FS: Contract + Iphone
The contract has the 6GB promo data plan for 30$.
As most of you may know, you can't get 6gb for anywhere near this price anymore.
Lifetimer: 4days 20 hours.
- The iphone is 8GB, at 9/10 condition with screen protector and rubber case since day 1.
- It has unlockable baseband and firmware but locked to rogers ATM.
- The phone has specks of dust under the screen which is a good thing or bad thing for you.
1. You'll be able to exchange it for a brand new one at APPLE store, but if you do, there might be chance you will get a phone thats not unlockable.
(NEW Phone)
2. You can keep unlockable phone but will have speck of dust. Its quite unnoticable for dialy use though.
Asking for 200$ OBO.
To wrap it up.
You are paying 250$ for:
1 x 8GB Black iphone
1 x 2 years and few month contract which has the 6GB for 30$ Data plan included.
*Correct me if im wrong, but im guessing the data plan will work for other phones also.*
*and First HUP will be available soon*
Also looking to trade just phones. BB specifically.
Last edited by simsimi1004; 04-03-2009 at 02:12 AM.