i have one, you get it for a year.... the cost for the program (1st part) is about $1000 and then if the super says you might be a high risk... then you will have to get the interlock, its like $600 at first and about $120 a month. i had 3 24hr suspension, the first time i had 1 beer and got pulled over 2 minutes after i left the bar, second time i had 2 beer but waited about 2 hours, and got pulled over about a few minute again after i left (i guess they had me on the computer) the third time, i was totally wasted, but i actually didn't drive, i went to my car and had to get something out, anyways... i have the interlock and it's annoying.. first you blow into it, after you pass, in about 3 to 5 minutes you have to blow again... and the next time after.... it could be at anytime.
also, even after telling them i didnt drink anymore, i still got it, and the funny thing is, there were 2 guys who drinking during the responsible drivers program, and they didn't even have to get one... they said they went to AA