You know this brings up a lot of issues that are big concerns right now. The US is really worried that someone is going to attempt to assassinate Obama. So far the KKK says they don't have any violent intentions (but why would they say anyways...), but they plan to all wear black bands on their arms during the inauguration, and fly American flags outside their house upside down. Then apparently Obama is taking some train ride across the United states or something, and they're saying it's a security nightmare. Even environmental groups are concerned, because they're thinking someone will try to blow up a chemical / power plant next to the railroad to take him out. A lot of this could just be fear mongering by the media, but I would think that there's some truths in there. I know I'd be finding the most secure vehicle available to me if I was him.
Last edited by dustinb; 01-16-2009 at 08:43 PM.