well it was last year or 2 ago when i removed all 4 widsom tooths.. when they did it they crushed the tooth into little peices and took it out, i could tell cause they gave me my tooths in bunch of little peices...
well now its almost healed up, at the lower left gum i can feel a tooth peice is stuck in my gum near the cut wound.. well it sure feels hard and would hurt a bit if i tried to wiggle it out.. i looked in the mirror and moved the side of my mouth to one side so i could observe it and i could not see clearly what it could be, looks to be gums have grown around it...
can i live a normal life like this? a broken peice of tooth in my gum? it doesnt hurt at all.. would my gums eventualy push that broken tooth out of my gums?? i hate seeing the dentist
they always mess up somehow..