Originally Posted by BNR32_Coupe You're ignorant for posting that without knowing that I don't condone the illegal activity, as I stated in my posts. HOWEVER, should you choose to do something illegal, might as well do a good job. <-- Note to flamers: Read this slowly and carefully. Ask a teacher, parent or guardian to explain what this means. Ignorance: the state in which a person lacks knowledge and is unaware of something.
Wow, that would have been a nice sight to see on the road. So many exotics in one place.
BNR32_Coupe.. These drivers did the right thing by pulling over. If you're caught, you're caught. There's no point in running cause you're going to get caught and when you do, you're going to be in even more trouble than you were in the first place. I'm definitely not saying they were right to speed cause I don't condone that at all.
Your many posts trying to convince everyone here that your abnormal thinking is somewhat right is making you sound more and more like a brain dead monkey. Nobody in their right mind will try to run from the cops. Maybe you will, but that's only because you believe, if you're going to do something illegal, you might as well do a good job of it right? I LOL'd when I read that.