Well, the wife and I are in Whistler for the week on vacation... okay, KINDA vacation, as there's a convention here for her industry, so they roped her into spending a day there (which fortunately they aren't counting against her vacation days).
So while she was doing that yesterday, I decided to go find myself some off-roading in the Pat. Seems there's lots of trails around here, but not a huge amount of info on finding them except for a very excellent site at
www.bivouac.com (highly recommend this for anyone looking for wilderness and offroad info).
Anyway, managed to find my way to one Callaghan Lake and snapped a bunch of pics along the way, but unfortunately my phone's GPS was unable to get a fix the whole afternoon, so I don't have the actual tracks of my journey... had to find the road I took on Google Earth and attach the photos to it manually.
Hoping to get out and do some more exploring today, and I think I've got the GPS working. Meantime, here are some shots from yesterday's adventures, including geotags.