The law on having a TV in your car is fairly straight forward.
You can have a TV operating in your car as long as it's not visible to the Driver. It must be securely fastened, and not obstructing the view of the driver.
If a display is visible to a driver, it can only display "information or data solely designed to assist the driver". It must still be securely fastened, and not obstruct the driver's view. (Watching a movie or music videos does not fall within the category of information or data solely designed to assist the driver)
In response to your actual questions posted above
"Now the deck was used, and is not wired with any ebrake lock out code. What is the legality here?"
I do believe it's not actully illegal to not have the ebrake lock out wired. The ebrake lock out is put there by the manufactures to stay compliant with the Acts/Rules/Regulations of differnt jurisdictions. It ensures the manufacturer is not putting out a product which allows a driver to be distracted while driving. By having the ebrake lock out included in their product they have done their part to ensure liability does not fall on them. If you choose not to have that ebrake lock out installed you can not hold the manufacturer responsible if you get into an accident, because they will have a defence, and they did what was possible to prevent video from being displayed while driving.
Generally if you get one of those units installed by a licensed shop, they will tell you it's illegal for them not to install the ebrake lock out. Because if they do not install that, you will be able to watch while your vehicle is in motion, and now that shop has contravened the act/rule/regulations etc...
"But is even having it capable of playing illegal?"
No, it is not.
"Should there be a punitive measure attached to the possibility, but not the act?"
No, because that gets into different issues all together. Things that are legal can be used for an illegal purpose. That doesn't mean you should face punitive sanctions for the possibility.
E.G. A brick is legal, when you hit someone in the head with it, the act is illegal.
"But if I get pulled over, can an officer make me test a movie, and then ticket me for it?"
No. The officer has to catch you in the act to ticket you.
Last edited by Uncle Benz; 02-06-2009 at 04:36 PM.