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03-17-2009, 02:58 PM
#26 | I subscribe to the Revscene NWS thread(s)
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^ That's pretty retarded logic.
So they're sitting on their hands doing nothing so they can collect taxes on booze and smokes? So you're saying they have corporate interests ahead of the protection of the people they are accountable to - the taxpayers?
Believe it or not, the government isn't trying to stop people from drinking. They're trying to stop them from drinking AND driving. They place penalties on drinking and driving to discourage the act. I personally don't think they're harsh enough, but that's a whole other matter. Drink all you want...but take a cab home, or have a designated driver. Don't fuck up someone else's life over a $30 cab fare. It's not meant to be a cash grab but sometimes the only way to get through to people is through their wallets.
Street racing is very much as irresponsible as drinking and driving, and the punishment should fit the crime. I don't think it's an issue of who gets affected from the penalties and the amount of revenue they can generate from these people who will be punished.
I think the punishment for drinking and driving should be just as severe as street racing. Drinking and driving punishments are nowhere near severe enough to discourage people from doing it.
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03-17-2009, 03:25 PM
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03-17-2009, 03:30 PM
#28 | Banned By Establishment
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Originally Posted by Adsdeman I love driving like a fucking idiot!!! Street racing is safe, drink driving is not. Street racing is safe, not wearing a seatbelt is not. | Finally, somebody with a brain
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03-17-2009, 06:03 PM
#29 | I Will not Admit my Addiction to RS
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I'm sure FREDDY wants to contribute to this thread?
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03-17-2009, 06:40 PM
#30 | No Duplicate Accounts Allowed
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IM not sure with my info,
Isnt dui already at a "high" in prevention? like isnt it already a criminal record, jailtime, etc. that you say street racing is turning into? so whats so bad about making street racing penalty/act come up to par with DD.
i honestly havent seen that much $$ spent into anti- street racing maybe its just me but,
Drinking: AA, MADD, ID checks, Police, TV ads/Media, breathlyzer,
Street Racing: police and the occasional Stories of how people were caught but not actual prevention ads. the only prevention media i can remember is that news story on the s2000 video of 240km/h.
more people DD because its less obvious to get caught with.
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03-17-2009, 07:22 PM
#31 | Banned By Establishment
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Originally Posted by simsimi1004 IM not sure with my info,
Isnt dui already at a "high" in prevention? like isnt it already a criminal record, jailtime, etc. that you say street racing is turning into? so whats so bad about making street racing penalty/act come up to par with DD.
i honestly havent seen that much $$ spent into anti- street racing maybe its just me but,
Drinking: AA, MADD, ID checks, Police, TV ads/Media, breathlyzer,
Street Racing: police and the occasional Stories of how people were caught but not actual prevention ads. the only prevention media i can remember is that news story on the s2000 video of 240km/h.
more people DD because its less obvious to get caught with. | no you get an easy slap on the wrist for DUI consider how many people die from it. no crim record, no jail time (unless you count drunk tank if you're severely drunk), and the media doesn't care
street racing now is criminal because 8 people died from it last year, whereas 110 people died in BC ALONE and nothing is being done about drinking/driving.
why is this in fight club? SERIOUS TOPIC!
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03-17-2009, 07:25 PM
#32 | Banned By Establishment
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Originally Posted by PrincessPeiPei I'm sure FREDDY wants to contribute to this thread? | he probably does, what's your point? i'm not condoning street racing, im saying how retarded our system is. got anything valuable to add, princess?
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03-17-2009, 07:40 PM
#33 | Banned By Establishment
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rofl. who cares.
Another pointless thread. Just race if you like at the track.
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03-17-2009, 08:01 PM
#34 | Proud to be called a RS Regular!
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Originally Posted by Adsdeman I love driving like a fucking idiot!!! Street racing is safe, drink driving is not. Street racing is safe, not wearing a seatbelt is not. | HAHA! I think I kind of fit into the same catagory and I have never been in an accident. Many of my friends have crashed their cars drinking but they never really came close while street racing.
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03-17-2009, 09:51 PM
#35 | Banned By Establishment
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Originally Posted by sf666@BNR32 rofl. who cares.
Another pointless thread. Just race if you like at the track. | How is this pointless? Freddy was on the news and he got 9 pages worth of the same retarded flaming. Like we get it, the guy likes to do burn outs, w/e. Half the people that flame him are just blindly jumping on the band wagon. But when I make a thread with real issues and facts to boot, no one gives a flying fuck because I make a good point and there's nothing more to prove.
Now this thread's in fight club for some unknown reason... revscene censorship lol the mods must silence those who speak out against the bandwagon's path
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03-18-2009, 01:31 PM
#36 | Banned By Establishment
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Originally Posted by BNR32_Coupe How is this pointless? Freddy was on the news and he got 9 pages worth of the same retarded flaming. Like we get it, the guy likes to do burn outs, w/e. Half the people that flame him are just blindly jumping on the band wagon. But when I make a thread with real issues and facts to boot, no one gives a flying fuck because I make a good point and there's nothing more to prove.
Now this thread's in fight club for some unknown reason... revscene censorship lol the mods must silence those who speak out against the bandwagon's path | I'm just saying, it's been brought up millions of times before in the past with all sortsa facts and everything. Nothing personal
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03-18-2009, 02:58 PM
#37 | Banned By Establishment
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Originally Posted by sf666@BNR32 I'm just saying, it's been brought up millions of times before in the past with all sortsa facts and everything. Nothing personal | we're supposed to be username brothers man come on |
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03-18-2009, 03:21 PM
#38 | My homepage has been set to RS
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I think for the fact that when people are drunk they cant make decisions and hence they drink/drive and fuck up... ( there being influenced by "Something" ) I doubt most people actually think about O im going to get smashed and drive home tonight!
Street racing on the other hand, the decision to speed/race is by the driver. Your not under the influence of anything, so you SHOULD be held more responsible for your actions. ( stricter penalties )
That and i dont tihnk you can compare Street racing to DUIs... like toher people posted the ratio to street races vs drunk people are way off..
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03-19-2009, 01:18 PM
#39 | they call me the snowman
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Originally Posted by BNR32_Coupe How is this pointless? | It's not pointless at all. It's just diggy showing his ignorance and insolence. He's an unloved fat kid who's mother should have been slapped when his fat ass slid out of her bearded taco...
Anyway, the problem is that they have a coined the term "street racing" to mean "any form of racing on the street". Now, I'm not for street racing, because it is dangerous most of the time. However, my definition of street racing IS ripping down Robson in your mom's Accord. It's hugely different than what we used to do, which was "midnite drags". Find a safe place to race, and go at it. It's been happening since the 50's, and no form of "track racing" can every equal the fun and excitement of racing for cash at 2am.
Good thread.
It's too bad you have those like syee who are fear mongering, and repeating the same drivel that the media used to sell advertising space.
Just like they're doing now with the shootings...
"What are your chances of getting shot?" - news at 11.
or five years ago...
"What are your chances of being struck by a street racer?" - news at 11.
The facts are there.
Drunk driving, no seatbelts, or even driving while tired are far more dangerous to the public, than me and my buddy ripping down river road at 2am.
The facts don't lie.
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03-19-2009, 01:38 PM
#40 | I subscribe to the Revscene NWS thread(s)
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originalhypa - now you're just arguing semantics. Street racing covers all those types of racing you mention. Whether it be Robson St, Marine Drive or River Road. Street racing is racing on public streets regardless of where it is.
Am I spewing out fear mongering drivel? I don't see it as drivel. As someone who has been personally affected by it, I have reasons for my opinion. Is there no truth in what I say? Sure the stats being thrown around are low relatively speaking, but you can't argue that nobody has been killed by it.
You don't like the negativity thrown towards street racing? Blame the 18 year old fucktards that just got their N's and want to race anything with 4 wheels or want to do burnouts in parking lots. Just don't say I'm a fear mongerer spreading lies and half truths because that's the furthest from what I'm trying to do. I'm just stating my opinions on the matter. When you have someone you know killed by a street racer, come back here and tell me if you still have the same opinions about street racing.
While I agree that the media sensationalizes the issues to get more viewers, it still doesn't erase the fact that there is an underlying problem that needs to be addressed. I'm not debating racing is more or less dangerous than drunk driving, seatbelts, etc. If someone gets killed, it's dangerous period. I personally don't care for the varying degrees of it. The laws are there for a reason - to prevent anarchy and people from killing themselves, or other innocent people.
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03-19-2009, 10:31 PM
#41 | Banned By Establishment
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Originally Posted by BNR32_Coupe we're supposed to be username brothers man come on | hhahaha... totally...
I guess i'm more angry at work when stupid clients call in
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03-20-2009, 01:43 PM
#42 | Banned By Establishment
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Originally Posted by syee originalhypa - now you're just arguing semantics. Street racing covers all those types of racing you mention. Whether it be Robson St, Marine Drive or River Road. Street racing is racing on public streets regardless of where it is.
Am I spewing out fear mongering drivel? I don't see it as drivel. As someone who has been personally affected by it, I have reasons for my opinion. Is there no truth in what I say? Sure the stats being thrown around are low relatively speaking, but you can't argue that nobody has been killed by it.
You don't like the negativity thrown towards street racing? Blame the 18 year old fucktards that just got their N's and want to race anything with 4 wheels or want to do burnouts in parking lots. Just don't say I'm a fear mongerer spreading lies and half truths because that's the furthest from what I'm trying to do. I'm just stating my opinions on the matter. When you have someone you know killed by a street racer, come back here and tell me if you still have the same opinions about street racing.
While I agree that the media sensationalizes the issues to get more viewers, it still doesn't erase the fact that there is an underlying problem that needs to be addressed. I'm not debating racing is more or less dangerous than drunk driving, seatbelts, etc. If someone gets killed, it's dangerous period. I personally don't care for the varying degrees of it. The laws are there for a reason - to prevent anarchy and people from killing themselves, or other innocent people. | street racing is a non-issue these days. 8 street racing deaths in 1 year in our nation.
although the act of doing something dangerous is pre-meditated (everyone knows racing on track or street is dangerous), the act of intentionally killing somebody isn't. nobody races to run into an oncoming car or pedestrian. that would be classified as an accident, just like drinking.
some may say when you're hammered, you're not in the right state of mind to make the decision between getting into a cab and getting into your car.
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03-20-2009, 02:01 PM
#43 | they call me the snowman
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Natasha Richardson bumped her head skiing and died.
Does that suddenly make all skiing dangerous?
syee, your opinion is jaded due to personal loss. That's the same reason they won't let a police officer deal with a case that affects them personally. Same goes for a judge. You can't think straight with that sort of personal history.
You can't make "street racing" an all encompassing law. That's the reason why these charges aren't sticking. It's far too vague, and a prime example of the Conservatives knee jerk reaction to media induced paranoia.
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03-21-2009, 02:32 AM
#44 | My homepage has been set to RS
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Originally Posted by q0192837465 YOU GUYS ARE A BUNCH OF IDIOTS...
Let's think about it for a moment. Why does the government want to place harsher penalties for drinking and driving in the first place? By doing so, the government risks upsetting alcohol companies. A significant portion of the government's income comes from taxes on alcohol and tobacco. If less people drink, the governemtn will lose money. Just as if less people smoke, they'll get less tax. | Holy moly, have you ever heard of healthcare? I suppose you think thats free huh? There is no way we should be taxing the very things that equate to heathcare usage then right?
Your sig is correct...your ignorance is bliss.
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03-21-2009, 11:12 AM
#45 | Head Moderator
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Originally Posted by syee originalhypa - now you're just arguing semantics. Street racing covers all those types of racing you mention. Whether it be Robson St, Marine Drive or River Road. Street racing is racing on public streets regardless of where it is. | Here, I'll respond with what I wrote earlier... Quote:
Originally Posted by Lomac I know I might be splitting hairs here but there's a difference between red light drag racing, closing off an industrial park for an actual full race, and carving the twisties up in the mountains. Does the media see it differently? Of course not. | Quote:
Originally Posted by syee Am I spewing out fear mongering drivel? I don't see it as drivel. As someone who has been personally affected by it, I have reasons for my opinion. Is there no truth in what I say? Sure the stats being thrown around are low relatively speaking, but you can't argue that nobody has been killed by it. | In the USA between '98 and '01, there were 149,568 automotive-related deaths. Of that number, only 315 were attributed to "street racing," a mere 0.21%. That's what I'd call less than relatively low. Yes, a death is a death, regardless of how it occurs. However, when the punishment for carving the twisties at 2am when there's no one else on the road can be harsher than many other crimes that directly involve harm to other people (intentional vs accidental), it creates an unfair imbalance of crime and punishment. It's like if you murdered someone and know you're gong to be found guilty of it, you're better off killing everyone you need to because the Courts aren't going to throw you consecutive terms... you'll just serve 'em all at the same time. Quote:
Originally Posted by syee You don't like the negativity thrown towards street racing? Blame the 18 year old fucktards that just got their N's and want to race anything with 4 wheels or want to do burnouts in parking lots. Just don't say I'm a fear mongerer spreading lies and half truths because that's the furthest from what I'm trying to do. I'm just stating my opinions on the matter. When you have someone you know killed by a street racer, come back here and tell me if you still have the same opinions about street racing. | F&F introduced an underground sport to the masses, which inevitably sparked a renewed interested in street racing. The older guys (and girls) that had been doing it safely for years suddenly found themselves surrounded by idiots doing burnouts on public streets with it's still crowded, people racing in busy city streets, and other stupid stunts. It's not just 18 year old kids with a brand new N on the back of the car that did this. It was basically anyone who found out about the "culture" and decided they wanted to be cool too without trying to understand or learn anything about respect and how you should or shouldn't act.
I know someone who was killed in what was officially deemed a "street racing incident," yet that doesn't stop me from running around the foothills in Langley or finding twisties up in the mountains. The difference is I know what can be considered dangerous to the public.
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03-25-2009, 12:39 AM
#46 | Banned By Establishment
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Originally Posted by Lomac Here, I'll respond with what I wrote earlier...
In the USA between '98 and '01, there were 149,568 automotive-related deaths. Of that number, only 315 were attributed to "street racing," a mere 0.21%. That's what I'd call less than relatively low. Yes, a death is a death, regardless of how it occurs. However, when the punishment for carving the twisties at 2am when there's no one else on the road can be harsher than many other crimes that directly involve harm to other people (intentional vs accidental), it creates an unfair imbalance of crime and punishment. It's like if you murdered someone and know you're gong to be found guilty of it, you're better off killing everyone you need to because the Courts aren't going to throw you consecutive terms... you'll just serve 'em all at the same time.
F&F introduced an underground sport to the masses, which inevitably sparked a renewed interested in street racing. The older guys (and girls) that had been doing it safely for years suddenly found themselves surrounded by idiots doing burnouts on public streets with it's still crowded, people racing in busy city streets, and other stupid stunts. It's not just 18 year old kids with a brand new N on the back of the car that did this. It was basically anyone who found out about the "culture" and decided they wanted to be cool too without trying to understand or learn anything about respect and how you should or shouldn't act.
I know someone who was killed in what was officially deemed a "street racing incident," yet that doesn't stop me from running around the foothills in Langley or finding twisties up in the mountains. The difference is I know what can be considered dangerous to the public. | OMFG... somebody with >5 brain cells on this board. i was totally expecting a long lecture on the same redundant "dont wanna hear it, street racing is bad and kills people, period"
can we please sticky this or something? how about revive it back into the VOT forum for a few days, see how it does? |
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03-25-2009, 08:37 AM
#47 | I subscribe to the Revscene NWS thread(s)
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Well, I've already said my opinions on it, and so I'm not going to reiterate anything. If you think that the penalties for street racing (or any type of racing for that matter) on public roads are wrong, then do something about it. Go talk to your local MP to have them reduce the penalties or make it legal.
However, you better have a pretty convincing argument. I've also noticed that nobody has provided a SOLUTION to the problem. The only argument I see is that because X number of people have died so it's not dangerous "relatively speaking". If you can think of a law that exempts an "experienced" person from the yahoos that are irresponsible, then be my guest and bring some public awareness to it and try to make it legal.
Laws are made to protect people, and you can't selectively apply the laws from person to person. A death is a death, and the government is looking out for everybody's best interests (i.e. reducing the number of deaths) when making laws against this. One death is already one too many, especially when you ask the family that lost their loved one. You guys obviously think there's way too much room for interpretation in the laws against this so you should speak up and do something about it instead of bitching on a forum where it falls on deaf ears (and is subject to mockery now since it's in fight club)
Anyways, I've said my piece, and I'm done with the debate. Again, if you guys don't like how things are being handled, do something about it by talking to someone who can make a change. Right now, it's only a discussion between a bunch of people on a forum and really isn't going to make a difference unless people can come up with good ideas that can be presented to people that can actually do something about it.
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03-25-2009, 12:38 PM
#48 | Head Moderator
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What sort of solution do I propose? How about adjusting the penalty to fit the crime? I don't expect "experienced" drivers to be exempt from the same laws as less experienced ones, but I do expect the law to be just and fair. How about opening more venues that allows people itching to race to do it in a safe, legal manner? Instead of going to MRP once a week when it's nice, how about closing off a few streets in industrial parks with the participation of the RCMP and, after signing a waiver, go for a few drags? How about ignoring all of the NIMBY's who whine and complain about noise from a track that's miles away and build a track anyway?
No, talking on a forum wont change anything; however, it will help gather and hone ideas on what may work if and when it's ever presented.
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03-25-2009, 12:40 PM
#49 | Head Moderator
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Thread moved back into VAC. Keep it clean, people.
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03-25-2009, 01:01 PM
#50 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Oh wow, it's like I never left.
I'll weigh in later, while I'm bored in class.
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