alright guys sorry for the confusion, the car is a DX model 89 civic.
the car is black all around, there is no interior in the car,except for the beige carpet and dash. All the fenders are still on the car, all four lights are in decent shape, the car has been sitting in a back yard for a little bit so its been collecting some nice dust/dirty/mold all the usual's. The mounts on the car are for a b18a , tranny is also b series. I didn't check the rear brakes, if there big brake conversion or not, ill check next time i get a chance. Also i don't know what to ask for the car, the pictures im posting are from my phone a bit rough, sorry. I didn't get a chance to grab my camera after work i just went straight there. So here goes, the pics kinda speak for themselves, Throw some offers and we can figure something out. Cheers