you guys are nuts.
I have a 5.5g long, i had 12 tetras and 1 betta and a few japonica in there for the longest time. the neons schooled together and stayed away from the betta. they left each other alone, but then again my betta wasnt aggressive, and the neons never fucked with the betta's fins.
that was 2007. they're all still around now. well the betta anyways.
in 2008 my 5.5g tank had 18 tetras. 12 full grown and a 6 younger ones. it also had 7 japonica. 1 betta, and 12 galaxy rasboras. yes all in my 5.5 gal. that was when it was max packed. they did fine. i found the 3 groups of different fish stuck to their own territory in the tanks. the betta stayed where there was less current, the rasboras stuck around the very planted areas and the neons kinda went wherever the betta wasnt, unless it was feeding time.
fuck it i'll just post pics. im sure some of you have seen before.
summer 2007 a few hours after i set up:
like 3 or 4 months later:
2 years later:
this dude is dead, he decided to find out what life was like outside his tank, needless to say, I didn't find him till he was a crispy dry.
this fucker is still around, he took over the 2.2g (smaller tank)
well, actually it's kind of a lie, my tanks are horrible and disgusting, right now. the smaller tank is over run with blue green algae, and the larger tank it's semi undercontrol. I never took a pic when i had all the rasboras.
I plan to completely destroy the smaller tank and redo it sometime this summer, make it nice again and throw in a few japonica and feeder shrimp (which breed and clean up like crazy). make it a simple betta tank.
the larger tank I'm going to completely redo as well, keep which ever tetras survive the cleanup process, throw in some more japonica and a shit ton of feeder shrimp. It's cruel but I'm going to get rid of the neons by letting them die of old age. I'd rather have a tank that almost takes care of itself completely.
if you're wondering where I got the bettas (and tanks/lights), I got them in taipei, i flew them back with me lol (yes the bettas and shrimp flew back with me haha). next time i go back im gonna get some more crown tails and half moons. they're dirt cheap there, like 3 dollars to 15 if u want a super duper nice one. I'll probably bring a shit load of super red cherry shrimp back with me as well.
I'll post pics in the near future of the cleaned up tanks.
some people give their fish a lot of room, most ppl don't give enough. I find that you can slightly give them less room, but just have plenty of plants and if you keep the water clean, no problem.