Originally Posted by taylor192
I've reduced my gas bill from ~$200/mn to ~$100/mn. Now that I'm biking to work, I hope to get it down to ~$50/mn. |
Exactly, you changed your lifestyle by riding a bike to reduce your bill on fuel.
Originally Posted by taylor192
I hope you're joking  those same kids you criticize for not driving 10-15 years ago are probably making $15-20/hr and don't appreciate someone driving a CLK effectively telling them "pay up suckas"  |
A person can afford a CLK/insurance/fuel/rent/food with a 17/hr job....i know i did when i first started out...you change your lifestyle to better suit your needs. (work more hours, spend less money on mods and commute by bus/bike etc.)
Everything is possible by being smart with money...its not impossible.
Majority of people who are complaining on RS are kids who don't think twice before putting on a useless modifications. Fart cans, intakes, ugly coloured rims and obnoxious blinding HIDs cost money, that money should be put to their fuel consumption.
bottom line, if you cant afford it, dont buy it.