what is the best and safest way to teach bite inhibition. my dog has never been good with fast moving thing like rollerblader, skateboarder and cyclist. through training we have pretty much got him to ignore them. He no longer actively chase after it. However he is still scare of them cause few days ago he was walking off leash and a bike sneak up behind him and unfortunately broke the 2 yr of no biting record we work so hard to keep
I want to train him to not react with a bite in these cicrumstance. I can tell he is scare of bikes and such ever since he bite a little girl on a bike when he was a puppy. Now he will give way to bikes and stay at least 5m away if he can see them coming, is it those biker that bike really fast and sneak up behind him that makes my dog have aggressive reaction.
He was a red zone case before and has come a long way. how do i replicate this bike sneaking up on it scenario without putting the biker that will be helping me in danger? Muzzle is not a good idea as he already got the idea he will be blank out to everything with the muzzle on.