Victoria Motor Sports Club
Spring Autocross Event #1
Western Speedway (2207 Millstream Rd.)
Bring-a-Newbie Event
Get a two for one entry fee if you bring a new to Autocross entrant. This means a
new entrant, never autocrossed before. I have heard that the course design is going to a clean and simple design by Jim Sandwith.
Saturday April 25 2009
This is the first event of the Spring series.
Registration and tech is earlier than the winter series and ends at 9:00AM as we have to be off the track mid-afternoon.
Competitors may register in-person on event day or on the VMSC forum in this thread:
Please feel free to register here even it is a maybe.
Please register to help speed up the process! Also, note any car/PAX class changes from 2008.
Members $30 {With a newbie, 2 entries for $30, new entrant does not need a membership}
Guests $40 {With a newbie, 2 entries for $40}
Membership applications/renewals are available for purchase at the
Registration & technical inspection from 8:00 to 9:00AM on event day in the Western Speedway parking lot.
When arriving at the lot, please line up for tech inspection. See the tech inspector for your tech form. When tech is complete, move your vehicle and proceed to registration. When completed with registration, please see if you can assist with track set up.
All participants and spectators must sign the insurance waiver
located at the registration desk prior to entering the track.
All drivers must present a valid license.
Minors (under 19) must have a parent/guardian sign the standard
release form.
Helmets must bear a Snell 2000 or 2005 (M or SA) certification
Wheels/tires to be used during the event must be installed on the
vehicle prior to inspection.
Please keep noise levels to a minimum and observe posted speed
limits when traveling near the track.
VMSC is a volunteer organization. We organize these events so that we may participate as well. As an entrant please offer your assistance, from tech inspection to track set up to take down. The easier the work is for the organizer the higher the likelihood of more events!
If you have a specific interest in any of the following positions please email :
Tech inspection
Trailer towing
Event organizer
Rent the new club car. Contact the Club Competition Director.
Jay Young