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03-04-2009, 01:02 PM
#26 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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250 on winter tires in below freezing conditions isnt too bad you guys are right, he should be allowed to since theres prob no cars in the stretch in front of him
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03-04-2009, 01:04 PM
#27 | Limited to Fight Club
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More of a punishment to be caught speeding @ 250 kph than being a Bacon brother
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03-04-2009, 01:10 PM
#28 | Banned (ABWS)
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Originally Posted by Mugen EvOlutioN why $10g
why not just a $345 exceesive speed
i mean it is excessive | Ontario has a "Stunt driving" law for cars caught doing > 50kmph over the limit, and a variety of other offenses. You lose your car for 7 days and have to pay a $2-10K fine. Then your insurance rapes you.
While designed to catch guys like this, since it was originally called "Street racing law", its been mostly catching soccer moms and businessmen.
Don't worry, socialist laws like this will end up on the left coast soon, Onatrio and BC are both under Liberal rule.
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03-04-2009, 01:12 PM
#29 | Banned (ABWS)
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Originally Posted by Jason00S2000 More of a punishment to be caught speeding @ 250 kph than being a Bacon brother | than being caught driving drunk... for the 3rd time!
lesson learned: its better to drive drunk in Ontario than excessively speed.
This law was designed for nothing more than public attention, since < 10 deaths in 8 years by street racers made the front page news... while the group of people grandma ran over barely makes the back pages.
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03-04-2009, 01:14 PM
#30 | Banned (ABWS)
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Originally Posted by cococly lol. No one seems to be interested on my comment above...
That radar jammar thingy
In theory, if he got the V1, he wouldn't be charged with excessive speed... | Illegal in Ontario.
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03-04-2009, 01:24 PM
#31 | My AFC gave me an ABS CEL code of LOL while at WOT!
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Im goin to Vegas in Sept and i was planning on renting a viper for the day and goin at least 250km on one of those straight desert highways. not really worth the 10g's tho and they prob rape u even worse in the states. maybe i can to the vegas speedway or sumtin.
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03-04-2009, 01:48 PM
#32 | Glorious Gaming PC Master Race
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for those who think this kind of behavior is fine when "its a long stretch of road with no one on it"....
how do you know there's no one on it unless it a closed road? i seriously doubt anyone can see that far ahead (going 250k) and could stop in time.
stalled van in the carpool lane anyone?
unless he had radar he's putting everyone at risk.
how about the Emergency personnel who have to respond to the horrific car crash (if he wiped out)? burning cars pose a hazzard to rescue personnel.
too many possible variables to make this safe in any possible way.
he should lose his licence and car forever.
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03-04-2009, 01:57 PM
#33 | Ricer Mod
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Well E.... he stopped in time not to hit the cop cars that pulled out on the road in front of him.
Also at night you CAN see lights pretty damn far down the road. I can't believe you would say he should lose his license forever because I KNOW you own a fast civic and I KNOW at some point in time you have tested how fast it goes. We all do.
At what point should he NOT lose his license forever? 200? 150?
Berz out.
President of RS Beat Down Crew
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03-04-2009, 02:32 PM
#34 | Glorious Gaming PC Master Race
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^^guilty. i was young and stupid as fuck. now im just old.
given the overall conditions, even a moron shoulda known better  he was 26. dumbass behavior should end @ 19 IMO lol
anyways hope he learned something.
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03-04-2009, 02:41 PM
#35 | SFICC-03*
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at 250, if a car changes into your lane at 90kph, you'd probably kill more than just yourself.
im not saying i havent been over 200kph on a hwy, but i wouldnt say it was very smart.
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03-04-2009, 03:00 PM
#36 | Limited to Fight Club
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Originally Posted by taylor192 than being caught driving drunk... for the 3rd time!
lesson learned: its better to drive drunk in Ontario than excessively speed.
This law was designed for nothing more than public attention, since < 10 deaths in 8 years by street racers made the front page news... while the group of people grandma ran over barely makes the back pages. |
I think that fact would just make me angry. I'm going to pretend I did not read this.
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03-04-2009, 03:03 PM
#37 | Ricer Mod
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Originally Posted by Jason00S2000 I think that fact would just make me angry. I'm going to pretend I did not read this. | LOL if only the mind could do this..... oh the interweb has brought me many things I wish I could unsee....
Berz out.
President of RS Beat Down Crew
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03-04-2009, 03:21 PM
#38 | Banned (ABWS)
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Originally Posted by Jason00S2000 I think that fact would just make me angry. I'm going to pretend I did not read this. | The police commissioner of Ontario is flexing his muscle, picking on those the media hates anyways.
Yet, driving 50 over qualified for careless/dangerous driving in Ontario even before this new law, so you really shouldn't be driving that fast anyways (says the guy with a speeding ticket of 63 over when he was 17  I'm 30 and know better now).
Police cannot ticket you if you're not breaking the law.
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03-04-2009, 04:09 PM
#39 | This title intentionally left blank MOD
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You know what I learned from Fast & The Furious: Tokyo Drift? That if you go fast enough, they can't catch you! Oh, and that you can drift down busy downtown streets filled with pedestrians and you won't actually hit any of them.
/end useless comment
That being said... the guy had his car pinned at top speed. I'm curious how long he was going 250 for. Rather stupid of the cops to block him off when they knew he was going that fast, though. Cold weather + no idea what kind of car he was driving + no idea if the car was stolen + no idea the mechanical condition of the brakes + no idea if he would actually stop, etc. just screams stupidity on their part, if they actually did interpose themselves in his way as the article says.
__________________ Classifieds Head Moderator Automotive Service Technician I don't have an anger problem. I have an idiot problem. |
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03-04-2009, 04:37 PM
#40 | Ricer Mod
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Originally Posted by billboa Im goin to Vegas in Sept and i was planning on renting a viper for the day and goin at least 250km on one of those straight desert highways. not really worth the 10g's tho and they prob rape u even worse in the states. maybe i can to the vegas speedway or sumtin. |
If your serious you might want to know that often on High End "rental" vehicles like a Viper and such that you can rent for a day of fun have electronics installed that monitor your speed. When your done with the car they extrapolate the data and fine you (the dealership that is) based on how fast you were going and for how long. Kind of a ... pay to play ... type deal.
Berz out.
President of RS Beat Down Crew
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03-04-2009, 04:52 PM
#41 | I Will not Admit my Addiction to RS
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Originally Posted by GLOW messiah?
sorry dude, if you want to fly in your car at 250km/hr dont do it on a public road. you could be putting other ppl's lives at risk.
it didnt say if there wasnt or wasnt anyone else on the road at the time. as a driver i'm not going to assume a road is empty and i doubt that he even cared if there was anyway.
a police officer tagged him so there was at least 1 person in the general area at the time. | |
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03-05-2009, 12:37 PM
#42 | My AFC gave me an ABS CEL code of LOL while at WOT!
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Originally Posted by Berzerker If your serious you might want to know that often on High End "rental" vehicles like a Viper and such that you can rent for a day of fun have electronics installed that monitor your speed. When your done with the car they extrapolate the data and fine you (the dealership that is) based on how fast you were going and for how long. Kind of a ... pay to play ... type deal.
Berz out. | oh really? damn that sucks. thx for the info man.
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03-05-2009, 05:00 PM
#43 | Everyone wants a piece of R S...
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Originally Posted by Berzerker Why is he in idiot? Long stretch of highway with no other cars on the road... only one he's gonna kill is himself... IF anything went wrong.
I'm impressed he stopped his car in 600 meters from that speed though and I think the police are the idiots for pulling their cars out on the road to block the path of a car you just clocked doing 250...
Berz out. | agreed 100%
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Originally Posted by Jason00S2000 I had a very interesting, memorable experience on crack, but I would not do it again as it is cocaine but x100. It's too strong and does not make you feel good, just "high" and nothing else.
It's like when you want to relax after work, and instead of having 1 beer with your girlfriend on a patio, you chug a 40oz of Everclear and strap yourself to the wing of an F-22 Raptor about to take off. | - My Feedback
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03-05-2009, 06:49 PM
#44 | I don't get it
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Originally Posted by GLOW messiah?
sorry dude, if you want to fly in your car at 250km/hr dont do it on a public road. you could be putting other ppl's lives at risk.
it didnt say if there wasnt or wasnt anyone else on the road at the time. as a driver i'm not going to assume a road is empty and i doubt that he even cared if there was anyway.
a police officer tagged him so there was at least 1 person in the general area at the time. |
100% agree
What are the chances of there being nobody on the road? Going 250km/h you're covering a lot of ground...the chances of the road being empty through that long stretch is low. As mentioned, there was a cop that clocked his speed so there was at least one person there.
check this video out
it's pretty cool but you can see how dangerous it can be at 0:35. I'm sure the driver who got fined *may* have been able to stop on time, but there's just TOO many variables. What if there was a slight hill? What if there was a curve? These prevent you from seeing the vehicle ahead early enough to stop in time. Also, all it takes is one person to change lanes in front of you to cause an accident. The person changing lanes is not gonna see you barreling down behind him at 250!
plain dumb IMO
PS. I know driving fast like this is more common in teens, but it is those ppl who smoke/drink, think they're cool "popular" type "teens" who do this the most.
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03-05-2009, 06:53 PM
#45 | I don't get it
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Originally Posted by GLOW messiah?
sorry dude, if you want to fly in your car at 250km/hr dont do it on a public road. you could be putting other ppl's lives at risk.
it didnt say if there wasnt or wasnt anyone else on the road at the time. as a driver i'm not going to assume a road is empty and i doubt that he even cared if there was anyway.
a police officer tagged him so there was at least 1 person in the general area at the time. |
100% agree
What are the chances of there being nobody on the road? Going 250km/h you're covering a lot of ground...the chances of the road being empty through that long stretch is low. As mentioned, there was a cop that clocked his speed so there was at least one person there.
check this video out
it's pretty cool but you can see how dangerous it can be at 0:35. I'm sure the driver who got fined *may* have been able to stop on time, but there's just TOO many variables. What if there was a slight hill? What if there was a curve? These prevent you from seeing the vehicle ahead early enough to stop in time. Also, all it takes is one person to change lanes in front of you to cause an accident. The person changing lanes is not gonna see you barreling down behind him at 250!
plain dumb IMO
PS. I know driving fast like this is more common in teens, but based on my experience, it is those ppl who smoke/drink, think they're cool "popular" type "teens" who do this the most.
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