courses that a first year eng cert takes I can transfer in.
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05-17-2013, 12:41 PM
#2675 | What hasn't Killed me, has made me more tolerant of RS!
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They didn't make you declare when you tried to register?! They redid the registration thing where someone mentioned earlier your declared major/program plays a part in registration time - guessing that'll affect whether or not you'll be able to get your courses. Don't worry, you have a few under your belt after this semester so you'll be ahead of all the freshmen come time to register for fall.
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