I rent a small shop near downtown (walking distance to LordCo

) that I used to share with my brother. He has since moved back east for work, and won't be living out this end anytime soon. Currently, I am the sole renter of a small, one car shop. My MR2 is modified, but not aggressively, so I only use the shop from time to time for maintenance and the odd shiny-new-bit install.
I want to split the rent two or three ways. It's cheap, and it's tucked out of sight (+ stupid close to downtown). I've got a few requirements though, they're not biggies, I just want to deal with the right sort of crowd:
- You'll want a compact car; it's not a big shop. A 2nd gen Integra hatch is a bit tight, but quite workable. MR2s, Civic hatches, CRXs, Minis, etc. will be easier to fit in.
- No ricers, no street racers, no crackheads (hey, it's Nanaimo!)
- I don't care if you drag, auto-x, drift or circuit race, but if you do at least one, big plus.
- This shop is tucked away in a neighborhood and I know the people in the area, so no un-muffled cars, revving needlessly, burn-outs, etc. Keep it stealth.
- No crowds.
Yeah, I know, I'm picky

. But I'm just looking for a fellow gearhead that wants a place to work on his car in peace and quiet for less than the cost of a single hour of a dealership's shop time.
I have a number of hand tools (+jack +jackstands) and a wee compressor that is handy for boost leak testing and blowing crap out of crevices. There is shelving that you can store wheels and tires on, plus some room for other odds and ends.
There is no bathroom (but Timmies is close), and no running water in the shop, but there is a faucet on one of the other buildings in the complex that the shop is a part of. I just run a hose over, and wash my car there quite often.