At this time there are no points for not wearing belts...but I wish there were a similar number as other violations. I wish the Govt showed they were serious about seatbelt usage. Many times I saw JPs reduce seatbelt fines because the drivers were "nice people"...and they were, but they do not send the right message. Most of the abusive (me getting the abuse) tickets I issued were for seatbelt tickets from people who pulled the belt after seeing me and then got violent because I was questioning their integrity. PITA to issue and a slap in the face when I wasn't backed up by the courts. As far as having sympathy for anyone getting a genuine seatbelt ticket...I saw the result of needless death & injury too often to say anything other than the old line about where you find "sympathy" in the dictionary. This is NOT a rant aginst the poster here...just about the process itself.