Mercedes wiring harness?
Maybe the sponsor's can help me with this one...
I bought a new deck to replace the MCS in my 2002 ML320. Now, my stock stereo is beyond basic (no Bose, no navigation, no CD player or changer, just a radio and tape player!), so I'm thinking there would be a harness out there somewhere...Any one of the sponsor's stock them?
THE ROCK: "What's your favorite donut?"
DETECTIVE #2: "Jelly."
THE ROCK: "Oh, you like jelly. Well, jelly's a good one. The Rock says this; write this down. When you leave here, go down to Dunkin Donuts, get the biggest jelly donut you can find!"
(crowd pops louder)
LAWLER: "Oh, no... this guy's a COP!"
THE ROCK: "Write it down. Hold that jelly donut up, SQUEEZE all the jelly out, squeeze all the-- write it down; you like writing things down-- squeeze all the jelly out, and then-- write this down, you don't want to forget this-- TURN that sumbitch sideways, and stick it STRAIGHT UP your CANDY ASS!" |