Originally Posted by AsRealAsItGets never heard of it. is jojoba oil like castor oil or olive oil? |
Castor oil will make you poo if you ingest enough of it =P It's a natural laxative.
Carmex is a great cheap remedy that you can pick up at any local drug store, small yellow container, smells like shit. The other would be Vaseline. Coat it right before you sleep and once it starts getting better (not bloody) take a damp toothbrush and lightly exfoliate it for a couple days with warm water or you can use a bit of sugar and rub your lips, then apply a thick coat of Vaseline at night and Carmex during the day (less shiny) and you should be good as new.
A bit pricier but amazing results would be Kiehl's #1 Lip moisterizer and La Roche Posay Nutritic Lips and seriously your lips would be baby butt soft.
There is also a possibility that your lips might need something stronger, like a medicated lipbalm. The medicated Blistex mentioned above is great.