Originally Posted by RAYClovis :P Good to see that you're still trying to stay in shape, TracerFX. |
lol yeah, trying to stay in shape strength wise...I'm shit for stamina now that i'm db-less for 8 plus months on this godforsaken oven city. I'll be back July 5th.
You might just beat me on time trials
Originally Posted by L0uie69 once or twice a month, pull ups +45 x 5 , chin ups:+60 x 5, gym |
Once a month and you can do 5 sets of 45 pulls???
I cant decide whether you are:
a) a monster to be able to do 45 pull ups after not doing one for 30 days
b) lazy coz its once or twice a month.
c) you weigh 90 pounds or less?
d) ASSISTED pull ups?
either way, thats fucked up, and ditto on why bother.